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Monday, September 16, 2024

Trump’s policies are far more popular than Harris’s, and it’s as simple as that


The choice gets easier every day.

President Trump’s common-sense policies are much more popular (and help people of all races and income levels) than Kamala Harris’s, the latter of whom believes that the government is the solution to everything.

Trump wants a smaller government, while Harris wants a much bigger government which greedily confiscates an ever-increasing share of the money we earn.

On tackling inflation, Trump says we should “drill, drill, drill,” have fewer regulations, lower taxes, and close the border. When Kamala is asked how to lower prices, she responds by saying she was raised middle-class, and that her neighbors liked nice lawns. Her answer on inflation is the same word salad we always get; it is as if she is a wooden puppet whose string has been pulled. The only suggestions she has made on lowering costs are more government handouts, which do not lower prices, and government price controls, which will destroy America. It is a shame that so many Democrats consider profit to be a dirty word.

On health care, Trump believes people should have the freedom of choice on what policies to buy. Democrats believe the government should dictate what you buy. The Affordable Care Act made costs skyrocket because they took away choice, added mandates, and massively reduced competition with price controls. They told companies they had to spend 80% to 85% of premiums on direct health care, which meant small- and medium-sized companies couldn’t survive. Democrats only pretend to care about small companies.

Trump wants fewer government employees; Democrats want a lot more, as it gives them devoted bureaucrats. 87,000 additional IRS agents are not necessary, and the Education department has not improved results, only making things worse, no matter how much money they spend, or how many bureaucrats they hire.

Trump wants poor and minority children to have a choice to go to better schools. Democrats want to dictatorially force poor and minority children to attend government-run schools no matter how poor the results are. They don’t mind the children ending up on the government dole.

Trump understands that the climate has always changed cyclically and naturally. He is not a climate change denier, no matter how many times the media and other Democrats repeat that lie. Kamala and the Democrats seem to falsely believe that the earth did not have warming or cooling prior to humans using natural resources, which have  greatly improved our quality and length of life. No matter how many dire predictions on the climate have been 100% wrong, the media and other Democrats repeat the mantra that the science is settled. They lie!

Trump wants people to have the freedom of choice to buy whatever cars, trucks, and appliances they want. Democrats want to dictatorially force the public to spend massive amounts of money to buy cars, trucks, and appliances powered by the highly flammable pollutant lithium.

Trump believes people should pay back the student loans they willingly borrowed. Democrats believe that a president can dictatorially and unconstitutionally force taxpayers from this, and future generations, to pay off these loans as they seek to buy votes.

Trump believes that capitalism and the private sector have always given people of all races and income levels the ability to move up the economic ladder. It has worked for 250 years. Democrats essentially believe that the way to help people is to have the government handout money to them. This leads to generational poverty, not prosperity. It does not reduce the wealth or income gap no matter where it is tried.

When Harris is asked what she would do differently than Biden, her word salad answer is that basically she would turn the page and move towards an “opportunity economy” to help people prosper. A logical question or retort would be: Why haven’t you and Joe Biden presented these opportunities the last four years, and how do you intend to do this, without mentioning your seemingly nonexistent job at McDonald’s, and how school buses are yellow?

Maybe someone could point out that when Trump and Republicans created opportunity zones in 2017, 100% of Democrats, including Harris, voted against the bill:

An Opportunity Zone is a designation and investment program created by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 allowing for certain investments in lower income areas to have tax advantages.

Harris seems to love to steal Trump’s policies and pretend they are her own.

Always pay attention to what politicians do, not what they pretend they want to do. Trump has a proven record of delivering, and he can do it again.

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