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Monday, May 6, 2024

Covid is Not a Specific Disease

 When people say: “I had Covid,” what do they mean?

They mean they had a positive test for the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Very often, they had no clinical symptoms whatsoever – they “had” asymptomatic Covid. 

They may have suffered from the well-known symptoms of a common cold or a “flu” – fever, chills, shortness of breath, cough, sore throat, aching muscles. They may have felt a loss of smell and taste (anosmia, ageusia) without nasal obstruction – the only characteristic clinical symptom of an infection with SARS-CoV-2. That is to say, it was relatively characteristic with the early variants, but since the emergence of Omicron, it no longer is. Characteristic does not mean specific, however – many Covid “cases” did not lose their smell or taste, and the symptom can be caused by other pathogens too. 

Sometimes, their cold or flu may have progressed to pneumonia (chest infection) – the severe form of a respiratory infection that can be life-threatening, above all in the elderly or in immune-compromised patients with comorbidities. The clinical and radiological presentation of these severe forms is that of a non-specific, “atypical” pneumonia. There are no unequivocally distinctive signs that would differentiate them from the severe respiratory infections caused by a plethora of other viruses

Some people complain of persistent non-specific symptoms (e.g. brain fog, fatigue, decreased exercise capacity) months after they had their original illness with a positive test – “Long Covid.” 

The government of Queensland, Australia, has recently reported the results of an observational study that found that the frequency and severity of “Long Covid” symptoms mirrored those of post-infection syndromes after other viral illnesses. This result led a number of researchers and clinicians to conclude that it “was time to stop using the term ‘Long Covid.’ The lead author of the study, the state’s Chief Health Officer Dr. John Gerrard, stated: “Terms like ‘Long Covid’ wrongly imply there is something unique and exceptional about longer-term symptoms associated with this virus. This terminology can cause unnecessary fear, and in some cases, hypervigilance to longer symptoms that can impede recovery.”

Along the same lines of reasoning, one would naturally have to argue that the term “Covid-19” wrongly implies that there is something unique and exceptional about the acute symptoms associated with this virus – which clearly there is not. As we all know, this terminology has caused plenty of unnecessary fear. Over more than three years, it has also caused societal hypervigilance and political hysteria which not only impeded recovery in patients, but resulted in enormous damage to freedom, the economy, the health systems, and the lives of many people around the world. 

Despite the now widespread use of the expression everywhere, “Covid-19” is not a nosological entity of its own; that is to say, it is not a specific disease. The diagnosis depends only and entirely on the presence of a positive lab test for SARS-CoV-2. Without that test, “Covid-19” is a non-specific viral rhinitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia. In some rare cases, it may also become a non-specific viral myocarditis and/or it may involve other organs – like other respiratory viruses. Virtually every respiratory virus strain can cause dangerous complications

The enormous amount of biological research on SARS-CoV-2 notwithstanding – clinically, this virus was and is nothing new. Our immune systems need to confront fresh mutants of such respiratory pathogens every year.

However, has Covid been particularly and unusually dangerous, has it been particularly deadly?

We have been trying to separate “true” influenza from other viral respiratory infections (“common colds”), because it is generally more severe. Nevertheless, as the clinical symptoms are hardly discriminatory, we use the term “flu” (or “Grippe” in many other languages) rather indistinctively: By “flu season” we mean the high frequency of respiratory infections (due to many different viruses) during the winter months, with its accompanying rise of “excess deaths” – a rise whose importance varies from year to year. 

The question of whether Covid-19 has caused deaths in excess of what we would normally have to expect during flu seasons is still being debated and may never be entirely settled. I remain skeptical of correlations between positive tests and excess mortality and tend to subscribe to the alternative hypothesis that most, if not all, of any observed excess mortality was caused – directly or indirectly – by the societal and political reaction to the “pandemic.” 

The main argument in favor of this hypothesis continues to be the age distribution of Covid deaths – with an average which in most countries is a little higher than the general population’s (around 80 years in the developed world). Epidemiologically speaking, the Covid deaths were part of normal and unavoidable mortality. We are not immortal, and we die at our average age of death

The assumption that the Covid deaths, while displaying a similar age distribution, were (mostly) an addition to normal population mortality is contradicted by the fact that where excess mortalities could be observed in the years 2020 to 2023, they disproportionately – and tragically – concerned the younger generations, where they could not possibly have been caused by Covid.

Also, in contrast to what one would necessarily have to expect if Covid-19 had been exceptionally severe in comparison with other flu seasons, there were no increases in the total number of respiratory disease visits and admissions during the “pandemic” years, neither in GP or specialist practices, nor in hospitals and emergency care units. A few countries (Germany for example) even saw a decrease in these health services in 2020.

The personal impressions of many healthcare providers notwithstanding – epidemiologically, this “pandemic” was nothing new – a series of winter flu seasons. 

Undoubtedly, these simple deductions from the openly available facts and figures are scientific truths that will sooner or later become public knowledge. The truth train has started its journey; it will nevertheless travel for a long time, as there are many careers, reputations, and enormous amounts of money at stake.

The denomination of “Covid-19” as a specific disease has led to the development of specific measures, specific vaccines, and specific drugs against SARS-CoV-2 and its spread. 

More and more (but still too few) physicians and scientists are beginning to ask whether all these interventions reduce the total number of common cold and flu cases, the total number of pneumonias, the total number of hospitalizations, and – above all – the total number of deaths. These are, after all, the only truly relevant questions for public health. Up to this day, we have no hard data to help us answer these questions.

The purely clinical result from the Covid vaccine trials was that over the total duration of the trial, people in the vaccinated groups were much sicker than the ones who had received a placebo. Summing up the test-positive and the test-negative “cases” with the side effects demonstrates that they had far more fever, far more chills, more headaches, more myalgias, and more gastrointestinal discomforts – and these were exactly the non-specific clinical symptoms that counted as endpoints for the trials. The vaccinated may have had less positive tests to SARS-CoV-2, perhaps. Clinically, however, they were sicker than the placebo groups – and undoubtedly very significantly so. 

The commonly claimed “prevention of severe forms” has never been demonstrated. In the registration trials, the results for test-positive chest infections lacked significance because the numbers were too small. Above all, we have no hard evidence whatsoever concerning the efficacy of the Covid vaccines against all-cause pneumonias, all-cause hospitalizations, and total mortality. It would not have been difficult – and it would still be possible – to run outcomes trials with these endpoints. 

Incidentally, we have no convincing hard evidence for the clinical efficacy of the Influenza vaccines and therapeutics, either. It is therefore entirely possible – perhaps even likely – that all of the now abundantly used virus-specific strategies in our medical armamentarium have no or even negative effects on the outcomes of respiratory infections. These ubiquitous and omnipresent viruses are probably more or less interchangeable, meaning that whoever may be “protected” against a specific strain will catch another one if his or her immunity happens to be off guard. 

We should try and find out whether specific measures against a non-specific disease are truly warranted or not, and we know how this needs to be done. That the likely results of true outcome trials would be devastating for many experts and politicians is not a good reason to refrain from performing them. The truth will be out one day in any case. 

  • Manfred Horst, MD, PhD, MBA, studied medicine in Munich, Montpellier and London. He spent most of his career in the pharmaceutical industry, most recently in the research & development department of Merck & Co/MSD. Since 2017, he has been working as an independent consultant for pharma, biotech and healthcare companies (


Covid vax tied to myocarditis, pericarditis, ITP, Guillain Barre, Bell's Palsy, ADEM, PE, Febrile seizures & more

 A new paper appears in the journal Vaccine, and is the largest analysis (to date) of COVID19 vaccine safety. It looks at 99 million individuals with solid vaccination records and compares the rate of adverse events after vaccine to the historical, baseline rate before. It raises major concerns.

First, let us be clear, the benefit of COVID vaccination is small, uncertain or not present in several populations. For instance, there is no reliable evidence anyone who had COVID previously had a further reduction in severe disease from getting a dose (or 7 doses) of vaccine.

The theoretical absolute benefit of vaccination depends on the baseline risk so the *upper bound* absolute benefits to healthy people under 20, 30 or 40 were always minuscule— bordering on zero— and possible not present. Available data lacks power to show a benefit in 20 year olds.

Worse, there is not even one reliable study that shows a benefit in children. This means- that for these populations- even rare safety signals can tilt the entire balance. We have previously shown that boosters and dose 2 of mRNA vaccines were, on balance, harmful to young men because the risk of myocarditis was greater than the further upper bound absolute risk reduction in severe COVID19 outcomes.

Many other researchers have gotten this question wrong because they use *EHR documented COVID19 infections* as the denominator for COVID19 bad outcomes, which misses the vast denominator of asymptomatic infections and infection that don’t prompt EHR visit. Eating at McDonalds looks deadly if your denominator is all the people who ate there and ended up in the ICU with food poisoning. If your denominator is all people who ate there, and never went to the hospital, food poisoning is rare. Most COVID19 papers use the first denominator for COVID19 infection.

Now let us look at the paper. It has 2 huge limitations. While the denominator (vaccination) is solid, the numerator is weak. It is EHR detected cases of these clinical outcomes across different systems. The biggest problem is that MANY cases of adverse events are likely NOT TO BE CODED. The authors will argue that not coding these events should occur both before and after vaccination and ergo there is no bias (the method looks only at the relative change), but this is incorrect.

It is likely there is differential missing data. That some of these events are missed much more often after vaccination. For instance, the myocarditis due to vaccination is different than myocarditis after a cold. Doctors may not recognize it as such, and be more dismissive. Some diagnoses— like splanchnic vein thrombus— may be increased in populations where you are less likely to consider that diagnosis (young healthy people) and rates of angiography and imaging (needed to diagnose it) may occur less likely. In other words, vaccination could cause a huge increase in abdominal pain from clot in a group of people in whom you would not normally suspect that in— and this analysis assumes doctor’s work it up with the same vigor as they would do for an older, frailer population pre vaccination, and they code it the same. Ergo, all the signals here are, in my view, LOWER bound estimates. I think the truth will be worse.

Second, this analysis does not stratify by demographic group. The increased risk of myocarditis you will see is ACROSS ALL AGES AND GENDERS. That is a big error, when we know it is a problem that plagues young men. Doing this will mask the harm signal. If the increased risk is 3 fold, it may be 100 fold in the demographic that is facing the harm. This is a classic mistake in the field that we have published on.

For this reason, every time we see a signal, we should assume it will be worse. And we should think that it doesn’t take much harm to tip the benefit-harm balance in young people, or people who already had COVID. Here is what researchers find.

Everything yellow or red are concerning, significant safety signals.

Increases in cerebral vein clot were known and I wrote about them at the time

Now, we see concerning signals for

  • Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)

  • Febrile seizures

  • Myocarditis/ pericarditis

  • Racing heart - SVT

  • Bells palsy (facial paralysis)

  • Pulmonary embolism

  • Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis and more

My overall thoughts. A few years ago a vaccine safety researcher told me she worried tinnitus was linked to COVID19 vaccination. Yet, she had to abandon the project because the political pressure to not find safety signals was too high. We repeatedly see researchers saying that COVID19 is still worse than vaccination, but this is dishonest. Vaccination was worse for young men, and that can be easily shown mathematically.

One mistake these people make is they consider the rate of harms post-covid only among people sick enough to present to the doctor with COVID, but this inflates the rate of harms, as I explained. A second mistake they make is lumping 20 year old men with 80 year old women (this paper also makes this mistake), which minimizes the extent of the harm.

I suspect there is widespread dishonesty in the COVID19 vaccine safety literature. There is a strong political effort to not admit that our vaccination policies harmed some populations, and these were known at the time and not just in retrospect. For this reason, the current paper is deeply concerning. It shows that COVID vaccines are capable of lowering platelets, causing clots, damaging hearts and resulting in partial paralysis.

Imagine a 20 year old man who had covid and was doing fine, and then their college forced them to get the shot, and they suffered bell’s palsy or myocarditis. This man suffered net harm. The mistake was known not in retrospect but at the time. I know because I published a paper saying so in the summer 2021 (before mandates). Public health should be ashamed of itself for harming people in pursuit of a misguided policy goal, and worse, for obfuscating the data, and not admitting error. With time and distance, I suspect most academics will see the wisdom of my argument.

Vinay Prasad, Hematology Oncology Medicine Health Policy Epidemiology Professor

Rubio: We Are Seeing The Weaponization Of Our Criminal Justice System Against Republicans

 Asked on "FOX News Sunday" if he would consider moving to a different state to qualify to be Donald Trump's vice presidential running mate, Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida said: "Before anyone decides to move from their state, you better make sure you move to a state where there's not some DA that makes a career after going after Republicans."

"What we're seeing all over the country right now is the weaponization of our criminal justice system, and not just to go after Donald Trump, which is now well documented, right?"

"You have a Biden-supporting judge, a Biden prosecutor in the most liberal county in America on ridiculous charges," he said. "And the rest of the world is watching that, saying, you know, this is the stuff that America used to sanction other countries for doing what's happening here in America."

"I think that that's something that we need to be focused on, because I do think that has an impact on people's thinking about getting into politics," he said.