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Sunday, March 3, 2024

High-tax states are running out of things to tax, so they resort to lawsuits

 People and businesses are moving out of Illinois, New York and California because of their far-left policies.

These high-tax states are running out of things to tax to support their big spending policies.

So they resort to lawsuits to get more money since they can't print it. Lawyers are some of the biggest Democrat supporters.

Chicago is now suing oil companies for their supposed damage to the climate.

Mayor Johnson, City Of Chicago Sues Oil And Gas Companies For Climate Deception

Taxpayer protection, climate justice at heart of complaint.

These lawsuits have been going on for a while. Six years ago New York sued oil companies for the same thing:

New York City sues Big Oil for allegedly misleading consumers about climate change

The City of New York has filed a lawsuit in state court against Exxon Mobil (XOM), Shell, BP (BP), and the American Petroleum Institute for allegedly misleading New York consumers about the role their products play in climate change and for allegedly “greenwashing” their practices to make them seem more eco-friendly than they are.

First off, these lawsuits are frivolous. There is absolutely zero evidence that shows a correlation between our consumption of oil, coal, natural gas, and temperatures, sea level, and storm activity. Temperatures and storm activity have always fluctuated cyclically and naturally. There have been warm and cold periods during the last 160 years when our use of oil, coal and natural gas have risen exponentially.

It is a massive fraud to continually lie that the science is settled when they never show a direct relationship. The lawsuits should be tossed but they aren't because there is massive collusion to push the radical and destructive green agenda.

The companies that use natural resources to produce reasonably priced energy and thousands of other products should be thanked for allowing cities like Chicago and New York to thrive instead of being sued. They should also be thanked for greatly improving the quality and length of life of the people that have been blessed by the use of the products.

Now, Letitia James is suing a beef producer because she says they mislead the public that they are moving towards net zero.

New York state Attorney General Letitia James sued beef producer JBS in state court for allegedly misleading the public about a pledge the company made to slash its climate pollution in the coming decade. Prosecutors said JBS continued making deceptive marketing claims even after a consumer watchdog group recommended the company stop advertising because it didn't have a strategy to achieve its climate target.

Net zero is essentially a fictional, non-attainable goal. Carbon occurs naturally throughout the World. Humans breathe out CO2, a clear, innocuous, non-pollutant gas that allows plants to thrive and the World to be fed.

If James sued every company and person who falsely claims they are moving towards net-zero the courts would be overwhelmed.

She should include all the car companies and all private jet owners, like John Kerry, Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckerburg, who buy worthless pieces of paper called carbon credits or who plant trees to pretend they have reduced their carbon footprint.

She should also sue all the countries that pretend they can control the climate if we just switch to electric vehicles.

It is all a fraud.The public is losing massive amounts of money to push the carbon fraud. The poor and middle class are huge victims of the fraud.

If Democrat politicians really wanted to go after companies for fraud, they should go after all the brokers, investment bankers and owners of companies that have bilked investors out of billions pushing the green agenda. This includes a lot of electric car companies, battery companies, and solar companies. The losses are actual instead of fictional as in the case against oil companies and beef producers.

Biden continually shows the public his mind is shot no matter how many times his supporters say he is as sharp as a tack.

While pretending to care about the border, he also said people who say the climate isn't changing are neanderthals.

He is clearly seeing or hearing things that aren't there. I have never seen anyone deny that the climate is changing. That would be stupid.

What should people, like Biden, be called who believe that the Earth warmed after a little ice age ended because humans breathe, eat meat, drive cars, and heat and cool their houses? What should people, like Gates, and Kerry, be called who believe that politicians and bureaucrats can establish policies that can control temperatures, sea levels, and storm activity forever to override all the natural variables?

I certainly wouldn't call these people smart.

Biden calls climate change deniers 'Neanderthals' during border speech in Texas

Maybe Letitia James should be charged with misusing campaign funds instead of filing frivolous lawsuits. Of course courts would also be jammed up if every politician who misused campaign funds were charged. Sadly, most people posing as journalists don't really care. You won't see this story in many places.

A Look At Letitia James's Lavish Spending

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