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Friday, June 14, 2024

The Feds Are Itching to J6 Us Again

By J.B. Shurk

After New York’s sham “justice” system procured a ridiculous felony conviction against President Trump, a lot of leftist commentators predicted that his supporters would erupt in violent mayhem.  When MAGA Americans failed to riot in the streets like Antifa goons and pro-Hamas jihadists, it was easy to sense Democrats’ disappointment.  Biden’s campaign has been desperate for an explosive J6 or Charlottesville incident to use to slander Trump’s voters as violent extremists.  MAGA did not take the bait.

This was a wise decision.  Although millions of Americans are deeply offended by the Democrats’ lawfare tactics and justifiably worried that prosecutors’ political targeting has irreparably damaged the rule of law, they must also avoid stepping into new traps that could jeopardize their freedom.  As the Gestapo FBI and the Democrat-led Deep State become more desperate to rig the 2024 election in Biden’s favor, they will seek to create situations that enrage MAGA voters.  Not only does Chris Wray’s secret police force have a financial incentive to hunt down Trump-supporters as “domestic terrorists,” but also the Biden regime is eager for swing-state independents to forget about how Democrats’ anti-Semitic shock troops recently took over college campuses.  It is difficult to paint ordinary Trump voters as “dangerous” when ordinary Biden voters are threatening Jews, toppling statues, and burning down buildings.

Never let an enemy choose the time or place for confrontation.  

A lot of Americans learned that lesson the hard way on January 6, 2021.  Hundreds of thousands of patriotic, civically minded, and law-abiding citizens showed up in D.C. to protest 2020’s mail-in ballot fraud and demand free and fair elections.  What they did not know is that Nancy Pelosi’s Democrats, Mitch McConnell’s Decepticons, and the Gestapo FBI-DOJ were salivating at the opportunity to frame them as “domestic terrorists.”  

The whole breach of the U.S. Capitol — if one can even use “breach” to describe an event that included Capitol Police officers holding doors open for smiling tourists — was over in a few hours.  Still, as if reading from the same bad movie script, everybody from Congress’s Hamas Caucus to President George W. Bush immediately referred to the incident as an “insurrection.”  It was readily apparent to anyone with a brain that the Uniparty Club had engineered another Russia Collusion–type hoax intended to prevent President Trump from ever running for re-election.  By pushing the propaganda of an armed rebellion and a spurious interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment, the permanent “ruling class” transformed a political protest into a premeditated opportunity to bar Trump from office and tar his supporters as violent extremists.  From a distance, the whole disgusting exercise in cognitive warfare resembled a cackle of vicious D.C. hyenas bleeding out unsuspecting MAGA prey.  

The U.S. federal government has done some awful things.  However, intentionally framing American protesters (including grandparents on pensions and self-sacrificing military veterans) as members of some kind of terrorist cell attempting to overthrow the government in order to distract attention from 2020 election fraud is nothing less than evil.  In the years since that staged operation, thousands of innocent Americans have been harassed or arrested for their political beliefs.  Hundreds have been intimidated into accepting plea deals that include multi-year prison sentences.  Families have been ripped apart and left in insurmountable debt.  Too many defendants have taken their own lives to avoid the financial and emotional toll of the government’s malicious persecution.  It is atrocious that the U.S. government has inflicted such ruin upon so many Americans engaging in constitutionally protected free speech.

Why is the corrupt “justice” system intent on destroying so many lives?  So that the Establishment Class can laughably pretend President Trump (while still in office, no less) engaged in a bloody war against the United States.  To this day, White House spokespeople, members of Congress, federal judges, and television news anchors describe January 6, 2021 as a “deadly insurrection.”  It does not matter to them that none of the J6 protesters was armed or that the only people killed were Trump-supporters.  It does not matter to them that the vast majority of J6 defendants were engaging in harmless acts of political advocacy.  It does not matter to them that there was never any nefarious plot to somehow topple the federal government.  Reprehensible prosecutors seeking outrageous sentences for questionable trespass crimes and unsympathetic, partisan judges who insist on haranguing defendants for engaging in imaginary sedition have railroaded scores of Americans for the “crime” of exercising their free speech.  

Propaganda, as with all forms of cognitive warfare, succeeds with the repetition of lies and the suppression of inconvenient truths.

The plan almost worked.  A lot of Trump voters became noticeably quiet right after January 6, 2021 — distancing themselves from the stench of “insurrection.”  When members of Trump’s Cabinet (including Mitch McConnell’s wife) quickly resigned or publicly condemned the president for J6 incidents he was nowhere near, it was clear that Uniparty members were taking turns rhetorically stabbing Trump in the back, just as the Roman Senate had joined together to slay Caesar.  There was a real risk that a second impeachment rushed through Congress at lightning speed might render an unjust conviction that would bar Trump from future office.  When that effort failed (mostly due to an unexpected surge of late public pushback against squishy Senate Republicans, who would have gladly hurt Trump if they could do so without losing their cushy sinecures), Democrat lawfare assassins immediately forged a path at the state level to disqualify Trump from 2024 ballots.  But for the Supreme Court’s limited intervention, we would be heading into a general election right now in which Democrat-controlled states were using false “insurrection” charges to disenfranchise Republican primary voters and hand Biden another fraudulent “victory.”

It’s important to stand back and appreciate the immense corruption and orchestrated evil that went into this destructive process.  Americans’ lives have been ruined.  Most of these Americans are patriotic, faithful citizens with no previous criminal records.  Many fought for our country in foreign wars.  Nonetheless, the Democrat Deep State has treated them as expendable pawns in its all-out war against President Trump.  Without any concern for the families they would harm, D.C.’s pit of vipers framed American protesters as “insurrectionists” because their conspiracy to rid the city of Trump, once and for all, required an “insurrection.”  Propaganda demanded it.  

I think a lot of Americans will remember January 6 as the day their faith in the federal government officially died.  Decades of war, open borders, rising debt, regulatory expansion, political scandal, and a collapsing middle class had already led many to suspect that the U.S. government could not be trusted to secure their best interest.  January 6, 2021, revealed, however, that the federal Leviathan has no interest in securing them at all.  Respect for free speech and deference for the Bill of Rights never weighed on the minds of those wholly obsessed with retaining political power at any cost.

For whom does the bell toll?  The American Republic and its glorious experiment in ordered liberty.

Perhaps...if enough Americans finally acknowledge the threat that the federal government has become to the Constitution, an American Rebirth can finally begin.  Until that time, however, all citizens must remain vigilant against a Gestapo FBI-DOJ that will gladly dispense with their rights and accuse them of preposterous crimes if doing so advances the Deep State’s interests.

Free speech does not exist in an America that treats political protest as unlawful rebellion.  Self-government does not exist when an unelected bureaucracy can overthrow a duly elected president.  Patriots are not safe when the federal government designates them “domestic enemies.”  Be fearless and undaunted, but act wisely and prudently.

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