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Saturday, June 22, 2024

Latest fallout from Biden’s border madness: ‘VIP’ smuggling tunnel terror

 Sneaking migrants into the United States via dank drainage tunnels has become so lucrative that Mexican cartels have actually shifted their main business from drug-trafficking to human-smuggling — with one reportedly bringing in 1,000 migrants a month, per a new report from USA Today.

Chalk it up as yet more fallout from President Biden’s broken border policies.

The cartels offer VIP “travel agency” packages that include passage through tunnels between Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, and El Paso, Texas.

The fee: from $6,000 to $15,000, per US and Mexican law-enforcement officials and migrants themselves.

One migrant smuggler says Chinese migrants pay up to $75,000.

No wonder so-called VIP smuggling now accounts for 70% of cartels’ criminal activity.

Migrants get squeezed.

Criminal cartels get rich.

And Americans get saddled with more illegal newcomers who may cross over totally undetected — and unvetted (though vetting of most border-jumpers has gotten pretty spotty).

There’s no denying Biden policies have given rise to this new mini-industry, along with all the other migrant-disaster fallout.

His invitacion to foreigners as a candidate in 2020 — promising a 100-day moratorium on deportations, protection for sanctuary cities from federal law-enforcement agencies and a rollback of all Donald Trump’s successful measures to control the border — set off a tsunami of migrants itching to get in any way they could.

Local, state and federal programs pushed by the left offering a wide range of free services — from accommodations to schooling to legal services — only sped up the flow.

And as word got out, people came from ever farther away: When Biden first took office, the hordes came mainly from Mexico and Central America.

Hence Veep Kamala Harris’ apparently-abandoned mission to address the “root causes” of mass illegal migration from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador — seems quaint now, doesn’t it?

Now they come from Africa, South America and even Asia: Hundreds a year just from land-locked terror-hotbed Tajikstan — like the eight with ISIS ties recently nabbed in three major US cities.

With that sustained volume, of course the cartels came up with the VIP scheme.

Yet many who sign up for the VIP packages wind up running out of money and stuck hanging out with hundreds of other waiting-to-cross migrants in the camps along the Rio Grande, the report notes.

Some even get abducted — by criminal groups or even corrupt police — and kept in safe houses until they come up with enough cash to pay their VIP balances.

Meanwhile, the tunnel-service is also an open door for terrorists: No chance of being vetted on your way into the US interior.

Yes, corruption, particularly on the Mexican side, plays a key role in keeping this perverse business alive.

But it wouldn’t be possible in the first place if Biden hadn’t ensured that the Border Patrol was completely overwhelmed on a daily basis.

Remember: Obama Homeland Security chief Jeh Johnson said 1,000 illegal crossers a day was a crisis for border agencies; under Biden, it never gets that low.

And it won’t even if Biden’s supposed “crackdown” ever happens (it’s been two weeks and we’re still waiting).

The cartels are thrilled.

For everyone else, it’s just more madness.

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