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Monday, January 15, 2024

Deep State is still plotting against Trump

 By Monica Showalter

As President Trump rises in the polls, don't think for a minute that Deep State functionaries burrowed within the U.S. government aren't watching and plotting.

According to Nick Arama at Red State, citing NBC (whose site is temporarily down, possibly due to high traffic):

According to an NBC report, the powers that be are already trying to work to put Trump in check. People talk about the deep state. Check out what they're saying here, it's something else. They're worried that Trump may win so the unelected people want to thwart how the elected representative of the people might exercise his power. 

Now, bracing for Trump’s potential return, a loose-knit network of public interest groups and lawmakers is quietly devising plans to try to foil any efforts to expand presidential power, which could include pressuring the military to cater to his political needs.

Those taking part in the effort told NBC News they are studying Trump’s past actions and 2024 policy positions so that they will be ready if he wins in November. That involves preparing to take legal action and send letters to Trump appointees spelling out consequences they’d face if they undermine constitutional norms.

“We’re already starting to put together a team to think through the most damaging types of things that he [Trump] might do so that we’re ready to bring lawsuits if we have to,” said Mary McCord, executive director of the Institution for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection at Georgetown Law.

They seem to have already written the election off and aren't putting their faith in cheating, which is what seems to have gotten Joe Biden elected in 2020. The numbers are too strong, and too widespread, particularly in the swing states.

The conspiracy to save the election, as Molly Ball wrote, are now at it again.

So now they've got to Plan B, with a newly hated plan to throttle an incoming President Trump, through lawsuit warfare, suing the president at every turn. They hope to hamstring his presidency now that multiple impeachment efforts, a phony dossier, ham-sandwich indictments, and other sleazy games haven't done the trick. They've trying to go the well a few times on this -- and they can't even go to the well once.

So now it's lawsuits all the time, no matter what President Trump does as the dutifully elected president and choice of the voters.

President Trump and his team seem to know that they are plotting away -- and leftists know that President Trump knows, so it's getting pretty war-like out there.

According to this hysteric writing in the New York Times last November, a man by the name of Donald P. Moynihan who must be pals with the Mary McCord woman named above, also of Georgetown (Sundance at Conservative Treehouse has a lot on her):

Donald Trump, the former president and current candidate, puts it in apocalyptic terms: “Either the deep state destroys America or we destroy the deep state.” This is not an empty threat. He has a real and plausible plan to utterly transform American government. It will undermine the quality of that government and it will threaten our democracy.

A second Trump administration would be very different from the first. Mr. Trump’s blueprint for amassing power has been developed by a constellation of conservative organizations that surround him, led by the Heritage Foundation and its Project 2025. This plan would elevate personal fealty to Mr. Trump as the central value in government employment, processes and institutions.

He shudders that Trump plans to place his "loyalists" into every government agency and government will grow less efficient as a result. 

Say what? Is this clown saying the government isn't already larded up with Biden loyalists, approximately 100% of them actually, as if that hasn't already happened from the other side? To claim that the bureaucrats of Deep State are non-partisan is ridiculous.

He's also concerned that Trump plans to get rid of the partisans in government:

The second part of the Trump plan is to terrify career civil servants into submission. To do so, he would reimpose an executive order that he signed but never implemented at the end of his first administration. The Schedule F order would allow him to convert many of these officials into political appointees.

Meaning, he can fire them. Here's the laughable part:

Schedule F would be a catastrophe for government performance. Merit-based government personnel systems perform better than more politicized bureaucracies. Under the first Trump administration, career officials were more likely to quit when sidelined by political appointees.

Schedule F would also damage democracy. 

Where did this boob get the idea that DEI-infested government full of leftists protecting each other and plotting against Trump is somehow an effective 'performance' government that runs on merit?

The argument is built on sand. Voters know what the government is like and they are voting for change.

Anybody want to call this 'democracy'? 

The irony is that they call Trump the dictator when it is they themselves who cannot either effectively rig nor accept the results of a U.S. election, so they now use the courts to do their dirty work. Sound like a working democracy?

All it does it tell voters they better get out and vote for Trump or these creatures will be running the country into the ground.

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