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Friday, March 20, 2020

Coronavirus task force update, 3/20

Key points from today’s briefing from the Coronavirus Task Force:
President Trump:
Department of Education will not enforce standardized testing requirements.
Temporary waiver of interest on federal student loans (at least 60 days).
Tax filing deadline extended to July 15 with no penalties .
Working with Canada and Mexico on the outbreak. Intends to clamp down further on illegal immigration in order to avoid overwhelming U.S. healthcare system.
Non-essential travel suspended with Mexico.
141 countries have reported cases.
Secretary of State Pompeo:
Non-essential travel with Canada goes into effect at midnight tonight.
Issued Level IV international travel advisory yesterday (basically a travel ban).
Dept. of Homeland Security’s Chad Wolf:
Travel restrictions with Canada and Mexico does not affect cross-border trade.
Undocumented immigrants crossing both borders will be sent back instead of being held in facilities.
HHS Sec. Alex Azar:
Reiterated actions with Mexico and Canada.
Response Coordinator Birx:
Mortality in males about twice that of females in all age groups. Young people, in general, still able to fight through infection.
No new data available yet.
NIAID’s Anthony Fauci, MD:
Cited strong actions in California and New York (quarantines), believes necessary.
VP Pence:
Cites industry’s actions to assist in the outbreak.
FEMA to lead responses.
Update on status of testing tomorrow.
Major procurement of masks to be announced tomorrow.
Re-emphasized the need to postpone elective procedures.
Update: Trump says Feds are helping the states procure needed products. Defends allocation of relief funds to corporations. Defends against reporter’s questions that he is putting a positive spin on the potential benefit of malaria drugs. Re-emphasized intent to help small businesses.

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