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Saturday, September 7, 2024

Caban’s twin ex-cop with checkered past eyed by feds as alleged ‘fixer’ for NYC hotspots: sources

 Police Commissioner Edward Caban’s twin brother — a former cop with a checkered past — is being eyed by the feds over his alleged work as a “fixer” for swanky restaurants and nightclubs in Manhattan, sources said Friday.

Investigators are looking into a variety of “consulting” work James Caban, 56, apparently did for ritzy Big Apple hotspots, and allegations that he helped to smooth things over between the businesses and cops giving them trouble, police sources said.

“It wasn’t old-school Mafia, ‘If you don’t pay, we break your windows,’” one source said.

Police Commissioner Edward Caban’s twin brother, James Caban, 56, is currently being watched by federal agents over his alleged work as a “fixer” for swanky restaurants and nightclubs in Manhattan.james.caban.7/facebook

“But [it was], ‘My brother is a big shot, and he can make your fines and underage drinking go away.’”


Some of the restaurants and clubs Caban was involved with, the sources said, include the likes of Marquee and PhD, owned by the TAO Hospitality Group, and Creatures at Selina Rooftop in Chelsea, which has racked up 158 noise complaints over the last two years, public records show.

Caban was allegedly called when cops hit the hotspots with a noise citation or an underage drinking complaint, and he would then go to the local precinct heads — many of whom are also under investigation by the feds, according to the sources.

Bars and restaurants facing repeated violations could be hit with hefty fines or be stripped of their liquor license.

Sources have said Caban, his brother and others in the police department were targeted with raids on their homes and subpoenas Wednesday as part of a sweeping corruption probe involving influence peddling.

The investigation is being led by prosecutors from the Southern District of New York — who are also looking into top aides to Mayor Eric Adams and have mounted a separate investigation into his 2021 campaign funding, sources said.

Investigators are looking at police reports that involve Manhattan bars and restaurants — and parsing through emails from the NYPD brass, sources said.

Sources have said Caban, his brother and others in the NYPD were targeted with raids on their homes.James Keivom

They are probing whether the complaints were handled correctly — did the cops take reports? Were they written up to favor the establishment? according to the sources.

Sources said James Caban’s alleged involvement in the bars and restaurants dates back at least to when his brother was the first deputy commissioner under then-top cop Keechant Sewell, who suddenly resigned in July 2023 amid friction with Mayor Eric Adams’ administration.

One source claimed Caban was reportedly pitching his services to cops working concerts on Manhattan’s West Side, boasting of his influence in the NYPD with is brother set to soon take over as the top cop. 

Neither James nor Edward responded to multiple inquiries Friday.

A man who answered the door at James’ million-dollar house in Rockland County’s New City pleasantly said no one would be willing to talk to the press. 

One source said, “It wasn’t old-school Mafia, ‘If you don’t pay, we break your windows.’”Facebook / James Caban

The general manager at Selina’s admitted to having faced noise complaints over loud parties but said, “we’ve dealt with it ourselves.”

A PR rep for the TAO Hospitality Group did not comment.

An NYPD spokesperson said the department was “fully cooperating” with the investigation.

But they declined to comment further, instead directing questions to the US Attorney’s Office.

James and Edward Caban — neither of whom have been accused of wrongdoing — have another brother, Richard Caban, who runs a Bronx restaurant, Con Sofrito, that is popular with local politicians. There’s no indication he was targeted in the raids.

It wasn’t clear whether James Caban did his alleged work under a company’s umbrella, or all on his own. It’s also not clear when he started, and how the businesses found out about him.

But for an often-troubled former police sergeant with a shady history, the seedy world of Big Apple bars seemed an appropriate landing spot.

He started with the NYPD in the summer of 1989, but was hit with a slew of complaints and allegations that eventually led to an early exit in January 2001, according to online records.

These included substantiated charges that he used excessive force and abused his authority two different times, in July and September of 1996.  

Despite that, he rose to the rank of sergeant before the NYPD kicked him out in 2001 for wrongfully detaining and threatening a cabbie who he thought snuck money from his wife’s purse, according to City & State New York.

Later, he bought a Bronx apartment building — but was such an awful landlord that then-Public Advocate Bill de Blasio put him on a list of the city’s worst in August 2013, the outlet said.

Two months later, a judge threw him in jail for 30 days as punishment for failing to make hundreds of necessary repairs to his then-run-down, 12-unit building on Commonwealth Avenue, according to The Real Deal.

The housing court judge, Jerald Klein, said at the time that Caban had ignored every request by the city to fix the building’s 308 open property violations — and the city had already spent $115,000 to fix other emergency issues.

Caban argued that he was too broke to repair the building, which was one of the 200 most distressed structures in the city, according to the Daily News.

But he never proved it.

“If you neglect your property and your tenants, disregard your legal responsibilities, and defy court orders, we will seek the maximum penalties available under the law,” RuthAnne Visnauskas, then-commissioner of the city’s Department of Housing Preservation and Development, told the News.

NYPD cracks down on The Post and free press as scandal surrounds Edward Caban

 Fights between journalists and the powerful are so commonplace they’re rarely worth remarking upon — there are always going to be stories officials don’t want us reporting, and we’ll try our best to do them anyway.

But it’s worth informing Post readers about what’s happening at the NYPD, which under Commissioner Edward Caban has become hostile to any transparency.

First, the police department banished reporters to a trailer outside of NYPD headquarters. Less chance pesky journalists covered anything other than the “official” narrative.

All inquiries, they decreed, must come in writing and go to one press office — questions they’ve been regularly ignoring.

Then, on Thursday, the bureau chiefs of both The Post and The New York Times were banished from the trailer. The sin of our reporter, Tina Moore? She reached out to the Police Benevolent Association about doing a feature related to the upcoming anniversary of 9/11.

After The Post complained, Moore was allowed to return, but given a lecture on what she did “wrong” — that is, try to speak to anyone on the force without the NYPD’s permission.

That’s a ridiculous rule on its face, but even more so when it comes to the PBA. That’s a union that the NYPD does not control. If the PBA wants to cooperate, it is up to them.

Of course, the increasingly authoritarian press office of the NYPD does not see it this way. They do not consider themselves taxpayer-funded servants of the people of Gotham, they are thin-skinned propagandists who spend their days lashing out at reporters on X.

Regular readers know that the police officers of this city have no better friend than The Post. We admire the sacrifices they make, and we regularly fight the inanities of Albany that coddle criminals, make the city less safe and put their lives at risk.

It is not them we are criticizing. It’s the small number of brass who have decided that a free press is the enemy.

And you know who usually thinks that? The people that have something to hide.

It’s no coincidence that one of our dedicated police reporters was removed on the day that Caban’s home was raided by the feds, and it emerged that his twin brother is under investigation for peddling favors.

We will continue to report that story, and report fairly on the NYPD in general. But the commissioner and his minions have already shown The Post, and the people of New York, what kind of man he is.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Amid Public, Shareholder Backlash, Some Major Corporations Drop DEI Policies

 by Kevin Stocklin via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

As Ford took steps last week to distance itself from the “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI) movement that has swept the corporate world in recent years, it became just one of a number of companies that are rethinking their commitments to race-based ideology.

Bill Ford, Jr., Executive Chairman of Ford Motor Company, speaks at the reveal of the new all-electric Ford F-150 Lightning pickup truck at Ford World Headquarters in Dearborn, Mich., on May 19, 2021. Bill Pugliano/Getty Images

In an Aug. 28 memo to employees, Ford CEO Jim Farley said he is “mindful that our employees and customers hold a wide range of beliefs,” and that the company is taking “a fresh look” at its DEI program.

Ford’s reversal on DEI follows that of other major corporations, including Tractor Supply, John Deere, Harley-Davidson, Polaris, Indian Motorcycle, Lowe’s, and most recently Molson Coors, which have reportedly revised their DEI policies, either due to public pressure or legal challenges.

In addition, 25 companies have been formally notified by shareholders since 2021 that their DEI programs constitute illegal discrimination under federal and state civil rights laws, as well as a breach of fiduciary duty to investors.

“This is a trend, for sure,” Jerry Bowyer, president of Bowyer Research, a conservative investment consulting firm, told The Epoch Times. “The rapid succession, the way it’s occurred, there’s almost a cascade effect going on.

“That whole world of ESG, stakeholder capitalism, DEI—the whole idea of companies as social engineers rather than as value producing business—had just gotten so far ahead of what customers wanted,” Bowyer said. “Shareholders were not asking for this.”

According to conservative activist Robby Starbuck, who has been posting on social media regarding his investigation of “woke” policies at numerous companies, Ford confirmed to him that it would end its participation in a number of DEI related efforts.

“One by one we WILL bring sanity back to corporate America,” Starbuck stated.

In response to a request by The Epoch Times for comment, a Ford spokesperson stated: “The communication to our global employees speaks for itself. We have nothing further to add.”

Starbuck’s postings went viral when they were supported by people such as SpaceX and Tesla founder Elon Musk, who stated on X that “DEI is just another word for racism. Shame on anyone who uses it.”

Taking on Customer Feedback

A number of companies that pursued DEI and other progressive programs have come under pressure from activists, shareholders, customers, and state attorneys general to end them.

Responding to consumer backlash, Tractor Supply issued a statement in June that said, “We have heard from customers that we have disappointed them. We have taken this feedback to heart.”

The company stated that it would no longer participate in the Human Rights Campaign rating system but instead “focus on rural America priorities including ag education, animal welfare, veteran causes and being a good neighbor, and stop sponsoring nonbusiness activities like pride festivals and voting campaigns.”

It further pledged to eliminate DEI roles within the company and drop CO2 emission goals, focusing instead on land and water conservation.

Law firms are also stepping back from DEI programs. Legal suits by conservative nonprofit American Alliance for Equal Rights (AAER) have compelled some major law firms to allow people of all races to apply for fellowships previously reserved for people of color.

Members of the National Action Network protest outside the office of hedge fund billionaire, Bill Ackman, in New York City on Jan. 4, 2024. Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images

“Using someone’s race as a factor in employment decisions is unfair, polarizing, and illegal,” Edward Blum, president of AAER, told The Epoch Times.

“Significant majorities of Americans of all races do not believe someone’s race should be used by any employer to hire or promote any individual. Corporations are at risk of being sued for their DEI practices.”

On the other side, organizations that support DEI policies have had harsh words for companies that backtrack.

Harley-Davidson’s choice to back away from the Corporate Equality Index is an impulsive decision,” Human Rights Campaign Vice President Eric Bloem said in a statement on Aug. 20. The group introduced the Corporate Equality Index as a social credit rating system for corporations.

Bloem said that activists who are pushing against DEI “believe they can bully their way into dismantling initiatives that help everyone thrive in the workplace.”

Bloem said with the LGBT community “wielding $1.4 trillion in spending power, retreating from these principles undermines both consumer trust and employee success.”

Advocates of DEI programs say that they are legal and beneficial.

“The purpose of DEI and other remedial workplace programs is to improve the process by which employment decisions are made and close the gap in opportunities among workers,” Ming-Qi Chu, deputy director of the American Civil Liberties Union’s Women’s Rights Project, said in a statement.

“They do not disadvantage any particular worker. This is why they have long been held lawful.”

And many companies, such as Microsoft, have reiterated their commitment to DEI programs.

“Our focus on diversity and inclusion is unwavering,” Microsoft spokesperson Jeff Jones stated in July, disputing news reports that Microsoft had fired its entire DEI staff.

NC judge halts mailing of ballots with RFK Jr.’s name on them

 A North Carolina judge on Friday halted the state from distributing mail-in ballots that still have Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s name on them, delaying the start of voting.

The independent candidate, previously seen as a potential “spoiler” to the major party contenders, suspended his campaign last month, endorsed former President Trump and asked to be taken off ballots in key battleground states, but he’s met some hurdles in removing his name.

North Carolina’s State Board of Elections voted last week to reject Kennedy’s request for removal. Kennedy challenged the decision, and a Wake County Superior Court on Thursday ruled he must remain on the ballot.

But that judge also ordered a delay in sending ballots to give Kennedy time to appeal, and the latest order from the North Carolina Court of Appeals now stops the state from disseminating ballots listing him as a candidate for the White House.

The legal development will stall the start of absentee votingand it’s unclear whether there will be another appeal.

In an email obtained by The Hill, North Carolina State Board of Elections general counsel Paul Cox told county election directors Friday morning not to send out any ballots Friday, the initially scheduled start date for distributing mail-in ballots.

“Our attorneys are reviewing the order and determining how to move forward. No decision has been made on whether this ruling will be appealed,” Cox wrote in the email.

Kennedy is backing Trump after suspending his bid, but his name could still hurt the Republican nominee. A judge in Michigan, where Trump and Vice President Harris are neck and neck, ruled this week that Kennedy must stay on the ballot. Wisconsin, another critical swing state, also declined to remove him. 

Before Kennedy’s exit, he was polling in the single-digits, and his campaign is not expected to dramatically impact the race. Still, his presence on the ballot could make a difference in key purple states where the margins are already tight.

Navy secretary broke law with Biden endorsement: Watchdog

 Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro violated a law limiting certain political activity of federal employees when he appeared to endorse President Biden for reelection and criticize former President Trump in January, the U.S. Office of Special Counsel (OSC) announced on Thursday.

The OSC, an independent investigative federal agency, said in a report sent to Biden that Del Toro violated the Hatch Act — a law prohibiting political activity while a federal employee is on duty, in the federal workplace, or acting in an official capacity — when he suggested the American people should go vote for Biden at a January event in the U.K.

In the Jan. 25 event at the Royal United Services Institute in London, Del Toro said during a question-and-answer session that there was “deep concern” about the U.S taking an isolationist approach, making the comments as Trump and far-right Republicans in Congress have resisted supporting Ukraine’s fight against Russia.

“And I don’t say that kiddingly around, either. The United States and the world need the mature leadership of President Biden,” he said. “I did not support the president of the United States to become president, commander in chief, because I wanted a job. I supported him personally, because he is an individual of highest character.”

He added, “we cannot afford to have a president who aligns himself with autocratic dictators and rulers whose interpretation of democratic principles is suspicious [at] best.”

“I’m confident that the American people will step up to the plate come November and support President Biden for a second term as our commander in chief,” he said.

Special counsel Hampton Dellinger said in a statement that Del Toro was “speaking in his official capacity on a taxpayer-funded trip” when he “encouraged electoral support for one candidate over another in the upcoming presidential election.”

“By doing so, he crossed a legal line and violated the Hatch Act. This is especially troubling because Secretary Del Toro has himself acknowledged that military work and partisan politics should not be mixed,” Dellinger said.

Since Del Toro’s comments, Biden has dropped out of the race against Trump and endorsed Vice President Harris, who last month became the Democratic nominee.

In a BBC interview on Jan. 28, Del Toro expanded on his remarks, saying it was his “humble opinion that the United States deserves that continued leadership in the way of President Biden” and that he was concerned about electing “someone who doesn’t align to those core principles,” which could make the world “suffer.”

Del Toro self-reported the issue to the OSC in February and told the office that his remarks “should have been delivered more broadly without reference to specific candidates,” according to the Thursday report. But he also argued during the investigation that he did not specifically reference Trump and that his remarks appearing to endorse Biden were in reference to a statement of fact about his confidence in the president rather than encouraging individuals to vote for him.

The OSC report said Del Toro’s “explanation is not credible,” because his references to Trump were clear and his statements about Biden were clearly related to the election.

Del Toro responded through his lawyer, Michael Bromwich, in a letter included in the OSC report, that investigators ignored “the context in which the statements were made,” arguing he spoke to a U.K. audience, not the American public, and that “his purpose was to be responsive to questions asked by foreign reporters.”

Bromwich also argued that the remarks were “spontaneous and unscripted,” that the OSC took fragmented comments from the event and interview, and that the secretary’s purpose was to discuss his perspective on global issues.

“OSC’s finding of a Hatch Act violation is a mechanical and inappropriate application of the rules prohibiting the involvement of federal officials in political activities,” he wrote in the letter.

In his own letter to the White House on the report, Dellinger said the secretary’s “refusal to take responsibility for the violation is troubling.”

“Whether his statements were spontaneous or premeditated only bears on the penalty and not the finding of a violation,” he wrote.

“And the secretary’s response fails to substantively engage, much less contradict or otherwise explain away, the heart of OSC’s finding: that the Secretary, in his official capacity and on a taxpayer-supported trip, encouraged electoral support for one presidential candidate (you) over another.”