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Thursday, March 27, 2025

Netherlands is now euthanizing minors


Medical murder comes for the disabled children. Again.

I mean, we’ve been here before, but for some reason, a sizable enough portion of the population refuses to heed the words commonly attributed to Spanish thinker, George Santayana: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it,” and so we traditionalists, “clinging to” (as Barack Obama might derogatorily say) life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, are left to scream into the void about how today it’s the retarded kids, tomorrow it’s us.

Jonathon Van Maren’s new report at Life News reveals that in 2024, the Netherlands put 219 people to death, based on “psychological suffering” of the individual. For reference, this was a 10,850% increase over the previous 14 years. Thirty of those lives, or around 14%, belonged to either very young, or relatively young people.

It gets worse, though, from UnHerd’s Yuan Yi Zhu: “An unspecified number of minors were also euthanised.” The one specific given is that one of the minors, a teenage boy, was euthanized over his autism.

Now, to recall your attention back to 1930s Germany, from the testimony (via abortion: the SILENT HOLOCAUST) of a Sister Rutilia, a nun whose religious order was tasked to care for physically and mentally disabled children:

[O]ne day we heard that the government was planning to take them [the children] away and to kill them, just because they were retarded or handicapped. At first we could not believe this, but we prayed anyway. Oh, how we prayed for our children! But one day the vans came and soldiers took away our little babies. They threw them into the vans like sacks of potatoes and took them off to the ‘killing centers.’

Here’s some incredible, and utterly tragic, irony: the Dutch doctors of the 1930s were the first line of resistance when the Third Reich invaded:

[W]hen the Reich Commander for the Occupied Netherlands Territories invited Dutch physicians to rehabilitate people for the sole purpose of putting them to forced labor, the Dutch doctors adamantly refused. They knew it would be the first, slight step away from principle and medical ethics. They were men in the service of men. They would not treat human beings like pawns. When these Dutch physicians were threatened with revocation of their licenses, they simply mailed in their licenses and took down their shingles. Even when the Reich Commander had one hundred Dutch doctors arrested and sent to concentration camps, the whole Dutch medical profession continued to stand firm [emphasis added].

Was all the courage and sacrifice made in vain? What happened to that spirit? Hegelianism, leftism, and “progress,” that’s what.

As governments continue to sanitize the world of the indesirables—how many times have we seen this now?—seems like we’re the only ones paying attention, signaling like the canary in the coalmine about what this means for the rest of humanity, and where it’s going next.

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