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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Rep. Ronny Jackson speculates on which drugs may be 'jacking up' Joe Biden

 During a live appearance two days ago on Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo on the FOX News channel, former White House physician to three presidents Ronny Jackson, M.D., who is now a Republican member of Congress from Texas, took the reporting about President Biden’s obvious mental and physical deterioration a significant step further.

He identified several medications that Biden may be using to mask his mental and physical deterioration and he came out in support of drug testing the two debaters prior to Thursday’s prime time CNN debate.

The video link to the segment is here.

The transcript was provided by FOX News Media Relations.

MARIA BARTIROMO, FOX NEWS ANCHOR:  Well, that [video segment] was President Biden. That was President Biden on Tuesday appearing to forget the name of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, the latest misstep raising concerns among voters over the president's age and mental capacity.

He will be 81 years old, as the older -- oldest commander in chief in U.S. history. Among the recent public incidents are former President Obama leading President Biden off of stage during that fund-raiser in Los Angeles. He walks him completely off stage with his hand on his back, as you see from this video, just keeps it there until he gets behind stage.

Then Biden wandered off during a group meeting at the G7 summit. He's supposed to be giving a thumbs-up to skydivers, but, of course, he wandered off before being pulled back by Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, who goes and grabs him, turns him around, and returns him to the group.

And then there was this, the president appearing to freeze during a concert to celebrate Juneteenth at the White House as everybody is dancing around him. Now, after all of this, the White House is claiming that these authentic videos are cheapfakes. They are actually calling them cheapfakes, when we know that this actually happened.

The National Review’s Jeffrey Blehar writes this -- quote -- "The Democrat Party today demands that you reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. And so the drumbeat from its willing foot soldiers in the media begins."

Joining me now in this Sunday Morning Futures exclusive is the former physician to Presidents Trump and Obama, now, Texas Congressman Ronny Jackson.

And it's great to see you, Congressman. Thanks very much for joining us.

Walk us through your credentials first, your medical credentials. You were in the White House for how long? Tell us about your background, Congressman.


Well, I am a board-certified emergency medicine physician, Maria. I was in the White House for 14 years during the Bush administration, the Obama administration and the Trump administration. During that time, I took care of all three of the presidents, and on a day-to-day basis.

I also was the director of the White House Medical Unit in the appointed position of the president for both Obama and Trump. So I kind of feel like I know exactly what's required on a day-to-day basis, both mentally and physically, to do the job of president of the United States.

Ronny Jackson

 Rep. Ronny Jackson, M.D. / official portrait

Bartiromo then went on to question Dr. Jackson about the specifics of what he has observed about President Biden’s physical and mental state.

BARTIROMO:  So you're going to -- you're going to send another letter. You have sent several letters already to the White House. You're readying to send another letter to the White House tomorrow.

Tell us what you're doing.

JACKSON:  Yes, Maria, I don't need to tell you, I need to tell your viewers or anybody else in this country right now that we have a serious problem here. Everyone knows it now. You don't have to be a physician. You certainly don't have to be a physician to the president to see what's going on right now.

So I have sent five letters previously asking for President Biden to submit to a cognitive test, very similar to the one that President Trump got while he was president, and all five of those letters have gone completely ignored.

So, tomorrow, I'm sending a letter to President Biden, to his physician, Dr. O'Connor, and I'm cc'ing his entire Cabinet. And it's embarrassing that I have to do this and it's really embarrassing as a former White House physician to have to do something like this, but we don't have any choice, based on what's going on.

But I'm going to be demanding on behalf of many millions of concerned Americans right now that he submit to a drug test before and after this debate, specifically looking for performance-enhancing drugs, because we see -- we have seen recently in his State of the Union address that there was a Joe Biden that came out that was not similar at all to what we see on a day-to-day basis for the last 3.5 years.

And there's just really no way to explain that, other than he was on something, that they'd given him medications. I feel like this is probably what's going on over this week at Camp David. He's going to be at Camp David for a full week before the debate. Part of that is probably experimenting with just getting the doses just right, because they have to treat his cognition.

They have to give him something to help him think straighter. They have to give him something to wake him up to -- for his alertness. And then he's been agitated. We see that all the time. And that's a common -- that's a common symptom or sign of this cognitive disorder that he seems to be suffering from.

And so they're probably going to give him something to take the edge off that as well. They didn't get it right just last time at the State of the Union. He came out. He was obviously much more alert, but he was a yelling, angry old man. And he still didn't make a lot of sense.

So I think they have got an uphill battle here, but I think that they're going to have to do something to try to wake him up and make him perform a little better during the debate. And I don't think that that's what the American people want out of their president. I think they want somebody that can do this on their own.

They have to make incredible decisions. They have to multitask every day. We don't want somebody who has to be medicated to perform and potentially get the job done. So I think it's important that they prove to us that he's not doing performance-enhancing drugs of any type.

BARTIROMO:  Well, I mean, that State of the Union sparked so much conversation. I spoke with Dr. Greg Murphy, who is the chairman of the GOP Doctors Caucus right now, as you know, and he said, Joe Biden was definitely -- quote, unquote -- "jacked up, jacked up," during the State of the Union.


Advancing the discussion further than I have seen before in the mainstream media, Dr. Jackson next commented on some of the prescription drugs that President Biden may be using to “jack” himself up before major appearances.

BARTIROMO:  So what do you think President Biden's issues are? What drugs would they give him?

JACKSON:  Well, there's drugs out there.

Aricept is one of the ones that you most commonly hear about, but there's all kinds of new drugs that are out there that are specifically for Alzheimer's or Parkinson's, things that that cause these cognitive issues that the president seems to be subject to. Those drugs are out there. They treat the cognition part of it.

They try to make it where he can think straighter and he's not lost and confused as much. And  then there's drugs that actually just increase alertness, like Adderall and other types of amphetamine-type drugs, maybe Provigil, things like that.

And then there's a host of drugs that try to take the agitated edge off of most of these cognitive disorders. So I feel like they're probably giving him a little bit of all of this. They just have to get it just right. They all have different times of onset. They have different duration. They interact with each other.

So it's -- it's a challenge, but I think they have no choice with what they're working with. They don't have much to work with.

Bartiromo next queried Dr. Jackson on what he thinks the implications for the country are regarding President Biden’s obvious impairments.

BARTIROMO:  Well, I mean, is that dangerous to be drugging President Biden going into the debate? This all sounds incredibly dangerous. He's the commander in chief.

JACKSON:  Well, yes, it's dangerous not just for him. I would say that it's dangerous for our country.

I mean, we need a commander in chief, we need a head of state that can function a day-to-day basis without being medicated. And that's why this drug test is important, because if he gets up there and he looks like he did from the State of the Union, where he's all, like Dr. Murphy said, all jacked up, then the American people are going to realize that something's going on.

That is not the Joe Biden that we see on a day-to-day basis. On a day-to-day basis, we see a Joe Biden that struggles to stay awake. He looks sleepy. He slurs his speech. He shuffles when he walks.


JACKSON:  He's having these freezing episodes now.

So the American people need to know what's going on. And our adversaries and our allies see this.


JACKSON:  And it's a national security issue for us, Maria.


JACKSON:  It really is.

BARTIROMO:  It certainly sounds that way.

Congressman, it's great to get your take on this. We so appreciate you, Dr. Ronny Jackson, the congressman.

JACKSON:  Thank you, Maria.

Peter Barry Chowka is a veteran journalist who has covered national politics and other topics for over five decades. His most recent interview on BBC Radio in the U.K. can be listened to here. His web page with links to his work and a bio is

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