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Sunday, March 24, 2024

AMLO Threatens To Worsen Illegal Immigration Crisis If U.S. Does Not Cave To His Demands

 Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, or AMLO, threatened in an interview over the weekend that if the Biden administration does not give in to his demands, he will unleash the floodgates of illegal immigration upon the U.S. southern border.

AMLO made the remarks during a “60 Minutes” interview while talking about the crisis that has unfolded on the U.S. southern border under President Joe Biden, which has been aided by AMLO refusing to do anything to slow down illegal aliens entering his own southern border.

The segment did not focus on how Biden’s policies ignited the crisis on the southern border and how he has refused to deal with the issue.

The leftist president demanded earlier this year that if the U.S. wanted help in combating the millions of illegal aliens entering the southern border, the U.S. must give tens of billions of dollars per year to countries in Latin America, give work visas to 10 million illegal aliens in the U.S., lift sanctions on socialist Venezuela, and end the embargo of communist Cuba.

AMLO claimed that the reason there was a dip in the number of illegal aliens entering the southern border between December and January was because of action that he took, which he threatened to reverse if his demands were not met.

“If they don’t do the things that you said need to be done, then what?” AMLO was asked.

“The flow of migrants … will continue,” he responded.

When asked if he viewed his actions as “diplomatic blackmail,” he responded: “I am speaking frankly. We have to say things as they are, and I always say what I feel. I always say what I think.”

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