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Friday, March 20, 2020

iMedicalApps: Unbound Medicine’s Relief Central COVID-19 Update

Previously, on iMedicalApps, we highlighted the outstanding work of the Johns Hopkins Whiting School of Engineering creation of a mapping tool to provide real-time data on the coronavirus outbreak. The website has caused quite a stir in the media and has been featured by both medical professionals and the public alike. The website provides country, state/province level data of cases, fatalities, recoveries, rate of rise, and links to other coronavirus resources.
As the COVID-19 pandemic moves to the U.S., I went looking for a dedicated coronavirus app. Apple came out in early March publicly stating they would only publish apps from public health and other reputable authorities. I noticed a week ago that my excellent Relief Central app from Unbound Medicine had been updated to include a new section called “Coronavirus Guidelines.”
Relief Central from Unbound Medicine has incorporated a new module into their already outstanding app called “Coronavirus Guidelines.” This section brings together the most current content from the experts at the CDC, WHO, and Johns Hopkins into one succinct app. The guidelines provide outstanding built-in PubMed searches to cover specific treatments under research, and each subsection is extensively referenced with PubMed links to the articles.
  • Incorporates content from CDC, WHO, and Hopkins own experts
  • PubMed searches are “preloaded” using the Unbound Medicine search engine and divided topically
  • Includes the coronavirus map link by Hopkins, webinar for nurses and clinicians, and a dedicated patient section
  • Content on coronavirus from Hopkins Abx guide requires subscription
  • Section on coronavirus testing seems incomplete
  • Not available for Android

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