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Monday, June 17, 2024

Biden's Gaza pier is bringing in chicken aid at $20,730 a pound

 By Monica Showalter

You've heard of $2,000 toilet seats? The Pentagon is famous for its cost overruns, and that was during the Reagan era.

But now we present the $20,730 per pound chicken:



With all of the U.S. aid from that pier reportedly falling into the hands of HAMAS terrorists, who take the aid and either eat it themselves or sell it at inflated prices to the displaced, that's some mighty fine chicken, maybe the most gourmet chicken out there, except that it probably isn't.

It's just monstrous cost overruns, inflated prices tied to the swamp and its greedy military contractors whose interest in perpetuating wars is a matter of company profits. And we shouldn't leave the potential for corruption going on, too.

And that's just the chicken.

Legal Insurrection has a stellar report on the string of errors that have defined this Gaza pier project, which has endangered and injured U.S. troops, put military incompetence on display with the pier failures, and served only Hamas and its terrible aims. Hamas, too, has an interest in perpetuating the wars, same as the contractors.

No wonder there was a confluence of interests in this. The only people who lose here are the Israelis and the Americans paying for this fiasco. Mercifully, there are those in Congress, such as Mace, who are trying to put a stop to this.

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