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Tuesday, July 14, 2020

NY to fine travelers from Florida $2,000 if they don’t provide contact info

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo says people traveling to his state from Florida will be fined $2,000 if they don’t provide contact information to authorities when they arrive.
“Out-of-state travelers from high-COVID states must provide contact information upon arrival,” Cuomo said in a tweet. “If you fail to provide it, you will receive a summons with a $2K fine,” the tweet reads.
“We’re serious about enforcing quarantine.”
New York is requiring travelers from 19 states, including Florida, to self-quarantine after they arrive. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis required the same of travelers from New York when that state was a hot spot near the start of coronavirus spread in the United States.
The other states are Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Delaware, Georgia, Iowa, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nevada, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Utah.
Florida counted 12,624 coronavirus infections on Monday and 35 deaths a day after posting the most positive daily tests of any state since the pandemic began.

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