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Thursday, May 30, 2024

Death by waterboarding: The truth gets out about Canada's euthanasia program

 Advocates of medically assisted suicide, known as MAID in Canada, have made a big deal about how "peaceful" the practice is, with patients dying humanely, surrounded by their loved ones, in a sea of tranquility.

Such as this one, quoted by the U.K. Guardian:

“What this increase tells me is that Canada has paid the most attention to individual human rights and autonomy,” said Chantal Perrot, a physician and Maid provider. “An increase in deaths with Maid means to me that people are choosing to die with their loved ones around them. The last days, weeks or months of life can be horrific. Why would they want to go through that if they could have a peaceful death surrounded by their family and loved ones?”

Actually, that's not what it is.

It's getting now that the process is a torturous nightmare, the kind you wake up screaming from in your sleep, according to a report from Lifesite News:

While marketed and pushed under the guise of painless compassion, the method used to kill Canadians under the nation’s Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) euthanasia program may actually be akin to waterboarding.

During a May 6 episode of renowned anti-woke Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson’s podcast, Sheren, a combat veteran and artillery gunner in the Canadian military, revealed that the drugs used in MAiD essentially waterboard a person to death.  

“What I found out yesterday that really bothered me was the mechanism of the actual procedure,” she began, comparing Canada’s current practices to those in Nazis Germany. “The reason people in Canada who are given MAiD seem peaceful is because they’re given a paralytic first so they’re completely paralyzed, then this drug is administered as one of the four and they start drowning to death.”

That's a horrible way to go, paralyzed and drowning, over hours and hours, unable to call out for help. The researchers who inspected the bodies of those killed by medically induced suicide have reported water in the lungs of the victims, while the induced-death process extends over the course of hours, which is what happens during a drowning, except that drowning produced death much quicker.

“The MAID protocol very likely causes lung congestion in a similar fashion to that which has been shown in over 200 cases of lethal injection in the U.S.,” he said, referencing a Freedom of Information Act request containing the autopsies of around 300 Americans who were executed using the same drugs as Canada’s MAiD program

Yet even with this ugly reality, the Canadian government is still trying to expand it, among the mentally ill, fo one, as well as indoctrinate for it among young kids, making it normal, which it is getting to be. The Guardian notes that more than 4% of the population ends up euthanized:

As Lifesite News noted earlier here:

Children are introduced into the medical killing fields by Canadian Virtual Hospice with its Medical Assistance in Dying Activity Book, described as being for children ages 6–12. In it, the child is taught how a person is killed during euthanasia:

The three medicines work like this: The first medicine makes the person feel very relaxed and fall asleep. They may yawn or snore or mumble.

The second medicine causes a “coma.” A coma looks like sleep but is much deeper than regular sleep. The person will not wake up or be bothered by noise or touch.

The third medicine makes the person’s lungs stop breathing then their heart stops beating. Because of the coma, the person does not notice this happening and it does not hurt. When their heart and lungs stop working, their body dies. It will not start working again. This often happens in just a few minutes, but sometimes (rarely) it can take hours.

And if the person asks to die, there is no changing their mind:

As much as other people may want to change their mind, the person who is choosing MAiD probably wishes just as strongly that they could change their illness or condition and how it is affecting their life. When someone decides to ask for MAiD, it is usually after thinking very carefully and having very hard feelings for a long time. They may feel that nothing will change their mind because there is nothing that can help their body or their suffering get better.

Oh how humane it sounds, except that it's anything but.

One of the biggest problems with this bad idea is that there is no way out once a patient realizes the mistake he's made. People who jump off buildings and bridges almost always try to break their falls with their hands and survivors have said they regretted their acts immediately.

While the Canadian government on its website says that patients can halt the process any time they wish in their own killing, the truth is, a patient under drugs causing paralysis cannot. The person just has to drown and drown while trying to scream, while the assisted suicide crowd above says it's all so peaceful, a death with dignity.

That's grotesque, and one can only hope that these revelations stop that self-destruction course Canada is now on with its assisted suicide encouragement.

So much for death with dignity. This practice has got to go.

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