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Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Idorsia announces financial results for the first half 2021 -- Building momentum

 Idorsia Ltd (SIX: IDIA) today announced its financial results for the first half of 2021.

Business highlights

   -- Daridorexant for the treatment of insomnia under review with US FDA, EMA, 
      and Swissmedic 
   -- Nine scientific presentations for daridorexant shared at SLEEP 2021 
   -- Ponesimod to treat relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis was approved by 
      the US FDA and the European Commission, Idorsia receives first income 
      from the revenue-sharing agreement in respect to ponesimod 
   -- Clazosentan NDA for the treatment of cerebral vasospasm post aneurysmal 
      subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH) submitted to the Japanese Pharmaceuticals 
      and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA) in March 2021 
   -- "SOS-AMI" Phase 3 registration study with selatogrel in suspected acute 
      myocardial infarction (AMI) initiated in June 2021 
   -- Phase 2 study with ACT-539313 for binge eating disorder initiated in 
      March 2021 
   -- Results for MODIFY Phase 3 study with lucerastat for Fabry disease 
      expected in Q4 2021 
   -- Results for PRECISION Phase 3 study with aprocitentan for resistant 
      hypertension expected mid-2022 
   -- Results for CARE Phase 2b study with cenerimod for systemic lupus 
      erythematosus expected in Q4 2021 

Financial highlights

   -- US GAAP operating expenses HY 2021 at CHF 265 million 
   -- Non-GAAP operating expenses HY 2021 at CHF 248 million 
   -- Guidance for 2021: US GAAP operating expenses around CHF 665 million and 
      non-GAAP operating expenses around CHF 620 million (both measures include 
      inventory build of around CHF 35 million and exclude unforeseen events)

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