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Sunday, May 1, 2022

Does selenium really slow aging?

 Selenium is a trace mineral, which means the body only requires it in very small amounts. It is naturally present in many foods and is also available as a dietary supplement.

The majority of selenium from our diet gets stored in muscle tissue, though the thyroidTrusted Source is the organ with the highest concentration.

Selenium is an important componentTrusted Source of enzymes and proteins — known as selenoproteins — that play a key role in reproduction, thyroid hormone metabolism, and DNA synthesis.

Selenoproteins also act as powerful antioxidants that help protect against damaging particles in the body called free radicals.

Free radicalsTrusted Source are unstable atoms produced naturally in the body as a byproduct of normal functions within the body. They cause damage to cell membranes and DNA. Over time, this can lead to inflammation, premature skin aging, and a host of age-associated diseases.

Biological agingTrusted Source is a complex process that involves molecular damage, metabolic imbalance, immune system changes, and increased susceptibility to environmental stressors and disease.

According to a reviewTrusted Source from 2018, selenium can fight aging and prevent age-related health issues, such as tumors, cardiovascular disease, and neuropsychiatric disorders. Some researchers also believe that selenium can reduce chronic inflammationTrusted Source, which is closely related to aging.

According to some research, selenoproteins are primarily responsible for many of the health benefits of selenium.

For example, one 2021 review found that selenoproteins play a key role in controlling and removing misfolded proteinsTrusted Source, which accumulate as we age. Specialists note that the accumulation of misfolded proteins is a common characteristic of aging and age-related diseases, including type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease.

Experts also believe that selenium protects the skin against ultraviolet (UV) oxidative stress by stimulating the selenium-dependent antioxidant enzymes glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and thioredoxin reductaseTrusted Source (TDR). TDR is located in the plasma membrane of epidermal keratinocytes. This may potentially combat aging skin caused by UV exposure.

Moreover, a newer study from 2020 found that increased dietary intakes of selenium are associated with longer telomeres. This study found that every 20 microgram increase in dietary selenium was associated with a 0.42% longer telomere length in participants over the age of 45.

Telomeres are “protective caps” located on the ends of our chromosomes that affect how quickly cells age. Some experts consider telomere length as an informative biomarker of aging.

ResearchersTrusted Source also believe that higher levels of selenium are associated with longevity. The all-cause mortality of older adults with low selenium levels is significantly higher than that of the elderly with a high level of selenium.

For example, centenarians often appear to have higher systemic levels of selenium and iron while having lower levels of copper than other older people.

However, it is important to note that results remain conflicting and more research on the topic is needed. Some studies — such as the one referred to above — suggest that low levels of selenium may actually promote longevity.

Other health benefits

Selenium may also play an important role in the protection against certain age-related diseases.

Heart disease

One meta-analysisTrusted Source found that people with lower selenium levels are at a higher risk of coronary heart disease. In contrast, a review Trusted Sourceof trials that used only selenium supplementation for the primary prevention of heart disease found no statistically significant effects of selenium on both fatal and nonfatal cardiovascular events.

Although some research appears promising, there is not enough evidenceTrusted Source to support the routine use of selenium supplements, especially in those who are obtaining enough from food to prevent heart disease at this time.


There is a notion that selenium may play a role in cancer prevention thanks to its ability to protect cells against DNA damage and mutations. However, the evidence around this remains conflicting.

According to a 2018 reviewTrusted Source of 83 studies, there is no solid research to suggest selenium from diet or supplements prevents cancer in humans.

In fact, some trialsTrusted Source suggest that selenium supplementation may increase the risk of non-melanoma skin cancer and type 2 diabetes.

Thyroid disease

Selenium plays a key role in thyroid function. Some studiesTrusted Source suggest that having optimal selenium levels can protect against thyroid disease and preserve overall health.

However, according to the Office of Dietary SupplementsTrusted Source, additional research is needed to determine whether selenium supplements can treat or prevent thyroid disease.

Cognitive decline

Because serum selenium levels decline with age, marginal or deficient selenium concentrations may be associated with age-related declines in brain functionTrusted Source. Experts believe this might be due to selenium’s antioxidant properties.

Still, more research is needed to determine if selenium supplementation can help treat or prevent age-related cognitive decline in older adults.

Selenium supplement?

Overall, research remains conflicting regarding selenium supplementation and the effect of selenium on aging.

According to the 2018 review discussed above, most studies point to selenium supplementation having anti-aging properties and preventing aging-related diseases. However, more studies are needed to clarify its role.

At this time, there is no solid evidence that selenium supplementation benefits a person who is not at risk for deficiency.

A selenium deficiency is rare in the United States because of the selenium-rich soil found throughout North America.

Still, certain groups are at risk for selenium deficiency, including:

  • people living with HIV
  • people with kidney failure requiring hemodialysis
  • people who live in low-selenium regions, including some European countries, Russia, and China.

The risk is further increased for people living in low-selenium areas who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet.

Selenium deficiency can weaken cells’ ability to grow and divide, which can contribute to aging. It can also lead to delayed wound healing, cataract development, and loss of color.

Food sources

Most adults need 55 microgramsTrusted Source (mcg) of selenium per day. Pregnant women, however, should consume 60 mcg. During lactation, selenium needs to further increase to 70 mcg.

Since the human body does not generate its own selenium, it is essential to get optimal amounts from the diet, in order for it to benefit overall health.

Thankfully, selenium is found in a wide variety of foods that can be easily incorporated into a person’s diet.

Because selenium is found in soil, its levels in food will be based on how much selenium was in the soil where the food was grown.

Brazil nuts, seafood, and organ meats are among the highest dietary sources of selenium. For example, one ounce of brazil nuts has 544 mcgTrusted Source of selenium or 989% of the recommended Daily Value (DV).

Other good dietary sources of selenium include:

  • yellowfin tuna
  • halibut
  • sardines
  • beef
  • ham
  • shrimp
  • cottage cheese
  • brown rice
  • boiled eggs
  • whole wheat bread
  • beans/lentils.

If a person consistently exceeds the recommended upper limit of 400 mcgTrusted Source of selenium through foods or supplements, it can cause adverse health effects.

One of the first signs of excessive selenium intake is a garlic smell on the breath and a metallic taste in the mouth.

Other signsTrusted Source of chronically high selenium intake are:

  • hair and nail loss or brittleness
  • skin lesions
  • mottled or decaying teeth
  • nausea
  • diarrhea
  • fatigue
  • irritability.

Taking megadoses of selenium can lead to acute selenium toxicityTrusted Source, which can lead to acute respiratory distress syndrome, severe gastrointestinal and neurological symptoms, kidney failure, cardiac failure, and — in extreme cases — death.

The bottom line

Selenium is an important mineral that is needed for many important functions within the body. There is also limited evidence that it may provide several different health benefits.

Selenoproteins are powerful antioxidants that can help protect against damage caused by free radicals that lead to aging and age-related health conditions.

At this time, there is no evidence that selenium supplements can slow or prevent aging. However, it is important to include optimal amounts of selenium in the diet because it does play a role in neutralizing free radicals and reducing inflammation, both of which can contribute to premature aging.

If you believe you have a selenium deficiency or are considering taking selenium supplements, be sure to speak with your healthcare provider.

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Long COVID's cardiovascular implications

 Millions of people worldwide live with long COVID, a condition characterized by symptoms of COVID-19 and other syndromes months after the initial illness has subsided. One aspect of particular concern is its cardiovascular implications, including a rise in postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) and increased cardiovascular disease risk. Our latest In Conversation episode delves into this topic.

It is unclear how many people around the world live with long COVID. However, one study that is yet to undergo peer review estimates that as of August 2021, about 43% of people who tested positive for COVID-19, and more than half of those who received hospitalized care for this disease, ended up developing long COVID.

The results of a survey published in eClinicalMedicineTrusted Source in July 2021 indicate that long COVID causes an array of diverse symptoms that “affect multiple organ systems, with impact on functioning and ability to work.”

The authors of this paper also point out that people with long COVID experience some unexpected conditions after their initial illness, including a hard-to-diagnose syndrome known as POTS.

POTS involves a complex mix of symptoms, including lightheadedness, brain fog, fatigue, headaches, blurry vision, heart palpitations, and nausea. These symptoms are linked to either low blood pressure or high blood pressure — hypotension or hypertension, respectively — although the precise cause behind these effects remains debatable.

Other dataTrusted Source indicate that acute COVID-19 can lead to various cardiovascular complications, including stroke, heart attack, arrhythmia, deep vein thrombosis, and pericarditis, which is inflammation of the heart membrane.

A study that appeared in Nature MedicineTrusted Source in February 2022 goes so far as to suggest that people who develop COVID-19 have an increased risk of experiencing cardiovascular problems a year after the initial disease.

According to the study authors, at 12 months post-COVID-19, people continue to have an increased risk of “cardiovascular disease spanning several categories, including cerebrovascular disorders, dysrhythmias, ischemic and non-ischemic heart disease, pericarditis, myocarditis, heart failure, and thromboembolic disease.”

What is more, they write, “The risks were evident regardless of age, race, sex, and other cardiovascular risk factors, including obesity, hypertension, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, and hyperlipidemia; they were also evident in people without any cardiovascular disease before exposure to COVID-19.”

To better understand how and why COVID-19 and long COVID have cardiovascular implications, in our latest In Conversation podcast, we have spoken with three experts and one person who continues to navigate the difficulties of living life with long COVID.

These individuals are:

Cardiovascular complications

According to Dr. Fedorowski, “somewhere between 1% and 10% of individuals [who contracted SARS-CoV-2] will develop all these [cardiovascular] complications, [such as] myocarditis, pericarditis, and even blood clots building in [the] arteries.”

The difficulty in treating these cases, moreover, is [because] the cardiovascular impact can be difficult to pinpoint at first.

“We are talking about very small blood clots in very small arteries — they are not so easy to detect,” said Dr. Fedorowski. “But some patients may report having blue fingers out of nowhere, just being infected a few days before. And this might be a sign of a very small, tiny blood clot in [the] peripheral blood arteries.”

The Nature MedicineTrusted Source study that we referred to earlier in the article shows that there is an increased risk of a whole range of cardiovascular outcomes even in those not admitted to hospital with severe COVID-19 — that is, even in milder cases of the disease.

To reach this conclusion, the study authors analyzed data from a large cohort of “153,760 individuals with COVID-19, as well as two sets of control cohorts with 5,637,647 (contemporary controls) and 5,859,411 (historical controls) individuals.”

This ongoing risk of cardiovascular issues does not apply only to adults. According to a paper in CirculationTrusted Source in November 2020, children can also experience acute heart failure weeks after having had a SARS-CoV-2 infection. This is likely to be an effect of long COVID in children, which is also under investigation.

However, the syndrome that has most puzzled scientists regarding its association with long COVID is POTS.

What is POTS?

The medical community generally describes POTS, the syndrome that affects more and more people with long COVID, as a dysautonomic phenomenon — that is, something that affects the autonomic nervous system.

The autonomic nervous system is the body’s “autopilot mode,” which controls key bodily functions, such as heart rate, breathing, and digestion.

POTS is one of several forms of dysautonomia, alongside neurocardiogenic syncope, which involves frequent fainting spells and multiple system atrophy, a rare and fatal condition that leads to rapid systemic deterioration.

The symptoms of POTS are as numerous as they are varied, ranging from lightheadedness upon standing up from a seated position to tachycardia (an abnormally rapid heart rate), shortness of breath, and digestive symptoms.

This heterogeneity of symptoms can make POTS difficult to diagnose. Doctors often mistake it for an anxiety disorderTrusted Source, as symptoms such as a rapid heart rate and heart palpitations also occur in people who experience anxiety.

“The problem with POTS is that it seems to be not only a cardiovascular problem — [a] heart and vessel problem — [but also] a problem of your nervous system, sometimes on your gastrointestinal system,” Dr. Fedorowski explained.

“And in the end, we call it ‘dysautonomia,’ as it seems [to be] about your autonomic nervous system, which controls all your autonomic functions […]. And as the autonomic nervous system controls, first of all, your circulatory system, the main symptoms that you feel are from the circulatory or from your heart palpitations or blood pressure instability — you don’t feel good when you stand up, and so on. But the problems are a little bit diffused,” he noted, pointing out that even top specialists may find it hard to diagnose POTS correctly.

Ms. Meriquez Vázquez described her experience of POTS as a life altering syndrome, and she confirmed the similarity between symptoms of POTS and those of a panic attack:

“[M]y POTS started as very severe adrenaline rushes along with a racing heart, especially when I was standing — I would get so nauseated and dizzy. From all of the adrenaline, it felt like a panic attack, but it would come out of nowhere.”

Why does adrenaline, or epinephrine, play a role? Dr. Kavi explained that “the sympathetic nervous system is the fight-or-flight system, and that’s where the adrenaline […] — noradrenaline — comes in.”

“The parasympathetic system is the rest-and-digest system. And for us to function normally, we have to have a balance between the two — a sort of equilibrium. And it’s when that equilibrium gets disrupted, and one or [the other] is overpowering that people develop problems,” she explained.

The mechanisms behind POTS remain unclear, but ongoing research is searching for the likeliest explanations.

A study published in February 2022 in Cells found that people with POTS have platelet storage pool deficiency, a phenomenon linked to symptoms such as frequent nosebleeds, dysmenorrhea, easy bruising, and anemia.

It also showed that people with POTS have elevated inflammatory biomarkers, all of which may suggest a state of chronic inflammation.

“[T]he data provided [in this study] suggest that POTS is a mixed inflammatory pattern disease,” the authors conclude.

POTS before, after COVID

Although more and more media content has started looking at POTS as a long-term effect of SARS-CoV-2 infections, POTS itself is not a newly emerged syndrome.

According to data that the nonprofit organization Dysautonomia International cited well before the pandemic, an estimated 1–3 million people in the U.S. had POTS.

Although it is unclear how many more people are seeking care in the aftermath of COVID-19 than they were pre-pandemic, anecdotal reportsTrusted Source seem to indicate a steep increase in cases, most of them associated with long COVID.

Dr. Fedorowski also told us that he and his colleagues at the Karolinska University Hospital in Sweden have been seeing an influx of people with long COVID whom doctors have referred for POTS treatment:

“We experience a huge inflow of new referrals from different parts of the region of Stockholm, meaning that in the Stockholm area, [where] we have around 2.5 million citizens, […] from [that] whole area, we are getting referrals from primary care doctors [and] from other specialists from other hospitals regarding people who developed what we call ‘long COVID’ or ‘post-COVID syndrome.’ The main reason they are sent to us is that [here] is quite [a] high clinical suspicion of POTS — postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome.”

According to Dr. Fedorowski, at almost 2 years into the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of referrals for POTS rehabilitation “has doubled or tripled.”

Dr. Chung made a similar observation about the Johns Hopkins POTS Program, saying that he and his colleagues “have [had] at least twice or three times more referrals” at their clinic since the start of the pandemic, compared with pre-pandemic numbers.

And Dr. Kavi told us that the situation is the same in the U.K.: “Here, the feedback that I’m getting from the clinicians that we work with — who run POTS services and secondary care […] — [is] that they’re noticing a significant increase in their referrals. And, of course, that means that their waiting lists are getting longer as well.”

Current data indicate that the people who most commonly receive a diagnosis of POTS in long COVID are young females.

However, both Dr. Fedorowski and Dr. Chung noted that there is a slight difference in the demographics of people presenting with POTS before the COVID-19 pandemic and those who have POTS associated with long COVID.

According to the researchers, pre-pandemic, most people with POTS tended to be in their teens or early 20s, while people with long-COVID-associated POTS tend to be in their 30s, 40s, and 50s.

Dr. Fedorowski speculated that the high levels of stress that women in these demographics often encounter, perhaps due to persistent issues of gender inequality in the home and workplace, may play a role.

“A lot of younger women […] get affected by POTS as a consequence of COVID-19,” Dr. Fedorowski told Medical News Today. “And if you talk to them […], then you will see a picture of a woman who is working very hard, having [a] family, taking care of children, and trying to reach some higher position in […] society; or [there] are the women who are very much stressed by feeling that they are not good enough.”

During the pandemic, for instance, women have continued to bearTrusted Source the higher burden of child care and stay-at-home orders during the early stages have also disproportionately affected working women.

ResearchTrusted Source has shown that chronic stress can have a very real physiological impact, leading to impaired immune system function and cardiovascular and gastrointestinal problems.

However, reflecting on the shift in POTS demographics outlined by Drs Chung and Fedorowski, Dr. Kavi wondered whether “it’s a real increase in older people having POTS [after COVID-19] or whether it’s just not being picked up in younger people” since POTS is often not given due consideration as a possible diagnosis.

“In terms of pediatricians and [family doctors], for example, they often don’t think about [POTS as a possible diagnosis], and then there’s very little, almost nothing in the way of services for people in the U.K. with POTS that are under the age of 16, so I just don’t know whether it’s there and we’re missing it or it’s not [been] there [previously].”

– Dr. Lesley Kavi

Ms Vàzquez also wondered whether more people with long COVID are now receiving POTS diagnoses not because they have newly developed the syndrome after becoming ill with COVID-19, but because their existing POTS symptoms have worsened in the aftermath.

In their online support group, she told us, people are “often reflecting on how they may have had signs of autonomic dysfunction prior to getting sick [with COVID-19].”

Research on POTS conducted before the COVID-19 pandemic further indicates that the syndrome can be associated with various chronic conditions, including diabetes, sarcoidosis, and lupus, as well as with aggressive treatments, such as chemotherapy.

There is also some suggestion that POTS can develop following a viral illness and that sometimes genetic factors may be at play.

According to PoTS UK, the syndrome can have associations with inherited conditions, such as hypermobility spectrum disorder and hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome.

POTS also has associations with mast cell activation disorderTrusted Source, which causes allergic symptoms.

How to treat POTS

Although POTS is an incurable condition, some medical interventions can improve its management. A mix of appropriate medication, physical therapy, and some lifestyle or behavioral interventions can help, according to the Johns Hopkins POTS Program.

Ms. Meriquez Vázquez noted that she has had to modify some of her habits to make her symptoms more manageable.

“I have to keep my blood pressure up with salt and a lot of water,” she said. “So, I take salt pills throughout the day to keep my blood pressure even. But one of the long standing symptoms that I’m still dealing with is increased migraines. So the longer I spend upright during the day, the more likely [it is] I’ll end the day with a pretty severe migraine,” she explained.

Dr. Kavi also advised an increased salt intake, as well as some other lifestyle interventions:

“[I] encourage patients to have increased salt if it’s not contraindicated and increased fluid [consumption]; compression clothing can [also] be helpful. Some people find that dietary measures, such as avoiding very heavy meals [and] refined carbohydrates, are useful. […] You can use postural maneuvers to prevent pre-syncope and fainting, such as activating skeletal muscle[s], and [as for] exercise, we usually recommend that that’s done in a horizontal position initially, and often starting at a low level.”

Exercise, however, can pose a crucial difficulty, as Ms. Meriquez Vázquez told us. “Because I […] had exercise intolerance, which to me means it’s immediately hard to exercise, […] my heart rate would skyrocket, [and] I’d get really short of breath and a little dizzy and nauseated,” she pointed out.

“[T]hen there’s […] my post-exertional malaise, so even as I got better, I would be able to exercise, and then my symptoms would flare for several days after exercise,” she added.

“So I think it’s really important, and I have been working with my doctors to help me […] manage both improving my exercise tolerance [and] finding a level of movement and energy expenditure that doesn’t crash me over the hours and days after exercise.”

– Angela Meriquez Vázquez

Although physical therapy can be tricky because, like Ms. Meriquez Vázquez, many people with POTS find that exercise worsens their symptoms, researchers continue to investigate the best ways to balance rest and physical activity.

At the Karolinska University Hospital, said Dr. Fedorowski, “we treat our patients with drugs that regulate heart rate, we treat our patients with drugs that act on the vessels and increase blood pressure in those who have low blood pressure and have difficulty standing up.”

One case published in BMJ Case Reports in June 2021 outlined the potential of using ivabradine, a drug that doctors typically use to treat heart failure, in the treatment of POTS.

“We are [also] using drugs that are working on different receptors, like muscarinic receptors, to counteract muscle weakness,” said Dr. Fedorowski. “We are trying out drugs against brain fog [that] otherwise have been used to fight or to treat ADHD [attention deficit hyperactivity disorder].”

The research on long-COVID-associated POTS and the best treatment methods for this syndrome continues. There is hope that, in the not-too-distant future, targeted medication may solve what has seemed unsolvable so far.