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Monday, January 14, 2019

Buprenorphine Prescribing Restrictions Threaten Progress in the Opioid Epidemic

The American opioid epidemic is like no other drug crisis in history, spanning all ages and socioeconomic classes. We emergency physicians have unique access to patients with opioid use disorder, yet few of us are able to treat patients after an opioid-related overdose with medications such as buprenorphine in the emergency department (ED).[1,2,3,4,5,6] Federal restrictions on prescribing medication-assisted therapies (MATs) are largely to blame.
Multiple studies have shown that MATs, such as buprenorphine, significantly reduce mortality and illicit opioid use.[2]Unfortunately, many persons with opioid abuse disorder do not have access to these potentially life-saving therapies. The Drug Addiction Treatment Act (DATA), passed by Congress in 2000, limits the availability of MATs by mandating that physicians obtain a waiver from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), known as the “X-waiver,” which effectively hamstrings their capacity to respond to this crisis.[5]
The waiver is particularly rare among emergency physicians, with less than 1% participating in the program.[5] Opioid overdoses and withdrawals are treated on a daily basis by most ED physicians in the United States, and the rates of these visits continue to rise. For instance, opioid-related ED visits increased 30% from 2016 to 2017.[7]
To obtain the waiver, physicians must pay $200 for an 8-hour training course. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), an agency within the US Department of Health and Human Services, only about 5% of all physicians have completed the process, most of whom are family physicians and psychiatrists. After obtaining the X-waiver, physicians can treat only 30 patients in the first year, and then they must reapply to treat more patients.
To ensure compliance with the limit on patient numbers, physicians are subjected to additional oversight by the DEA, and they must keep track of all the patients they are treating with MATs. This requirement was designed for outpatient specialties that monitor and treat patients for extended periods, but these restrictions are impractical and burdensome in the ED because emergency physicians do not manage patients after discharge.

Why Aren’t More Patients Receiving MAT After Opioid-Related Overdoses?

Emergency medicine needs to be a larger part of the solution in the opioid epidemic. The legislation needs to better reflect the standards of emergency medicine if broad utilization is desired. In 2000, when the DATA legislation was created, no one could have anticipated the severity of the epidemic to come. The time has come to eliminate counterproductive restrictions and make the legislation more inclusive to all medical specialties.
In a recent study published in Annals of Internal Medicine , of 17,568 patients, only 30% of them were receiving an MAT after an opioid-related overdose.[4]This is shockingly low, considering that the risk for a deadly overdose is markedly higher in individuals who have previously overdosed.[4]
SAMHSA has been outspoken regarding the underutilization of MATs. The current secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, Alex Azar, told the National Governors Association that not offering MAT for opioid addiction is like “trying to treat an infection without antibiotics.”[1]
The X-waiver has also created a significant disparity between counties and states. The Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project statistical report in 2016 showed that more than half the counties in America have no provider with the X-waiver, and the majority of authorized providers actually treat few or no patients.[8] With most US counties having no physicians able to prescribe MATs, more than 30 million people do not have access to buprenorphinetreatment.[7]
Opioid-related visits to the ED have increased 99.4% over the past decade.[7]Detox, one of the alternatives an ED physician has to discharging a patient who is in withdrawal, usually provides a short period of MAT while inpatient. However, this often isn’t an option, owing to overcrowded facilities and strict requirements for patient participation.
Detox has also been shown to be ineffective in preventing patients from illicit opioid use after discharge. A survey published in the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment of 164 patients who had inpatient opioid detoxification reported a 27% relapse rate the day they were discharged, 65% within 1 month, and 90% within 1 year.[2] Despite 63% reporting that they wanted to continue MAT, these medications are generally not prescribed upon discharge.

A Strong Argument for Considering Buprenorphine

Starting a patient with opioid abuse disorder on buprenorphine upon discharge has repeatedly shown to be a critical step for patients who seek treatment in the ED. A randomized trial, published in JAMA, of patients discharged from the ED with a prescription for buprenorphine showed a decrease in illicit opioid use from 5.4 days per week to less than 1 day per week compared with patients who received only a single dose of buprenorphine while in the ED.[3]
Initiating buprenorphine therapy not only decreases opioid abuse in the short term, but also has long-term implications for a patient’s recovery. Engagement with comprehensive addiction treatments is the most important action a patient can take for long-term success. In 2017, 290 patients who were initiated on buprenorphine from the ED were found to have increased engagement with addiction treatment and reduced illicit opioid use during the 2-month study period.[2,3] Seventy-four percent of patients who were referred to an addiction treatment center and were also initiated on buprenorphine from the ED followed through with formal addiction treatment.[3] These were significantly higher rates compared with patients who only received referral to a treatment center (53%) or only received brief counseling in the ED (47%).
Buprenorphine is more than a substitute for more dangerous opioids. It is a bridge to thorough treatment after an opioid-related ED visit. A near-death overdose is a strong motivator for getting treatment, and without MAT, most patients will go right back to using when withdrawals begin. Restarting illicit drugs puts patients back in the same cycle of using, extinguishing all momentum and motivation toward treatment.
The current administration is allocating billion dollars to fight the opioid crisis, when increasing accessibility comes down to one critical action: lifting the DATA waiver for emergency physicians to prescribe MAT.
The ED does not need to become a glorified Suboxone® clinic; however, emergency physicians need to play a larger role in fighting the opioid epidemic. Physicians have a responsibility to familiarize themselves with the indications, contraindications, side effects, and drug interactions of all medications they prescribe, and MAT is no different. Emergency physicians across the country treat opioid use disorder every day, and training should be part of residency. The current model of optional training, which is required to appropriately treat a condition, has proven ineffective.
The DEA X-waiver has proven to significantly limit the emergency physician’s role in fighting the opioid epidemic. MAT education should be integral to residency training in emergency medicine, and the restrictive DEA waiver should not apply to the specialty. The opioid epidemic is costing the country billions of dollars, and people are dying at an unprecedented rate. Changing the restrictions to increase MAT use will decrease the immense strain on healthcare and save thousands of lives.
Dr. Vivian Hasbrook|  Psychiatry/Mental Health
As several of the other commenters have mentioned there is more to treating opioid addiction than just “giving a script of Suboxone”. It is necessary that it is initiated properly and the dose adjusted individually to the point that they are not having any withdrawal symptoms but also not getting a “high”. The success of taking Suboxone also requires fairly strict follow-up with urine drug screens, counseling and groups for support to maximize the best outcome for the patient. This is nothing like prescribing an antibiotic for an infection as the author indicated.
Dr. BRIAN RAGONA|  Internal Medicine
Ed physicians should not be allowed to prescribe suboxone or its equivalents as there needs to be a prescribed period of abstinence from the patient’s opiate of choice
this may be at a minimum of 24 hours post the patient’s last dose of the opiate in the case of short acting medications or as long as 48-72 hours for longer acting opiates.
I doubt that there is and ED MD that can substantiate this type of use and safely prescribe the medication
The waiver and its required reading covers the initiation of medication and appropriate follow through
I think that the 200 dollar fee is appropriate considering the waiver is and add on to our DEA licensing this does not speak to the fact of the sparcity of qualified individuals who should prescribe the medication but these physicians should be familiar with the medication and be able to facilitate its safe and affective use I strongly agree with Dr. Mike Atkins comments
brianne fitzgerald|  Nurse Practitioner (NP)
“Why don’t more prescribers offer buprenorphine”??? Good question.  In my experience it is minimally helpful.  It is abused and sold on the street.  In detox we are regularly seeing folks come in “on suboxone” to be treated for opioid/alcohol/benzo withdrawal and at the same time they tell us “I don’t want to use my suboxone, I will just detox from everything here”.  The consensus is that they are squirreling up there strips to sell upon discharge and then go back to their outpatient provider for yet another script.  Over 90% of patients I see in detox refuse to provide an ROI so that I may speak with their prescribing doctor.sold.  The dosing regimen is ridiculous, some are prescribed it 3x a day and the doses are also too high.  Just ask your patients
Dr. craig turner|  Urology
ED prescribing makes sense if there is a clear handoff to a provider that will continue the care. Patients are not “cured” of the addiction with medication. It is a major part of overall treatment that must continue for sometime.
Sending an addict out the door with no follow-up and an rx worth at least $10 a pill on the street needs to be avoided.
Dr. MIKE ATKINS|  Internal Medicine
The author may not be aware (or at least did not mention) –  an ER physician in the United States can currently legally dispense buprenorphine to a patient with opioid use disorder in withdrawal.
Notice – “dispense”, not “prescribe”
there is a significant difference, and it is outlined in the SAMHSA ” 3 day rule”.
The three day rule is well thought out, the patient in withdrawal on Friday night can be dispensed buprenorphine on Friday in the ER, Saturday in the ER, and Sunday in the ER, with arrangements made for follow up in a MAT program the following week ( it doesn’t have to be Monday).
I would strongly recommend to the author, and any ER physician considering buprenorphine dispensing, or prescribing – take the 8 hour course. Read every article you can on the topic. Learn as much as you can before dispensing, or as I advise the ER docs in my area – call a physician experienced in MAT, and follow their advice for the patient in your ER.
It’s one thing to have the ability to prescribe an opioid buprenorphine to a patient with opioid use disorder.
It is quite another thing altogether to have the knowledge as to how and when one should prescribe buprenorphine, vs. alternatives to a patient with opioid use disorder. Not everyone who shows up in the ER with opioid use disorder should be given buprenorphine. Yes, you can make things worse, as in 3 days in the ICU on a ventilator worse. Seen that, never done that. (References available on request)

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