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Friday, July 5, 2024

Sex, Lies, & Racial Hysteria: The Quiet J6 Killing Of Rosanne Boyland

 by Jack Cashill via American Greatness,

One wonders what thoughts passed through the fevered mind of Officer Lila Morris as she struck the seemingly lifeless Rosanne Boyland over the head with a branch, then struck her again, and then struck her a third time so hard that the branch snapped in half.

If Morris thought Boyland a hateful white supremacist who deserved her fate, one could, if not forgive her, at least understand how she came to think that way. For the last two years, Morris had heard little else about these MAGA minions and the monster who led them.

President-elect Joe Biden had set the tone when he launched his presidential campaign in April 2019, implying President Donald Trump had called the neo-Nazis involved in the Charlottesville dust-up “very fine people.” No major candidate has ever begun a presidential campaign with a more divisive and slanderous opening gambit (one that Snopes conceded was false just this past week).

Biden continued the slander throughout the campaign. Just four weeks before the 2020 election, he weighed in on the well-timed bust of an FBI-massaged plot to kidnap Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer. “There is a through line from President Trump’s dog whistles and tolerance of hate, vengeance, and lawlessness to plots such as this one,” fumed Biden. “He is giving oxygen to the bigotry and hate we see on the march in our country.”

If Morris feared the depredations of these Hun-like hordes, she was in good company.

“Just remember, we’re on the right side of history,” Rep. Val Demings told a colleague as they huddled fearfully in the House gallery on January 6.

“If we all die today, another group will come in and certify those ballots.”

“White supremacy and patriarchy are very linked in a lot of ways,” congressional drama queen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told CNN’s Dana Bash.

There’s a lot of sexualizing of that violence. And I didn’t think that I was just going to be killed. I thought other things were going to happen to me as well.”

When Bash asked AOC if she thought she was going to be raped, AOC answered, “Yeah, yeah. I thought I was.”

The left has been feeding its base a steady diet of racial fear and loathing for generations.

Ocasio-Cortez is Puerto Rican. Demings and Morris black. Also black is Michael Byrd, the Capitol Police lieutenant (now captain) who shot and killed January 6 protestor and Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt.

Babbitt and Boyland were both white.

The phrase “had the races been reversed” is such a manifest truism that pundits on the right no longer bother to complete the thought

If the shooting death of the attractive 35-year-old Babbitt was too public to ignore, the death of the obscure 34-year-old Boyland was not.

Biden’s incoming Department of Justice preferred to keep it that way. The nature of that death raised troubling questions not only about race but also about sex.

In the cause of equity, the DC Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) saw fit to put a small, slight woman at the front of a contested police line. In the DEI-drenched precincts of Washington, no one dared protest this madness either before January 6 or after.

In the days following Morris’s meltdown, all parties fell in line to preserve both the myth of heroic police resistance and the imagined role women played in that resistance. Consider this tweet from WUSA news anchor Lesli Foster on February 7, 2021:

“You MUST hear about Ofc. Lila Morris. MPD Acting Chief Contee says Morris ‘fought like hell’ in the tunnel of death…. Morris was injured, then got back in the melee. Women, too, fought hard to reclaim the #Capitol.”

Foster’s tweet included a photo of Morris being feted for her heroism at the Super Bowl, one of just three officers so honored.

A high percentage of the selected video footage that entertained Democrats for the last three years was shot in and around this “tunnel of death.” While protestors were freely walking into the Capitol through multiple other entrances, the police defended the tunnel as though it were the Alamo.

Caught in a scrum, Boyland found herself unwillingly pushed to the tunnel entrance. At this point, the MPD, now in riot gear, made a concerted surge to drive back the scrum. The chemical irritant sprayed by the MPD displaced the oxygen in the tunnel, causing people to feel faint. Rosanne collapsed, and as many as 30 people were shoved on top of her.

Once the others were pulled off, Rosanne lay momentarily lifeless and exposed at the tunnel entrance. That’s when Morris went after her. “I was horrified,” said use-of-force expert Stan Kephart upon seeing the video. “We don’t train officers to hit people in the head with a blunt object.” Added Kephart, “It was definitely a crime.”

To protect Rosanne from both the crowd and the police, Texan protestor Luke Coffee stood over the dying woman, holding a crutch horizontally above his head. For his efforts to save Rosanne, he was charged with a felony for striking Morris. Not until Coffee’s January 2024 trial was Morris forced to testify about January 6.

Under oath, Morris conceded that Coffee never hit her. She also admitted that a baton or stick, was only to be used with a hand on either end as a way to push crowds back. “Are you ever trained to hold it like a bat and strike over somebody’s head?” asked Coffee’s attorney, Carol Stewart. “No,” said Morris.

To preserve the narrative of heroic police resistance, the DC medical examiner’s office sat on Boyland’s autopsy report for the maximum 90 days and then attributed her death to “acute amphetamine intoxication.” Amphetamine was the active ingredient in the Adderall that Boyland had been taking by prescription for ten years to deal with her ADHD.

The Boyland family was stunned. Boyland’s brother-in-law Justin Cave had reached out to childhood friend and MSNBC anchor Ayman Mohyeldin to help the family get to the bottom of Boyland’s death, but Mohyeldin was stonewalled by the medical examiner at every turn. “All our requests were denied,” admitted the surprised MSNBC anchor. “The trampling, the riot, the video evidence, none of this was even mentioned in the official autopsy report.”

Morris remained an unquestioned hero until September 2021, when that damning video surfaced of her striking Rosanne. Disturbed by what he saw, J6 video expert Gary McBride filed a police brutality complaint with the DC Metropolitan Police Department. McBride believes Rosanne was still alive when Morris struck her. “When she takes that second hit to the head, watch her left arm, her left arm straightens up and lifts off the ground,” he told the Epoch Times.

Morris need not have worried. Two months after McBride filed his complaint, he was informed via email, “The use of force within this investigation was determined to be objectively reasonable.” Morris would remain on the force and would face no criminal charges. The DOJ never investigated.

If the Boyland family had any hope of clearing Rosanne’s name, that hope lay with the House Select Committee. Before finishing its work, the committee would interview more than a thousand witnesses but none who witnessed Boyland’s death, not even Lila Morris. The eight-hundred-page final report, released in December 2022, goes into great detail about the two-hour battle at the “tunnel of death” but does not mention the name of the woman who died there, not even in the footnotes.

*  *  *

Jack Cashill’s new book, Ashli: The Untold Story of the Women of January 6, is now available in all formats.

Pfizer Infringed On Moderna Patent With COVID-19 Vaccine: Court

 by Zachary Stieber via The Epoch Times,

Pfizer and BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine infringed on a patent held by rival Moderna, the High Court in London, England, found in a decision released on July 2.

Moderna patented mRNA processes that replace the nucleoside uridine with N1-methylpseudouridine, a modified RNA. The patent is titled, “ribonucleic acids containing n1-methyl-pseudouracils and uses thereof.”

The patent “is valid,” the court stated, adding that it was infringed “given that Pfizer/BioNTech conceded that it would be infringed if valid.”

The court rejected arguments made by Pfizer and BioNTech, including the argument that Moderna’s patent was not novel. It said parts of the patent were novel, from a method developed by the University of Pennsylvania.

The District Court of the Hague in 2023 found the patent to be invalid due to lack of novelty versus the method, but the London court said it weighed other evidence and found some factors persuasive that the Hague did not.

Moderna in 2020 said it would not enforce patents related to COVID-19 against rival manufacturers. However, in 2022, it revoked the declaration, meaning Pfizer and BioNTech came into violation of the patent, the high court said in a related decision.

Justice Jonathan Richards wrote in the ruling, that “Even if the pledge was an express waiver of rights, it was validly retracted by the March 2022 statement since Pfizer/BioNTech had not by that date materially changed its position in reliance on the pledge.”

The court also ruled that a second patent held by Moderna was invalid.

Possible Appeals

All three companies said they disagreed with the parts of the court’s decision on which they lost, and it is expected that all parties will seek permission to appeal.

Pfizer and BioNTech said in a statement:

“These proceedings have no bearing on the safety and efficacy profile of our vaccine, as established by regulators worldwide.

“Irrespective of the outcome of this legal matter, we will continue to manufacture and supply the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine in line with our agreements and established supply schedules.”

A spokesperson for Moderna said the company was pleased the court “recognized the innovation of Moderna scientists by confirming the validity and infringement” of one of its patents.

Pfizer, BioNTech, and Moderna are also involved in parallel proceedings in Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, and the United States, much of which has been put on hold, as well as at the European Patent Office.

The London ruling comes at a time of financial strain for Moderna, whose shares have plummeted by more than 70 percent since the peak of the pandemic as demand and sales for Spikevax have fallen. Shares of Pfizer, meanwhile, are down about 29 percent since mid-2021.

Biden had ‘verbal check-in’ with doctor after White House said he got no checkup for debate cold

 The White House on Friday said President Biden had a “verbal check-in” with his doctor about the cold he had during the debate, after telling reporters earlier in the week that he did not get a medical exam — and had not had once since his yearly physical in February.

Early into the president’s debate performance, during which he spoke in a soft and raspy voice and often struggled to complete sentences, the White House at the time said Biden had a cold.

Press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre had been asked earlier this week if Biden had seen his doctor about the cold, which was blamed on foreign travel, but she said no.

But on Friday, Jean-Pierre changed her response, telling reporters Biden had a “verbal check-in” when asked about reports that surfaced indicating Biden told a group of governors he had a checkup.

“He did have a short verbal check-in in the recent days about his cold. It wasn’t a medical exam or a physical, I want to be super, super clear about that. It was a conversation, and his doctor didn’t think an examination was necessary,” she said.

On Wednesday, Jean-Pierre responded “no” when asked if Biden had any kind of medical exam. She also said “no” when asked if the president had any medical exams since his last annual physical in February.

Dr. Kevin O’Connor, Biden’s lead doctor, released the results of the president’s annual physical in February and said the president is “fit for duty.”

Jean-Pierre also stressed that Biden has medical professionals around him due to his role as president.

“The president has doctors, a medical unit around him 24/7, and that’s not because of this president, that’s all presidents,” she said.

Biden on Tuesday had blamed recent foreign travel, on top of his cold, for his poor debate performance. He said that he “almost fell asleep on stage” while in Europe and that he returned from “travel around the world a couple of times … shortly before the debate.”

The president returned from a trip to Italy for the Group of Seven summit on June 14, and six days later he went to Camp David for debate prep. He stayed there for a whole week before traveling to Atlanta on June 27.

Biden reportedly told Democratic governors in a meeting Wednesday that he needs more sleep and to not hold events after 8 p.m. When pressed on this comments, Jean-Pierre said the president is working on striking a balance with his schedule.

“The president works around the clock, it’s a 24/7 job. 365 days out of a year,” she said. “He also recognizes the importance of striking a balance and taking care of himself, just like we all have to. We are all humans, the president is human as well. He shared that view with governors and took ownership of trying to do too much in the lead up to the debate, that was the conversation.”

Biden has faced an overwhelming amount of criticism since his poor debate performance, losing the support of donors and other Democrats amid calls to step aside from the 2024 race. Biden insists he is not dropping out, but several reports have suggested he and some of his close advisers are putting together a contingency plan if he chooses to exit the race.

Warner building support among Democratic senators to push Biden out

 Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.), an influential centrist who is close with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), is working to gather support among Democratic senators to ask President Biden to drop his reelection bid, according to two sources familiar with the effort.

Warner is concerned that Biden could perform so badly in November that he risks taking down senators who were thought to be in relatively safe seats, such as fellow Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.).

“He talks to a lot of his colleagues all of the time. There’s a statewide race going on in Virginia,” said a source familiar with Warner’s efforts to muster support among Democratic senators to ask Biden to drop out of the presidential race.

“He’ll underscore the Senate race in Virginia, which we thought was going to be a walk in the park but it’s not,” the source said of recent polling showing Biden and former President Trump tied in Virginia, which could portend a tough race for Kaine, the incumbent.

“I’m sure people in the White House are probably a little annoyed but this is an exercise that a lot of Democrats needed to be taken,” the source added.

“He’s one United States senator,” the source added, emphasizing that Warner recognizes he has limited leverage given that Biden has amassed 3,894 delegates and has the nomination locked up if he chooses to continue his campaign.

Biden, asked about reports on the Warner effort as he was leaving a Wisconsin campaign event, said “he’s the only one.” He added that he’s talked about his campaign to at least 20 members of Congress who had offered support.

The Washington Post first reported that Warner is seeking to assemble a group of Democratic senators to ask Biden to exit the race.

Warner spokesperson Rachel Cohen didn’t confirm or deny the report.

“Like many other people in Washington and across the country, Sen. Warner believes these are critical days for the president’s campaign, and he has made that clear to the White House,” Cohen told the Post in a statement.

Trump and Biden are now in a dead heat in Virginia, where Trump leads slightly 43.9 percent to 43.7 percent, according to 18 polls analyzed by The Hill’s Decision Desk HQ.

Biden insisted at a campaign rally in Wisconsin on Friday that he’s staying in the race.

“They’re trying to push me out of the race,” he told a cheering crowd. “Well let me say this as clearly as I can: I’m staying in the race.”

“I’m not letting one 90-minute debate wipe out three and a half years of work,” he declared.

Senate Democrats have stayed relatively unified in support of Biden until now.

However, two liberal senators from the Northeast, Sens. Peter Welch (D-Vt.) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), have publicly expressed misgivings with the Biden campaign, a sign that more Senate Democrats are deeply alarmed about the trajectory of Biden’s campaign.

Welch criticized Biden’s campaign in an interview with Semafor for dismissing Democrats expressing concern and anxiety about his viability as a candidate in the wake of his disappointing debate performance.

“I really do criticize the campaign for a dismissive attitude towards people who are raising questions for discussion. That’s just facing the reality we’re in,” Welch told the media outlet in an interview Monday.

Welch warned in a CNN interview later in the week that Biden could wipe out Democratic candidates down ballot if he remains the party’s nominee and fails to turn around his flailing campaign.

“So if we do really poorly at the presidential level, that creates a fierce undertow,” he said.

“The most important thing is to have Trump out of the office, a Democrat in office. Doing that I think is the best help that we can give to our Senate candidates who are doing great but having a tough challenge,” he said.

Asked by CNN host Brianna Keilar if Biden should continue his bid for a second term, Welch said that’s up to Biden to decide.

“That’s the question,” he said. “He’s wrestling with that. He’s reading the polls.

“I’m confident that at the end of the day the president will make his decision based on what’s best for the country,” he added.

Whitehouse told a local media outlet earlier this week that Biden’s campaign needs to reassure Democratic lawmakers and voters that his debate meltdown was an aberration.

“I think like a lot of people I was pretty horrified by the debate … I think people want to make sure that this is a campaign that’s ready to go and win, that the president and his team are being candid with us about his condition — that this was a real anomaly and not just the way he is these days,” Whitehouse said.

Schumer reaffirmed his support for the president earlier this week. 

Schumer told reporters in Syracuse that he and the president had “worked hard together for four years and we’ve delivered a lot for America and Central New York.”

“I’m for Biden,” he declared.

Biden says he was ‘feeling terrible’ before debate, called it a ‘bad episode’

 President Biden reiterated Friday that he felt terrible before the debate but said it was a “bad episode” and not part of a larger condition, in his first interview since mounting calls for him to drop out of the 2024 race began.

“It was a bad episode. No indication of any serious condition. I was exhausted,” Biden told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos in the highly anticipated interview after his debate last week. “I didn’t listen to my instincts in terms of preparing and — and a bad night.”

Stephanopoulos noted that former Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), an ally of the president, this week said it would be fair for voters to ask if Biden has a condition or if last week’s poor performance on stage was just “an episode.”

Early into the president’s debate performance, during which he spoke in a soft and raspy voice and often struggled to complete sentences, the White House at the time said Biden had a cold. The incumbent then this week blamed recent foreign travel for his poor showing, although he had returned from Europe 12 days before the debate.

Stephanopoulos questioned the timing, noting that Biden had spent six days at Camp David preparing for the debate, and the president said he thought he had COVID-19.

“Because I was sick, I was feeling terrible. A matter of fact, the doc was with me, I asked if they did a COVID test because I was trying to figure out what’s wrong,” Biden said. “They did a test to see whether or not I had some infection, you know, some virus. I didn’t, just had a really bad cold.”

The White House earlier Friday told reporters that Biden had a “verbal check-in” with his doctor about the cold during the debate, after telling reporters earlier in the week that he did not get a medical exam. The White House didn’t mention a COVID-19 test.

When Stephanopoulos asked if he listened back to the debate after it aired, Biden responded, “I don’t think I did, no.”

The president also argued that former President Trump lied during the debate, saying he lied 28 times.

Stephanopoulos responded that Biden had trouble from the first question at the debate and the president responded, “Well, I just had a bad night.”

Biden has faced an overwhelming amount of criticism since his poor debate performance, losing the support of donors and other Democrats amid calls to step aside from the 2024 race.Ahead of the interview, Biden held an energetic rally in Wisconsin and declared that he’s not dropping out of the race, pushing back on critics.

Thugs in Cal. target assisted living, reports as many as 30 seniors attacked in under a week at 1 facility

 Checking in on California and we find that civilization continues to unravel at an alarming rate, but nowhere is that more obvious than taking a look at the Bay Area. Here’s the latest, from an item out at a local outlet:

Thirteen senior citizens reported being brutally attacked and robbed in just one week in an Oakland community. But according to leaders at one senior living facility in the city, they say the number is much higher and closer to an astounding 30.

‘It was happening every hour on the hour,’ says Sister Marie Taylor, president of the Westlake Christian Terrace resident council. She says she’s counted nearly 30 violent attacks and robberies on elderly Asian residents in a span of less than a week.

According to the article, residents of the assisted living facility number more than 700, and the average age is 85 years old; when venturing out to grocery shop or run other errands, they’ve been robbed and “brutally” beaten by prowling thugs. The solution? Well, from the ever-so-helpful local government:

Oakland Police say there was a spike in robberies citywide with 83 between June 25th and July 1st. However they say there is no particular reason for the surge. Theyre urging elders to walk in larger groups and to do so only during the daytime.

“No particular reason” my rear end. Under Democrat reign, criminals have been emboldened to the nth degree; and why shouldn’t they be? They’ve been given a pass for any and all theft that doesn’t break the $950 threshold; they’ve seen judges, courts, and juries abuse their authority and trust to punish political opponents; they’re let off the hook because of their skin color and “reparative justice”; they’re slapped on the wrist, even after the most heinous crimes, because queer “tolerance” trumps protecting the innocent; and they were permitted to destroy homes, cities, and businesses, even burning scared, innocent people alive, carte blanche, all because a thug on drugs overdosed during an arrest. That’s why there’s a surge in crime.

And, I mean no offense whatsoever, but whether it’s a single octogenarian or a group of them, what difference does that make to a gang of violent thugs, most likely male, possibly armed, and in the physical prime of their youth? I mean seriously, what a joke. Even more so when you consider that many of these victims are Asian people, who are generally much smaller in stature than other races. With advice this useless, why not just suggest the erection of signs that read “This is a mugging- and beating-free zone”?

Whenever I come across news stories like this one, I think of a Margaret Atwood tale that haunts me to this day called Torching the Dusties—I’ve mentioned this before when blogging about German officials booting old people from their homes to make way for migrant scum—but when a nation’s moral fabric breaks down, no one protects the widows, orphans, or old people; in other words, the most vulnerable populations. It is morality that keeps them safe, even more so than police.

From Golden State to the third world in such a short time, which is a fitting legacy for the Democrat voters who found themselves entitled to push such destruction on their neighbors; their hands are soaked in blood.

On the 4th of July weekend, San Diego's beaches are still like swimming in a Mexican toilet

 By Monica Showalter

Every blue city has its big, man-made problems. In New York, it's illegal immigrants. In San Francisco, vagrants, and the homelessness-industrial complex of enabling NGOs. In Oakland, it's continuous crime, zero prosecutions. Some cities, such as Los Angeles and Chicago, have a combination of these self-induced problems.

In San Diego, the problem is that its surf-paradise beaches are the nation's filthiest, with any tourist going into the water finding himself swimming in a Mexican toilet.

Now it's the Fourth of July weekend, and the beachgoers are out.

According to Fox News:

SAN DIEGO (FOX 5/KUSI) — With the Fourth of July holiday week in motion, San Diego beaches have become more and more crowded, in turn, causing many people to notice water advisories, warnings and closures.

“I came down and there was a sign over there…it said something about sewage coming from Mexico,” said Peter Werner, who is visiting from Czech Republic.

Most locals aren’t surprised by the water contact closures that have been in place since December, but visitors aren’t happy.

“Disappointing, especially when I came over 10,000 kilometers from Europe not to swim here,” Werner said.

After all, if he had wanted to swim in a Mexican toilet, he could have gone to Mexico for much cheaper.

Amy Reichert has a reminder of how bad the whole picture looks:



Recent news reports say that while blue-city mayors have pleaded for the state and federal governments to do something about Tijuana's shameless release of raw sewage onto San Diego's famous beaches, California's governor, Gavin Newsom, has resisted declaring an emergency as the sewage continues to pour in and close the beaches, claiming it's Joe Biden's job to do it and he won't ask for it. A Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, he is not.

But it's pretty outrageous, given Newsom's fondness for every other kind of federal aid as well as his claims to have turned the state 'green.'

'Green' in this case is algae growth from rotting sewage pollution fouling the once-pristine beaches. Up the coast, green activists have touted the proliferation of sea lions, one of which chased a woman this week, but even that may be the result of this policy of neglect, as generally speaking, sea lions go where garbage gathers -- followed by sharks.

Officials say the problem is being repaired incrementally from the Mexican side, but will "take time."

Maybe it will be repaired, but more likely, it will become the status quo. And besides the damage, there is the reputational damage to the city which will take much longer to recover. How long did it take for Lake Erie to recover its reputation after an industrial fire set the place on fire and turned its name into a synonym for industrial pollution? Quite a long time. Now that news of America's filthiest beaches is seeping into the national news, how long will it take for San Diego to recover its reputation, not to mention, its actual beaches?

In the meantime, San Diego's beaches, and not just Imperial Beach, but much farther north, are being fouled as if an industrial accident had happened. Exxon Valdez? It sounds so romantic compared to what San Diego's got -- sand strands covered with Mexican sewage in what had formerly been the beaches once lionized by the Beach Boys.

Happy Independence Day from the Democrats. One day, maybe there will be some independence from Mexican sewage.