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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

16 ‘experts’ warn that President Trump’s economic policies will be disastrous

 By Jack Hellner

See also, “Whatever you do, don’t take stock advice from these people” by Monica Showalter.

16 “experts,” reportedly including Janet Yellen’s husband, have signed on to a letter warning about the economic “disaster” that would unfold if Donald Trump were to win in November:



If these supposed economic “experts” are so astute with the markets, why didn’t they predict the inflation disaster of Joe Biden’s economic policies? The answer is obvious. They are Democrats, and they support Biden and his policies, no matter how bad it really gets.

They are as worthless as experts as the 51 intelligence “experts” who put out the fraudulent letter claiming that Hunter Biden’s “Laptop from Hell” looked like Russian disinformation.

I haven’t seen these economic gurus admit that Biden’s policies, particularly the hundreds of billions in “green” kickbacks, student loan “forgiveness,” open borders, massive amounts of new regulations, red tape, and bureaucracy, and the destruction of the reliable energy companies are inflationary.

I also haven’t seen them admit how inflationary Obamacare has been over the last 14 years.

I haven’t seen them acknowledge that Trump’s policies of lower tax rates, fewer regulations, and “drill, drill, drill,” kept inflation low throughout his term, despite supply problems caused by COVID measures.

I sure haven’t seen them concede that Trump's tariffs on China did not cause high inflation.

I feel like we are living in a time warp. In 2016, Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman predicted a coming economic disaster when Trump was elected. Instead we got peace, prosperity, rapidly growing real wages, and record low poverty rates at the end of 2019.

Paul Krugman: Trump will bring global recession

The economic fallout of a Donald Trump presidency will probably be severe and widespread enough to plunge the world into recession, New York Times columnist Paul Krugman warned in a New York Times opinion piece published early Wednesday.

Calling Trump the ‘mother of all adverse effects,’ the Nobel Prize-winning economist predicted that the GOP nominee’s administration could quickly undo the progress that the markets around the world have made in the eight years since the financial crisis.

I am sure that these 16 supposed experts supported Barack Obama and Biden, and their policies gave the U.S. the slowest economic recovery in seventy years, and that’s according to CNN!

Yes, this is the slowest U.S. recovery since WWII

‘In terms of the average pace of GDP growth, this is the slowest expansion on record,’ says Lakshman Achuthan, co-founder of the Economic Cycle Research Institute.

The U.S. economy has only grown 2% a year since it bottomed out in June 2009. That’s far below the typical growth in rosy times of over 4% a year that the U.S. has experienced since World War II. Its even below the rather sluggish rebound during President George W. Bushs tenure of 2.7%.

The economy should grow rapidly after deep recessions, but having policies that focus on big government instead of the private sector slows things down.

The moral of the story? Don’t trust supposed experts, because they essentially only push an agenda. Always do your own research.

It is a true shame that most media outlets just regurgitate garbage pushing the destructive Democrat agenda instead of asking questions and conducting real truth-seeking journalism.

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