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Sunday, September 1, 2024

Harris-Biden inner circle have almost no business experience — no wonder Americans are hurting

 In her one and only interview of the presidential campaign, Kamala Harris claimed she is “very proud” of the economy she and Joe Biden have presided over for almost four years.

Her rosy view of their management of inflation echoes Biden’s tone-deaf boasts about what a great job he’s done, while Americans struggle to pay for groceries.

“I’m very proud of the work that we have done that has brought inflation down to less than 3%,” Harris told CNN last week.

Considering they inherited an inflation rate of 1.4%, and their reckless spending propelled it to a peak of 9.1% in June 2022, that’s not exactly something to boast about.

Harris said she is “proud” of the Biden administration’s record on the economy.Will Lanzoni/CNN

Biden and Harris ignored warnings that the $1.9 trillion “American Rescue” spending package would overstimulate the economy at precisely the wrong time, just as we were emerging from pandemic lockdowns in March 2021.

Their reckless disregard of economic reality turbocharged consumption and drove inflation to 40-year highs.

But at least Harris had the sense not to declare Bidenomics a “success” when prompted to do so by interviewer Dana Bash.  

“There’s more to do,” she admitted. “But that’s good work.” 

What exactly that “good work” would entail is a mystery, considering Harris still doesn’t have a single policy on her website, refuses to do interviews like a normal candidate, and is relying on compliant journalists to walk back her most whacky ideas. 

But what policies she has divulged so far are not promising: Soviet-style price controls to address food inflation — which she attributes to “price gouging” — and $25,000 handouts to first home buyers which will simply push up the price of real estate are two of her brain explosions. 

In her embarrassingly brief CNN interview, to which she insisted on bringing wingman Tim Walz for emotional support, Harris muttered something vague about an “opportunity economy” being her “day one” priority.

But nobody has a clue what she means. One way of assessing how a Harris presidency would affect the economy is to look at the economic competence of her advisers and other administration personnel, many of whom are likely to play a role if she is elected.

Alarmingly, a new report titled “Amateur Hour” from the Committee to Unleash Prosperity shows that most of the administration’s top officials have zero experience in business.

Economists Stephen Moore and Jon Decker have analyzed the work records and résumés of the top 66 officials who deal with economic policy, regulation, commerce, energy and finance and found 58 percent have virtually no business experience.

That includes Biden, Harris and Vice Presidential nominee Walz, none of whom has worked off the public teat. (A dubious tale Harris once told about working at McDonald’s while in college doesn’t count.)

Moore and Decker found that the average business experience of administration appointees is only 3.1 years and the median years of business experience is a big fat zero.

“The vast majority of the Biden-Harris economic/commerce team members are professional politicians, lawyers, academics, community organizers, or government employees.”

Only 12% of Biden-Harris appointees have extensive business experience, defined as 10 or more years in the private sector.

“Amateur Hour” is an update of a similar report Moore and Decker produced in 2022, but this time they have focused on six of Harris’ economic and finance advisers and found they have a “disturbingly low level of business/finance background . . .

“The total number of years of business experience for these top six staffers was 14.

“They combined for an average of 2.3 years and, once again, the median was zero years.”

Only one of the top six Harris appointees, her chief of staff, Lorraine Voles, had extensive business experience and only two had any business experience at all.

The average business experience of Biden-Harris appointees is well behind the record of President Donald Trump’s cabinet officials during his last year in office, who had an average of 13 years of business experience.

A new report from the Committee to Unleash Prosperity found that most of the Biden-Harris administration’s top officials have little to no business experience.Ron Sachs – CNP for NY Post

“If history is any guide, it is likely that if Kamala Harris is elected president, many if not most of the Biden top officials will have positions of power in her administration — though possibly in different appointments and agencies …

“Based on the personnel that Harris has surrounded herself with, we would expect a continuation of the anti-business agenda that we have seen under Biden — and perhaps worse.”

Without management experience or economic competence, key officials in the administration have bungled their portfolios.

The authors single out Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, the former small town mayor of South Bend, Indiana, who has presided over a $6 billion program to build half a million electric vehicle stations — which has produced fewer than 20.

The report highlighted Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg’s failure to build promised electric vehicle charging stations.Ron Sachs – CNP for NY Post

Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, the former Michigan governor, “has had a hard time with reporters even citing very basic energy statistics that calls into question her familiarity with the critical national energy issues she is overseeing.”

Granholm has said that she doesn’t have “a magic wand” to deal with rising gasoline and home heating costs, but her department has “helped kill vital pipelines and energy production and drilling facilities that could [help] alleviate the crisis.”

Secretary of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra, a lawyer with little business or health care experience “botched the billion-dollar program for free COVID testing kits and has de-emphasized treatments for COVID that could have saved lives.”

Many Biden-Harris officials seem to be more interested in pursuing progressive social policies objectives than in expanding the economy, the authors say.

Neera Tanden, the head of the Domestic Policy Council, career experience is solely in political campaigns and nonprofits.AP Photo/Susan Walsh, File

For example, Lail Brainard, Biden’s choice as vice-chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, “wants climate change and gender equity issues to be concerns and priorities of the nation’s central bank [and] wants banks to stop lending to oil and gas companies.”

Phillip Jefferson, an economist at Davidson College, is now Vice Chair of the Federal Reserve Board with no private sector experience. “This might explain why the Fed has failed in its mission over the past four years to keep inflation low and the dollar stable.”

Neera Tanden, who heads the administration’s Domestic Policy Council, has spent her entire career working for political campaigns and nonprofits.

Moore and Decker point to a few exceptions, such as Biden’s newish chief of staff Jeff Zients, who has over two decades of experience in venture capital, tech, and health care, and Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo, who worked for 11 years as a successful venture capitalist.

Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo recently claimed she wasn’t familiar with the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ downward revision of its recent jobs report.Ron Sachs – CNP for NY Post

However, Raimondo beclowned herself last month when she told ABC News she wasn’t “familiar” with the Bureau of Labor statistics downwards revision to its latest jobs report of a staggering 800,000 jobs. Raimondo tried to claim it was “misinformation” from Trump. 

Doubling down on the administration’s progressive proclivity for wealth redistribution, higher tax rates on the rich, more regulation, more social welfare and climate-centric energy policies, a President Harris is a bleak prospect for the country’s economic wellbeing.

Polls show most Americans believe the economy is headed in the wrong direction, but there’s no hope on the horizon if she wins.

Black Californians warn Newsom of ‘direct impact’ on Harris after Dems kill slavery reparation bills

 Black activists at the California assembly threatened a “direct impact” on Vice President Harris’ presidential campaign after state Democratic lawmakers held off on two bills that would have greenlighted slavery reparations.

Last week, the California legislature approved proposals allowing for the return of land or compensation to families whose property was unjustly seized by the government, and issuing a formal apology for laws and practices that have harmed Black people. But none of those bills would provide widespread direct payments to African Americans. After hours of heated debate and protests on Saturday, state lawmakers left out two bills – Senate Bills 1403 and 1331 – that would have created a fund and an agency to oversee reparation measures.

“The speaker needs to bring the bills up now, now, now. These are their bills. They have their names on the bills. They’re killing their own bills because they’re scared of the governor,” one Black man, a member of the Coalition for a Just and Equitable California, said in the rotunda on the last day of the legislative year on Saturday. “Now listen, they’re gonna see this, and they’re gonna get mad at us. They killing their own bills, and then they’re gonna get mad at us. They’re killing their own bills because they’re scared of the governor. We don’t care. Bring the G– d— bills up now, now, now.”

California Gov. Gavin Newsom looks on during the second day of the Democratic National Convention at the United Center on August 20, 2024.Getty Images

“We need to send a message to the governor,” a Black woman who is part of the same group chimed in, according to video shared on X. “The governor needs to understand the world is watching California and this is gonna have a direct impact on your friend Kamala Harris who is running for president. This is going to have a direct impact, so pull up the bills now, vote on them and sign them. We’ve been waiting for over 400 years.”

“We have the votes,” the man added.

State Sen. Steven Bradford, who authored the measures, said the bills failed to move forward out of fear that Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom would veto them.

“We’re at the finish line, and we, as the Black Caucus, owe it to the descendants of chattel slavery, to Black Californians and Black Americans, to move this legislation forward,” Bradford said, urging his colleagues to reconsider Saturday afternoon, according to the Associated Press. 

“We owe it to our ancestors,” Bradford added, according to the Sacramento Bee. “And I think we disappointed them in a way.”

California Legislative Black Caucus Chair Assemblymember Lori Wilson said Saturday that the Black Caucus pulled the bills, adding the proposals need more work.

Assemblymember Isaac Bryan, right, talks to members of Coalition for a Just and Equitable California about two reparations bills in the rotunda on the last day of the legislative year.AP

“We knew from the very beginning that it was an uphill battle…. And we also knew from the very beginning that it would be a multiyear effort,” Wilson told reporters.

Newsom has not weighed in on most of the bills, but he signed a $297.9 billion budget in June that included up to $12 million for reparations legislation. However, the budget did not specify what proposals the money would be used for, and his administration has signaled its opposition to some of them. Newsom has until Sept. 30 to decide whether to sign the bills that passed.

Democratic presidential nominee and U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris delivers remarks at a campaign rally in Savannah, Georgia, U.S., August 29, 2024.REUTERS

Democratic Assemblymember Reggie Jones-Sawyer, who is Black, called his bill to issue a formal apology for discrimination “a labor of love.” His uncle was part of a group of Black students who in the 1950s were escorted by federal troops past an angry white mob into Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, three years after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that school segregation was unconstitutional. The students became known as the “Little Rock Nine.”

“I think my grandmother, my grandfather, would be extremely proud for what we are going to do today,” Jones-Sawyer said ahead of the vote on the legislation that was passed. “Because that is why they struggled in 1957, so that I’d be able to — and we’d be able to — move forward our people.”

Newsom approved a law in 2020 creating a first-in-the-nation task force to study reparations proposals. New York and Illinois have since followed suit with similar legislation. The California group released a final report last year with more than 100 recommendations for lawmakers.

Members of Coalition for a Just and Equitable California protest and demand lawmakers to take up a vote on two reparations bill in the rotunda on the last day of the legislative year.AP
Newsom signed a law earlier this summer requiring school districts that receive state funding for a career education program to collect data on the performance of participating students by race and gender. The legislation, part of a reparations package backed by the California Legislative Black Caucus, aims to help address gaps in student outcomes.

New Boeing CEO holds first meeting with FAA chief

 New Boeing CEO Kelly Ortberg met this week with the head of the Federal Aviation Administration as the planemaker faces numerous regulatory issues and increased scrutiny, an agency official confirmed.

Ortberg told employees on Friday in an email he had met with the FAA this week and discussed the company's safety and quality plan. FAA administrator Mike Whitaker in January barred Boeing from boosting production of its best-selling 737 MAX after a door panel blew out during a Jan. 5 flight on a new Alaska Airlines jetliner.

Ortberg, who took over as CEO on Aug. 8, wrote to employees that he told the FAA of the company's "focus on true culture change, empowering employees to speak up when they see potential issues and bringing the right resources together to solve them."

Ortberg held his first board meeting as CEO this week and met with Pentagon and other officials. The company also faces ongoing labor talks.

Whitaker said in May he planned to travel to Seattle in September to meet with the company about its quality efforts. Whitaker has said the agency will continue its increased on-site presence at Boeing and fuselage supplier Spirit Aerosystems for the foreseeable future.

In June Whitaker said at a Senate Commerce hearing that the FAA was "too hands-off" in oversight of Boeing before January. "The FAA should have had much better visibility into what was happening at Boeing before Jan. 5," Whitaker said.

This month, Boeing said it suspended test flights on its 777x that is awaiting certification. A component between the engine and airplane structure was discovered with cracks during a maintenance check and cracks were also found on the other test planes.

Boeing in July began certification flight testing of its long-delayed 777-9 with FAA regulators onboard after receiving type inspection authorization, a critical milestone in a multi-step process needed to win certification of a new airplane.

Last month, Boeing agreed to plead guilty to a criminal fraud conspiracy charge and pay at least $243.6 million after breaching a 2021 agreement with the U.S. Justice Department.

China's Sinochem plans to exit US shale JV with Exxon

 Chinese state-backed oil and chemicals company Sinochem is planning to sell its 40% stake in a U.S. shale joint venture with oil major Exxon Mobil, valued upwards of $2 billion, people familiar with the matter told Reuters.

Sinochem in recent weeks hired investment bankers at Barclays to advise it on the potential sale of its stake in the Wolfcamp joint venture, one of the sources said. Exxon, majority owner and operator of the JV, has the right of first refusal in the sale, the source added.

The sources cautioned that the sale considerations are at an early stage and a deal with Exxon or other interested parties, which could include rival Asian national oil corporations, is not guaranteed. They said Sinochem could still decide to retain its stake. The sources requested anonymity to discuss confidential talks.

Sinochem, Exxon and Barclays did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

A sale would end Sinochem's over 11-year involvement in the Permian Basin of Texas, the heartland of the U.S. shale revolution. Meteoric production growth in the region over those 11 years has catapulted the U.S. to the top of global oil production and export charts.

Sinochem acquired the stake from Pioneer Resources in 2013 for $1.7 billion, when production on the roughly 83,000 net acres (33,590 net hectares) of land under the JV was just about 10,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd).

Most recent output from the land averaged over 44,000 boepd, of which roughly 75% is oil, one of the sources said.

Exxon completed a $60 billion purchase of Pioneer in May, the biggest deal in a record-breaking wave of consolidation in the U.S. oil industry. The deal made Exxon the top producer in the Permian Basin.

Sinochem has been re-evaluating its struggling oil exploration and production business in recent years to shift focus to new materials and life sciences, its former chairman, Frank Ning, said in 2017.

The Wolfcamp JV is Sinochem's largest oil and gas producing asset outside China, according to a company source.

The company has also been trying to sell its 40% stake in Brazil's Peregrino oilfield since 2017.

A state-mandated merger with ChemChina in 2021 brought Sinochem new headaches as the company was forced to shutter several oil refineries in eastern China earlier this year to stem losses amid sluggish Chinese fuel demand, Reuters has reported.

How Telegram Is Geopolitcs

 by Pepe Escobar,

From Trump to Crash Test Dummy, Hegemon’s “policies” have managed quite a feat.

It must have taken eons of Taoist patience for President Xi Jinping to tell a few self-evident facts of life to a mediocre imperial functionary such as U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan.

Xi’s key takeways:

  1. “China is ready to be a partner and friend of the U.S.” Even as the reverse is highly doubtful – as China is considered by Washington as an existential “threat”.

  2. China focuses on the well-being of all mankind: that’s the core of Beijing’s concept of a global “community with shared future.

  3. China and the U.S. should be both responsible for history; for the people; and for the world. That’s the “three responsibilities” concept.

The last thing a unipolar Hegemon is responsible for is the world at large: unipolarity by definition profits only the Empire’s own plutocracy.

Little Sullivan also pushed for direct, over the phone military-to-military communications at a working level. Of course, because the Hegemon has less than zero paid moles infiltrated in key nodes of the Chinese system – so at least they will be able to hear little tidbits on and off from the Chinese military.

Yet the key takeway on the military dossier came during Little Sullivan’s session with General Zhang Youxia, the vice chairman of China’s Central Military Commission.

Gen Zhang bluntly told Sullivan, in no uncertain terms, to stay away from Taiwan. Sullivan looked like a headless chicken after the meeting.

As headless as after his meeting with Foreign Minister Wang Yi:

“The United States and China have not made progress in negotiations to find a solution to the Ukrainian crisis.”

Of course not. Beijing sees through the whole imperial “ceasefire” machinations – in parallel with the U.S. trespassing all Russian red lines. Moscow has not responded in a devastating manner – yet – because Putin bears as many Taoist traits as Xi.

China is back: get over it

The Beijing leadership’s meetings with the envoy of an ultra-lame duck U.S. administration may have been only a pro forma exercise. After all what really matters is business.

China’s export to the U.S. represent less than 2% of China’s GDP. That’s negligible. China is the top global trading/commerce powerhouse – and real, strong business ahead is not with the West, but with the Global Majority. China has been playing this Long Game to perfection.

So much perfection that imperial media has been literally freaking out about how deep China has integrated all across the Global Majority, challenging what is the de facto liberal-totalitarian what-we-say-goes international “order”. See, for instance, here.

From Trump to Crash Test Dummy, Hegemon’s “policies” have managed quite a feat.

Included in the package is giving away the world’s biggest tech market – China – exclusively to Chinese manufacturers; chasing away at least 75% of top Chinese scientists back to China from the U.S.; and giving the entire Russian market – over 100 million consumers – to China, in parallel to Beijing buying loads more of cheap energy from Russia.

And this is just the beginning. Hegemon sanctions were actually instrumental in helping Beijing develop even faster the Made in China 2025 set of policies – becoming a leader or second best in 10 high-tech sectors. And the next stage is the several simultaneous steps towards de-dollarization – including the expansion of the petroyuan.

A crack Chinese scholar summed it all up in his delightfully blunt stye (“having the Leviathan-esque advantage of being crystal clear”): China is really back – and will stay on for a very, very long time.

No wonder this is beyond anathema for the imperial plutocracy and its Atlanticist vassals.

We are slowly and surely advancing towards the establishment of a new world-system managed by Sovereign Civilizational States: China, Russia and Iran are at the forefront.

The road though will be long and thorny – with plenty of nasty setbacks. And that brings us to the current Pavel Durov judicial-tech-geopolitical saga.

How Telegram is geopolitics

Pavel Durov is now essentially a high-level hostage in one of NATOstan’s key nodes, France.

NATO’s military intel/surveillance/economic matrix finally got the leverage they actively sought for so long. For the moment there’s no answer to the key question: what did Durov offer his captors to be “rewarded” with a temporary semi-freedom regime after posting bail that for his standards amounts to pocket money?

Durov is essentially accused of not “collaborating” or “cooperating” with Western intel. Their single-minded obsession is to control Telegram’s content moderation set up; have total back door access; and eventually ban all Russian channels – which have been instrumental to carry the real stories on the ground developing from Ukraine to sub-Saharan Africa and beyond.

Telegram is the social network of choice of the Global Majority. Telegram is at the heart of geopolitics. So this is yet another chapter of the no holds barred Hybrid War by the Collective West against the Global Majority.

Telegram also happens to be extensively used in Russia by public and military bodies. It’s a near certainty that Pavel does not have Telegram’s fabled encryption keys; yet his math genius brother Nikolai does.

As it stands, no one knows the terms of the deal leading to Pavel’s semi-freedom. What is clear is that some sort of concessions were made – Durov has not been turned into Assange 2.0. These concessions might include handing over selected information in a classic “judiciary” mode that would not compromise Russian state secrets.

The Durov brothers are certainly aware that any information leading Western intel to harass bloggers and channels for their political stance would fatally compromise the credibility of Telegram.

Depending on how the French mega-bureaucracy “investigation” proceeds, and whether the system decides to take Durov to trial or even to block Telegram in the EU, that will only benefit Telegram globally.

The saga is just beginning. As it stands, the world is waiting for a word by Pavel Durov himself. On Telegram.

Netanyahu Sent Aide to Moscow Seeking Progress On Gaza Hostages


Israel sought Russia’s help in making progress on a deal to free hostages from Gaza, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office said, as efforts spearheaded by the US, Qatar and Egypt to secure a truce with Hamas advance slowly.

Netanyahu’s military secretary returned on Sunday morning from Moscow, where he discussed the hostages with his hosts, according to a statement. The government of Vladimir Putin has been in contact with Hamas over the fate of hostages who hold Russian citizenship.