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Monday, June 3, 2024

Netanyahu Open to Cease-Fire if He Can Resume Fighting

 Allegedly there is a step towards a cease-fire in Gaza. But the headline appears to be massively contradictory noise.

The Babylon Bee, no strike that, the Wall Street Journal reports Netanyahu Signals Openness to Cease-Fire but Wants Option to Resume Fighting

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu showed cautious support for an initiative by President Biden to end the war in Gaza, with the Israeli leader saying on Monday that he is open to a temporary cease-fire to release hostages but wants a free hand to resume fighting Hamas.

Netanyahu told the lawmakers that during later negotiations for a permanent cease-fire he would insist on freeing all the hostages and destroying the military and governance capabilities of Hamas, according to the official. Those demands are likely to be nonstarters for Hamas, a U.S.-designated terrorist organization.

The proposal allows Israel to preserve the right to renew fighting at any time Israel senses that the negotiations are futile,” the Israeli official said.

Forever Destruction of Hamas

Please recall my October 14, 2023 post Israel Promises Lengthy, Lethal, Powerful and Forever Destruction of Hamas

Israel has consistently repeated that message ever since. With that in mind, let’s discuss the peace proposal.

Four Conditions For Peace

  • Hamas must be totally destroyed, forever
  • There will be a cease-fire as soon as Hamas agrees to demand #1 and frees all the hostages
  • Should Israel decide that Hamas is not totally destroyed, the peace offer is off
  • Israel does not have to agree that Palestinians have any rights whatsoever

In other news, I am open to becoming a vegetarian as long as I can continue to eat meat. We can dramatically increase the number of vegetarians if it’s voluntary,

Might I suggest that giving up meat one day a week is sufficient?

Netanyahu Shell Games

This BS peace proposal has one goal.

That goal to convince Biden that Israel is open to meaningful talks without Netanyahu being open to anything of substance.

Onus on Hamas

To press for the one-sided deal, the WSJ reported Secretary of State Antony Blinken made calls over the weekend to two top Israeli decision makers, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and war cabinet member Benny Gantz, praising Israel for considering a cease-fire agreement and saying that the onus was now on Hamas to accept a deal.

Onus on Vegetarians

Similarly, the onus is on vegetarians to accept my offer to expand the number of vegetarians by allowing them to eat meat six days a week.

A related news flash just popped up on my screen. Ants have taken a poll calling for the destruction of anteaters.

As soon as anteaters agree to the demands of ants, there will be peace. The onus is now on anteaters to accept a truce.


The WSJ reports “Biden’s speech was designed to put pressure on Hamas to do a deal, said Mairav Zonszein, a senior Israel analyst for the International Crisis Group.”

Yes indeed.

And my proposal puts pressure on vegetarians to come to grips as to what the term really means. Similar discussions are now underway between ants and anteaters.

The Blame Game in Gaza With Innocent Civilians Held Hostage

On May 7, I commented The Blame Game in Gaza With Innocent Civilians Held Hostage

A twisted setup in Gaza allows both Israel and Hamas to play the blame game for Israel’s attack on Rafah.

The Main Problem in a Mideast Deal is Getting Both Sides to Accept Lies

On February 24, I commented The Main Problem in a Mideast Deal is Getting Both Sides to Accept Lies

But fundamentally, how long can a deal based on lies last?

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