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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

From Republic To Leviathan: Progressive Assault On The Constitution

 by Ned Ryun via American Greatness,

What if I told you that the President of the United States doesn’t really run our government? Or that most people in Washington, D.C., don’t really believe in representative democracy? Or that a government of, by, and for the people is just an illusion? Because all of those things are closer to reality than the idea that we are still a republic in which all power flows from the people to their duly elected representatives to create a government that promotes and defends the interests of the American people first and last.

It’s time for the American people to understand that the past century has seen a slow regime change, a gradual coup, undermining our Constitution and Constitutional Republic. This internal insurrection has undercut the original intent of the Constitution, eroded our freedoms, undermined our civil liberties, and called into question who is actually governing this country.

The coup I’m referring to is the focus of my new book, American Leviathan, which examines the Progressive Statist movement that began in the early 20th century and gave rise to the unconstitutional and un-American Administrative State that now dominates Washington, D.C., and, by extension, our country.

The Progressive movement, led by such men as Woodrow Wilson, Herbert Croly, Robert La Follette, and Theodore Roosevelt, was a complete rejection of the original intent of the Constitution. In fact, the Progressive movement, as John Marini wrote in Unmasking the Administrative State, “has as its fundamental purpose the destruction of the political and moral authority of the U.S. Constitution.”

The Progressives’ goal: build a massive bureaucracy filled with unelected bureaucrats, separated from political accountability, who would do the actual governing in this country. Viewing the all-powerful state as salvation for society and mankind, the Progressives weren’t shy about their aims: “We are not bound to adhere to the doctrines held by the signers of the Declaration of Independence,” Wilson declared. “We are as free as they are to make and unmake governments.” So they set out to unmake the American Republic.

Progressive Statists deeply resented the separation of powers, the essence of our Constitution and the greatest protector of our natural inherent rights, so piece by piece they pulled apart the machinery of the Republic. The diffusion of power in their minds was the greatest hindrance to progress, so they set out to consolidate the legislative, executive and judicial powers in the Administrative State in the name of “progress.”

Vehemently opposed to the idea of a rights-based government, Progressives rejected the ideals of the Declaration that “All men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, that to secure these rights governments are instituted among men.” A rights-based government was too limited in size and scope for them to achieve their grandiose “progress.”

As the separation of powers meant to protect those rights was a hindrance to progress, so, too, was a rights-based government: one could not have efficiency in the pursuit of progress if every individual was demanding his or her rights be secured and protected. No, in their thinking, the State was all, a living organism that subsumed everything else—corporations, individuals, individual rights—and the State, for the sake of progress, would return those rights if it deemed it advantageous to the State.

In the end, the Progressives triumphed. They built their Administrative State, consolidating in many ways the executive, legislative, and judicial powers into one entity. Over the course of the 20th century until the present day, this State, which primarily resides in the Executive Branch, has become a sprawling bureaucracy, the American Leviathan, filled with powerful, unelected bureaucrats who owe nothing to the American people, who feel in many ways they rule the people.

This unconstitutional state and its ruling class are now the greatest threat to our freedom and inherent rights.

The question, now, is: What will be done with it? Every aspect of the Administrative State is deeply antithetical to our founding and the idea of representative democracy. When threatened by Donald Trump’s idea that he, as the duly elected representative of the American people, was the one to decide both foreign and domestic policy—with Congress serving in its advise and consent role—the State lashed out, declaring political war on Trump and his supporters.

The American people gained a significant victory against the State earlier this summer when the Supreme Court in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondi overruled the “Chevron doctrine,” which for the past 40 years allowed the Administrative State to “reasonably interpret” a regulatory statute regardless of congressional intent. In other words, the bureaucrats could do what they felt best regardless of what the other two branches of the government told them to do. As a result of Loper Bright, a host of regulatory and bureaucratic overreaches can now be rolled back to the benefit of our country.

A far more aggressive rollback should take place by Trump when he wins in November: he should declare on Day 1 of his administration that he will break apart the Administrative State, devolve it, returning legislative powers to the Article I branch, that he will break the State to drain the Swamp and then bring about the great restoration of our Republic.

Are The White House And Pentagon Controlled By A Shadowy Few?

 by Fred Galvin via American Greatness,

As we approach the 2024 election, many Americans are disillusioned by the notion that their votes truly matter.


Because there’s a growing belief that a hidden force - often referred to as the Deep or Administrative State - wields disproportionate power behind the scenes.

Despite our democratic process, can we truly trust that our elected leaders are running the country, or are they merely figureheads for a larger, more insidious operation?

Consider the historical contextBarack Obama’s admiration for Saul Alinsky and Hillary Clinton’s thesis on his methods are no coincidence. Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals”—specifically, Rule 8 (Keep the pressure on) and Rule 13 (Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it)—have been adopted as strategies by those who seek to manipulate and control political narratives.

Let’s review some unsettling examples:

  • 2016 Election: The FBI misled Congress about the dubious Steele dossier, fueling a media frenzy that sought to destroy Donald Trump. This dossier, which claimed Trump was a Russian agent, was debunked, yet it set the stage for relentless attacks on his presidency.

  • Hunter Biden Laptop: During the 2020 election, 51 former intelligence officials publicly denounced the New York Post’s Hunter Biden laptop story as Russian disinformation. Yet, as revealed by the House Judiciary Committee, FBI employees knew the laptop was legitimate but still pressured social media companies to suppress it.

  • Censorship During COVID-19: Mark Zuckerberg’s letter to Representative Jim Jordan in August 2024 admitted to bowing to administration pressure to censor COVID-19 posts. This highlights a broader pattern of censorship and manipulation.

  • Impeachment Trials: The relentless pursuit to impeach Trump, despite his acquittal, was another clear instance of the Deep State’s interference in democracy.

  • 2023-2024 Trials: The ongoing legal attacks against Trump in multiple states are not just about legal accountability—they are strategic moves to drain his resources, distract his campaign, and tarnish his reputation.

In a startling revelation from Labor Day weekend 2024, while President Biden enjoyed a beach vacation, his administration took the unprecedented step of seizing Venezuelan President Maduro’s personal plane.

This unprecedented action underscores the growing reach and audacity of this shadowy influence.

Furthermore, during critical moments when U.S. forces were engaged by Irania-backed militias in Iraq and by Houthi rebels in the Gulf of Oman, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin disappeared from public view, his whereabouts unknown even by his Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks, who was on vacation in the Caribbean. Nor was the president or vice president either aware of the Pentagon’s senior two leaders’ complete absence. Initially, it was claimed that Austin was undergoing elective surgery and that Austin was working from home, it was later disclosed that he was receiving in-patient treatment for prostate cancer at the Walter Reed Military Medical Treatment Center.

The lack of transparency and coordination within the Defense Department raises serious questions about who is truly in control and whether is there any actual presidential oversight.

This administration’s awareness of these orchestrated efforts to undermine President Trump is evident.

The deep state continues its relentless pressure campaign to prevent him from reclaiming the presidency.

For those who believe in transparent governance and accountability, this is a wake-up call: The real battle is not just at the ballot box but against an unseen force that seeks to control and manipulate the American government.

The question is not whether we can handle the truth - but whether the people will act on it before it’s too late.

*  *  *

Major Fred Galvin, USMC (retired), provides a stark example of the consequences of such unchecked power. Galvin, who led the Marine Corps’ first Special Operations Task Force in Afghanistan, was falsely accused and tried for war crimes in Afghanistan. Despite being exonerated, the media’s relentless false reporting destroyed his reputation for twelve years—a testament to the Deep State’s ability to manipulate public perception. His book, A Few Bad Men, is a #1 best-selling non-fiction account of Marine Special Operators ambushed in Afghanistan and betrayed in America.

"Symbol Of Imperial Violence And Colonialism": Activists At UPenn Deface Statue Of Ben Franklin

 by Jonathan Turley,

Benjamin Franklin once wrote “Love your Enemies, for they tell you your Faults.”

Yet, Franklin might be a bit confused by his critics at the University of Pennsylvania.

Anti-Israel activists vandalized his statue as a symbol of colonialism.

The man who was instrumental in the Declaration of Independence against the British Empire is being denounced as an “imperial” colonizing figure. Franklin would likely fess up to any number of “faults” over the excesses of his personal life, but being an imperial colonizer would not be one of them. Indeed, he was estranged from his son, William Franklin (right), who was the last Royal Governor of New Jersey.

Nevertheless, the group Up Against the Occupation, or (u)PAO, posted pictures to Instagram of defacing the statue with red paint.

The group called the statue “a symbol of imperial violence and colonialism.”

The red paint was meant to be a “visual reminder of the over 186,000 martyrs and the university’s complicity in genocide.” They also objected that “the University has tried to supress [sic] the student intifada, supressing [sic] Palestinian voices, all in the name of ‘campus safety.’ There are NO Universities left in Gaza. There are NO first days. The education system of Gaza has been systematically destroyed, and the genocide has only expanded.”

This is the Benjamin Franklin who noted in Paris that “It is a common observation here (Paris) that our cause is the cause of all mankind, and that we are fighting for their liberty in defending our own.”

That does not quite sound like a supporter of imperial colonial ambitions.

The “colonizer” accusation is reminiscent of the ahistorical objections to GW being called the “Colonials.”

Franklin was a loyal British citizen but then, like many, came to support the cause of “independency.”

He was also not an advocate of violence.

This was the figure who declared “May we never see another War! for in my Opinion there never was a good War, or a bad Peace.”

And now for a singing Franklin to wipe away the memory of radicals defacing the statue of one of the greatest American figures in history:

'Bloomberg Map Shows Potential US Areas Of Migrant 'Great Job Replacement''

 Bloomberg has unveiled one of the most detailed maps yet, showing where the 2023 migrant invasion has spread across the US, broken down on a county-by-county basis. The map, built on immigration court case data, highlights clusters of new migrant populations that primarily emerged across the eastern half of the nation. The question becomes if the federal government and a shadowy network of non-governmental organizations worked in unison to precision dump migrants in small towns and cities to replace native blue-collar workers. 

The data plotted on the map includes immigration court data showing where the 1.8 million migrants landed in the US and have since taken up residence. Notice massive clusters of new migrants across the Mid-Alantic and Northeast metro areas, as well as the Midwest and Rust Belt regions. 

"In the battleground states that will decide this November's election, about 72% of migrants in 2023 went to Biden counties while less than a third went to Trump counties, the Bloomberg analysis found. Counties that voted for Biden four years ago are home to roughly 60% of the overall US population," Bloomberg said. 

Source: Bloomberg

Bloomberg continued, "Swing states received 12% of all migrants, with most going to blue counties like Philadelphia, home to Pennsylvania's largest city, and Gwinnett, which is outside Atlanta."

Source: Bloomberg

Meanwhile, within the report, Bloomberg's journos claim former President Trump's crackdown on migrants via the America First political agenda has "used extreme or disproven examples to demonize migrants." 

Come on, Bloomberg reporters. Maybe it's time to step out of your parents' basements or elitist Midtown or DC studio apartments and do some actual investigative work instead of just sitting behind a boring office desk echoing the Democratic Party's lame talking points (groupthink, eh?)

Take, for instance, Charleroi, Pennsylvania. Last week, Trump said, "The small 4,000 person town of Charleroi, Pennsylvania has experienced a 2,000% increase in the population of Haitian migrants under Kamala Harris — the schools are scrambling to hire translators for the influx of students who don't speak English, costing local taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars."

Trump was entirely correct last week about Charleroi. We recently had boots on the ground who investigated the former president's claim and found he was right. 

In fact, the Haitians were dumped into the small town to work at several food-packing plants. These plants produce food items for the processed foods-industrial complex, which sells junk food in major big-box stores. The Haitians (and or other migrants) have mostly or entirely displaced the native workers at Fourth Street Foods factories. 

The picture being painted in Charleroi is part of a much broader labor theme:

One Charleroi resident exposed how the Haitians were dumped into the town to supply local food plants with cheap labor, effectively displacing native workers and making life for them a living hell. 

Here's how it all works... First real example. 

This isn't just happening in Charleroi. As the Bloomberg map revealed, the 'Great Job Replacement' of native workers by migrants is a nationwide phenomenon.

Blue-collar workers should thank the Biden-Harris team for facilitating the greatest migrant invasion this nation has ever seen.

Chinese Jets Tail US Spy Plane While Making 1st Pass Over Taiwan Strait In 5 Months

 China says it sent warplanes to monitor and mirror a US military reconnaissance plane as it flew over the contested Taiwan Strait on Tuesday, according to statements of the People's Liberation Army (PLA).

The PLA's Eastern Theater Command identified the aircraft as a US Navy P-8A Poseidon patrol plane. A statement said the PLA "organized warplanes to tail and monitor the U.S. aircraft’s flight and handled it in accordance with the law."

"Theater command troops will remain on constant high alert and resolutely safeguard national sovereignty and security as well as regional peace and stability," the statement added.

The US Navy's 7th Fleet later confirmed, "The aircraft’s transit of the Taiwan Strait demonstrates the United States’ commitment to a free and open Indo-Pacific." It asserted in response to Beijing's condemnation: "The United States military flies, sails and operates anywhere international law allows."

"The Poseidon on Tuesday encountered foreign military forces, but the flight was not affected," the US Navy indicated. "All interactions with foreign military forces during the transit were consistent with international norms and did not impact the operation," the statement noted.

Tuesday's fly through marked the US Navy's first aerial transit of the vital strait in five months. Days prior, the German frigate Baden-Wuerttemberg and support ship Frankfurt am Main made their own transit.

The German pass-through was much rarer, a first in over two decades, and suggests deepening NATO forces' involvement in the Taiwan issue.

This past summer, Taiwan's foreign ministry had stated that it "welcomes NATO's continuous increase in attention to peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region in recent years, and its active strengthening of exchanges and interactions with countries in the Indo-Pacific region."

Median line incursions by Chinese military assets have seen an uptick ever since the election victory last January of new Taiwan President Lai Ching-te, which Beijing has called a 'separatist'. China's Foreign Ministry has repeatedly vowed that "The determination of China to safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity remains unrelenting."

When will media, Dems care about massive damage open borders caused?

 By Jack Hellner

President Trump understands that his oath of office required him to enforce laws Congress passed, which includes Democrats in Congress.

Kamala Harris and Joe Biden seemed to think that they didn't have to enforce those laws, so they effectively opened the border and allowed a massive number of illegals to pour in, including criminals and terrorists.

The Democrats, including most of the media, don't seem to care about the more than 300,000 children who have been "lost" by Department of Homeland Security because they never talk about it. 

Trump wants to end lawless sanctuary cities and states because he believes they should follow the law and cooperate with ICE. Democrats support cities and states refusing to abide by federal laws even as they falsely claim no one is above the law.

Trump cares about the small town of Springfield, Ohio which had a population of around 58,000 before it was overwhelmed by migrants because Joe and Kamala have let over 15,000 Haitians invade their town. Trump cares about Aurora, Colorado where armed Venezuelan gang members are terrorizing the people. I don't believe Joe or Kamala, or most of the media said a word about these dangerous situations until stories about animals came out because they didn't care.

But when Florida's governor, Ron DeSantis, sent a mere 50 illegal immigrants to the very wealthy sanctuary city of Martha's Vineyard, the media and other Democrats had a collective cow.

There was endless reporting about how terrible this was and how hard it was on the people. The community wasn't prepared for such an influx. There were no stories about how they were just there to get jobs and how valuable they were. But the town bragged about how well they took care of those illegals for one day before they got rid of them.

Somehow, the media and other Democrats haven't said a word about a small town in Pennsylvania being overwhelmed by Haitians. 

According to ZeroHedge:

Watch: Resident Of PA Manufacturing Town Exposes Reality Of Haitian 'Great Job Replacement'

Ahead of Trump spotlighting the Haitian surge in the tiny blue-collar town of Charleroi during a rally last week in Arizona, we cited the think tank America 2100, which first revealed that the town's population of Haitian migrants exploded by 2,000% over the past two years.

The public is told that the Haitians are here legally, but it is not by an act of Congress. The Biden-Harris autocracy has decided that a mass invasion, (530,000 so far) by people from Haiti, Nicauragua, Cuba, and Venezuela, with little to no vetting, is welcome. They clearly don't care about the massive harm to towns and our country that these actions have caused. 

According to Bob Hoge, writing at RedState:

We write about illegal immigration plenty here at RedState, and how the Biden-Harris regime has laid a virtual welcome mat at our southern border. But there is also legal migration, and Fox News reports Tuesday that new stats from the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reveal that nearly 530,000 migrants flew into the U.S. and were paroled into the country as part of Biden’s controversial mass parole program. They're coming from Haiti, Nicaragua, Cuba, and Venezuela.

So if you want a president who cares about the law and small cities, vote for Trump. If you want a person who doesn't care about laws or small cities but cares deeply about Obama and other rich people in Martha's Vineyard, vote for Kamala.

The media says it is baseless to say that people are eating animals in Springfield but the reports are not baseless because people have actually reported that. 

What is baseless are lies that the media and other Democrats spread endlessly. Here is a small sample. 

Guards "whipping" Haitians illegally crossing in: The purpose of this lie, with no evidence, by the media, Biden, Harris, Garland and others was to destroy the reputation of Border Patrol. 

Russian collusion: The purpose of this lie, which has survived eight years, is to tell the public that Trump is a stooge of Putin and that he was never a legitimate president. 

Charlottesville story: The purpose of Biden, Harris, and others to continue this lie for seven years is to gin up racial hate and division while they pretend they want to unite the country and claim that Trump is the divisive one. 

That the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation: The purpose of the media, the FBI, former intelligence officers, Biden and others spreading this lie was to bury the truth about the massive Biden family corruption as they interfered in the 2020 election. The lie worked because Biden won as he was hidden in the basement. 

The Wuhan lab as source of COVID story was called a disproven conspiracy: When Trump and others wanted the Wuhan lab investigated as the source of COVID, the media, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and others colluded to spread the lie that it was already a disproven conspiracy. The purpose of this lie was to protect China, WHO, NIH, CDC, Dr. Fauci and others from having people look into their culpability about the development of the virus. It was certainly not to get to the truth or to protect public health. People should be criminally charged for blocking a timely investigation. 

And the most baseless lie of all is spread every day: That humans, CO2, and our use of oil, coal, and natural gas cause global temperatures to rise. Temperatures have risen and fallen for significant periods of time during the last 160 years as our use of natural resources has risen exponentially. There is no correlation, so there can be no causation. That is science. The purpose of these lies is to get government control over the people. 

So when will the media and other Democrats care about small towns, and the rest of us, for the damage their policies cause? The answer is 'never' because all they care about is electing Kamala, no matter what she says, and more important to them, destroying Trump.

Rasmussen Poll: 52% of Dem voters think things would be better (or are ‘unsure’) if Trump assassinated

 The results are in—a majority of Democrats are evil.

Well, I guess those results were in a long time ago, so maybe this is more like a reminder (as if we needed one), but according to a new poll from Scott Rasmussen of RMG Research, only a minority (48%) of Democrats “could bring themselves to say” that it was a good thing that neither of the assassination attempts on Trump’s life were successful.

You know what that means? It means that the other 52% (or a majority) of them revealed that they either believed things would be “better off” if Trump had been killed, or were unsure about what murdering their political opponent would mean for social civility and our nation’s fabric. (Not only are they evil, they’re dumb too.)

Here’s what Rasmussen posted to X:

These survey results were deemed “alarming” by the Napolitan News Service, which wrote this:

The desensitization of some Americans following the second assassination of former President Trump is alarming. Seventeen percent (17%) of voters believe America would have been better off if former President Trump had been killed in last week’s attempted assassination.

That figure includes 28% of Democrats who say that America would have been better off if Trump had been assassinated. Another 24% of Democrats were not sure. Fewer than half (48%) of Democrats could bring themselves to say that America would not be better off if the opposing party’s candidate for president had been assassinated.

I wonder what could possibly account for the “desensitization” of certain factions of the American public:

But what else would you expect from these people? These voters are the same ones who are supporting a party that actually makes baby dismemberment, the mutilation of children’s sex organs, and flouting immigration law leading policies on their platform.

Even more telling though is that according to the data, around half of polled Democrats (49%) suspected Trump was “involved” with the assassination attempt:

Forty-nine percent (49%) of Democrats think it’s at least somewhat likely that Trump himself or the Trump campaign was involved with the assassination attempt, with 21% saying it was very likely. Fifty-two percent (52%) of Republicans think it’s at least somewhat likely that the Democratic Party or the Harris campaign was involved, with 28% saying it’s very likely.

With this wording, I can’t tell if that implies a false flag involvement, or suggests that these voters blame Trump for the attempts like his rhetoric is the problem—either way, these people are hopelessly stupid, entirely unable to accept responsibility, and wicked to the core.