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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

9 Senators Launch Inquiry Into Kamala Harris' Failure As 'Broadband Czar'

 FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr criticized the Biden-Harris administration, pointing out that their $42.45 billion program to bring high-speed internet to rural America has yet to connect a single person. He said it had been 1,038 days, and "not a single person has been connected" since the program debuted.

Carr on X pushed out a post in the early afternoon of Wednesday featuring a new letter from nine US senators, including Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), stressing concern about VP Harris' time as 'broadband czar' entirely mismanaged the $42.45 billion program to connect rural America. Considering that not a single home in rural America has been connected, the senators warned that the failures are piling up for VP Harris, citing her failure as 'border czar.'

Dear Vice President Harris:

We are writing to express serious concerns regarding your role as the Biden-Harris administration's "broadband czar" and the mismanagement of federal broadband initiatives under your leadership. It appears that your performance as "broadband czar" has mirrored your performance as "border czar," marked by poor management and a lack of effectiveness despite significant federal broadband investments and your promises to deliver broadband to rural areas.

As you are aware, Congress, through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, provided the National Telecommunications and Information Administration with $42.45 billion for the Broadband, Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program. These funds are intended to provide broadband access to unserved communities, particularly those in rural areas.

In 2021, you were specifically tasked by President Biden to lead the administration's efforts to expand broadband services to unserved Americans. And at the time, you stated, "we can bring broadband to rural America today." Despite your assurances over three years ago, rural and unserved communities continue to wait for the connectivity they were promised. Under your leadership, not a single person has been connected to the internet using the $42.45 billion allocated for the BEAD program. Indeed, Politico recently reported on "the messy, delayed rollout of" this program.

Instead of focusing on delivering broadband services to unserved areas, your administration has used the BEAD program to add partisan, extralegal requirements that were never envisioned by Congress and have obstructed broadband deployment. By imposing burdensome climate change mandates on infrastructure projects, prioritizing government-owned networks over private investment, mandating the use of unionized labor in states, and seeking to regulate broadband rates, your administration has caused unnecessary delays leaving millions of Americans unconnected.

The administration's lack of focus on truly connecting the unconnected has failed the American people and represents a gross misuse of limited taxpayer dollars. The American public deserves better.

'All-In' podcast host Jason Calacanis recently said, "Our government is corrupt and stealing our money. United airlines just put Starlink on 1,000+ planes, but the FCC claims we need to spend 5-10k per rural home for wired connections?!? These homes are putting starlink in on their nickel while they wait for a cable modem in 10 years — wtf??? Pure corruption or insane stupidity — you decide!"

Carr recently chimed in and said Elon Musk's Starlink offered the FCC a secured commitment of $1,300 per household for 640,000 rural locations. He said in 2023, the federal government rejected Starlink and decided to spend $100,000 per location. 

Musk said Wednesday that the FCC rejected Starlink because of "lawfare." 

Here's what X users are saying about an inefficient and what appears to be a 'corruption' within the Biden-Harris admin:

Good question.

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Kamala Bucks

 We’re still trying to process the latest assassination attempt on Donald Trump, which took place on Sunday in West Palm Beach. But while that’s important to dissect as the election gets closer, it’s important to consider a development I’ve been warning about for over two years.

President Trump has long been an opponent of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) or as I call them Biden Bucks. (Now that Biden is essentially out of the picture, maybe I should rename them Kamala Bucks.)

I called them “Biden Bucks” because I wanted Biden (and his partner Kamala) to take full credit for what I consider to be crimes against American citizens. More on that shortly. For now, let’s focus on Trump.

At a New Hampshire campaign rally earlier this year, Donald Trump reiterated what he’s been saying for months: CBDCs are dangerous and he would never allow one if elected.

For too long, the average American has been squeezed by the big banks and financial elites. It’s time we take a stand — together. This would be a dangerous threat to freedom, and I will stop it from coming to America. Such a currency would give a federal government absolute control over your money. They could take your money, and you wouldn’t even know it was gone.

In fact, Trump recently pledged to ban CBDCs, promote the creation of a national crypto reserve and guarantee that the government will not sell crypto obtained through law enforcement seizures.

I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again: “Welcome aboard, Mr. President.” Again, I’ve been sounding the alarm about Biden Bucks for over two years. I’ve been warning about Joe Biden’s plan to control your money and take away your privacy rights completely.

A Threat to Your Freedom

President Trump is right. Biden Bucks are a dangerous threat to freedom. They’re a threat to our constitutional liberties and give the government total control of our private financial information.

A change in leadership is probably our last hope in stopping this madness from continuing.

Maybe you’re a new reader who’s not familiar with Biden Bucks, or maybe you’re an existing reader who hasn’t thought of them for a while. To catch you up, here are the basics: They would replace physical cash with new electronic currencies.

These Biden Bucks would have the full backing of the U.S. Federal Reserve. To be clear, they won’t just be a complement to cash. They will entirely, or very nearly entirely, REPLACE the cash (“fiat”) dollar we have now.

In other words, the dollar will be strictly digital. This digital dollar would be the sole, mandatory currency of the United States. What does this mean for you?

It would put your money under direct government control as President Trump has said. You could use it only at the government’s discretion.

We are already seeing how many retailers are no longer accepting cash across America. What happens when physical cash is eliminated from any payment transactions?


Imagine this. To further advance the Biden/Harris Green New Scam, what if the Dems and their deep state enablers decide that gasoline needs to be rationed?

Your Biden/Kamala Bucks could be rendered useless at the gas pump once you’ve purchased a certain amount of gasoline in a week. You want gas, but all you get is a one-word message: Declined.

How’s that for control? That’s just one example. Biden Bucks would create new ways for the government to control how much you can buy of an item or even restrict purchases. They would keep score of every financial decision you make.

In a world of Biden Bucks, the government will even know your physical whereabouts at the point of purchase. It’s a short step from there to putting you under FBI investigation if you vote for the wrong candidate or give donations to the wrong political party.

If any of this sounds extreme, fantastical or otherwise far-fetched, I promise you it’s not. It’s happening right now. And given all the abuses of power the government’s engaged in over the past few years, why should you be surprised that Biden/Kamala Bucks wouldn’t invite even more abuse?

Kamala Would Be Even Worse

I don’t want to exaggerate, but the U.S. is moving closer and closer to an authoritarian-style government. We’re not there yet, but things are trending in that direction. And if you thought it was bad under Biden, it’ll be worse under a possible Kamala Harris presidency.

Biden was basically a puppet of top Democratic insiders, mostly holdovers from the Obama administration. He never had any real core beliefs, he just did what he was told to do. He just wanted to be president.

Harris is different. She’s a true believer in the progressive causes the Biden administration put forward. You’d never know that if you listened to her running for president (she’s trying to position herself as a centrist), but you just have to look at her record.

As a senator, Harris had the most liberal record, even further left than Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren. Pertaining to Biden Bucks specifically, she pushed unsuccessfully in 2020 for a 400% funding increase for the U.S. Digital Service, an agency that did early work on payment technology, setting the stage for a central bank digital currency.

So Kamala is all in on Biden Bucks and the threat to your money and freedoms. With Biden Bucks, a Harris administration and the Federal Reserve would become both money printer and central bank, destroying any checks and balances to their power over Americans’ financial holdings.

You CAN Fight Back

But we can fight back against Biden/Kamala Bucks by adopting a variety of alternative currencies including cash (while it lasts), gold coins, silver coins and commodity barter.

That’s one reason the government is trying to eliminate cash and kill crypto. It may come down to gold and silver. I urge you to get yours while you still can.

The bottom line is the federal government is coming after our money and rights. Again, that’s not hyperbole or some conspiracy theory. We can already see it happening.

It’s up to us to preserve our freedoms as Americans and fight back. No one will save us but ourselves.

James G. Rickards is the editor of Strategic IntelligenceProject ProphesyCrash Speculator, and Gold Speculator. He is an American lawyer, economist, and investment banker with 40 years of experience working in capital markets on Wall Street. He was the principal negotiator of the rescue of Long-Term Capital Management L.P. (LTCM) by the U.S Federal Reserve in 1998. His clients include institutional investors and government directorates. His work is regularly featured in the Financial Times, Evening Standard, New York Times, The Telegraph, and Washington Post, and he is frequently a guest on BBC, RTE Irish National Radio, CNN, NPR, CSPAN, CNBC, Bloomberg, Fox, and The Wall Street Journal. He has contributed as an advisor on capital markets to the U.S. intelligence community, and at the Office of the Secretary of Defense in the Pentagon. He has also testified before the U.S. House of Representatives about the 2008 financial crisis. Rickards is the author of The New Case for Gold (April 2016), and four New York Times best sellers, Currency Wars (2011), The Death of Money (2014), The Road to Ruin (2016), and Aftermath (2019) from Penguin Random House. And his latest book, The New Great Depression was published in January 2021.

Repligen Update on Restatement

 Maintains Revenue Guidance

Progyny discloses loss of ‘significant client’


In a regulatory filing, Progyny stated: “Progyny was recently notified by a significant client that the Client has elected to exercise a 90-day option to terminate its services agreement with the Company, effective as of January 1, 2025. The Client confirmed that they had no issues of concern over the course of its multi-year relationship with the Company, including member satisfaction or quality of service or outcomes. There have not been any disputes with the Client during the course of service. As the existing agreement remains in effect for the remainder of this calendar year, the termination of these services is not expected to have an adverse impact on the Company’s financial results for its fiscal year ending December 31, 2024. The Client, which represents approximately 670,000 members as of June 30, 2024, comprised 12% and 13% of the Company’s revenue for the six-month period ending June 30, 2024, and the twelve-month period ending December 31, 2023, respectively. The Client comprises a smaller percentage of the Company’s Adjusted EBITDA and no other existing client comprises more than a single digit percentage of revenue or Adjusted EBITDA. The Company continues to anticipate an increase in its overall member count in 2025 as compared to 2024. The Company remains disciplined in managing its business and is well-positioned to continue on its established path of achieving growth, profitability and cash flow by seeking to ensure that members are getting the right care at the right time as they realize their dreams of family building and ideal health.”

Biden-Harris’ reckless restart of a fraud-ridden immigration program

 At the end of August, the Biden-Harris administration’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) restarted a messy immigration program it had paused a month earlier due to fraud concerns.

An internal DHS report found in mid-July that the CHNV (Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans and Venezuelans) parole program was overrun with fraud

The program allows up to 30,000 nationals from those four countries to enter the United States each month if sponsored by a person or entity inside the country. But DHS discovered that thousands of the sponsors for these migrants had listed fake Social Security numbers, home addresses or phone numbers.

According to the report, over 100,000 sponsor application forms were filled out by just 3,218 sponsors. The same credentials were used over and over – hundreds of times in some cases. Twenty-four of the 1,000 most used numbers on sponsor application forms belonged to a dead person. Almost 3,000 forms used non-existent sponsor ZIP codes.

Despite overwhelming amounts of fraud, DHS resumed the CHNV program just weeks after pausing it, claiming that there are now additional vetting processes in place. But the fraud is only a symptom of a larger issue. Even if the agency really did tighten up its application process, the program itself is fundamentally flawed.

A presidential administration has the authority to allow foreign nationals into our country temporarily while they wait for formal admission into the United States, a process known as parole. This authority is intended to be used in select cases, such as for urgent humanitarian reasons. 

But the Biden-Harris administration has abused this authority to make unilateral immigration decisions behind Congress’ back.

The CHNV program is a prime example of parole abuse. Without congressional approval, it’s allowed approximately half a million foreign nationals into our country, on top of our already skyrocketing numbers of migrant encounters at the border. 

And though the parole is intended to be temporary, the Biden-Harris administration is determined to ensure that parolees stay in the country. Parolees know that if they get in through the CHNV program, they get into our country for good.

This program is a stain on our national security. If the sponsor applications are riddled with fraud and the administration doesn’t bother to keep track of the admitted foreign nationals, you can be sure that the initial parolee vetting process isn’t neat and clean. 


Throughout the Biden-Harris administration, encounters at the border with people on the terrorist watchlist have steadily climbed. We know bad actors are taking advantage of this administration’s disastrous immigration policy, and this parole program plagued by fraud is unlikely to be an exception.

The CHNV program raises humanitarian concerns as well. Instead of using case-by-case parole, as Congress intended, the Biden-Harris parole system is bloated by requests from anyone who wants a ticket into our country. That means that people with urgent and extreme humanitarian needs can’t sift their way through the system. 

My office recently dealt with two cases involving children with leukemia who were unable to use parole for emergency medical situations, consistent with the intended purpose of parole. They couldn’t use parole because the system is flooded by foreign nationals who don’t truly need it, and the Biden-Harris administration is failing to prioritize urgent cases.

The reckless restart of the CHNV program will harm everyone involved – it’s not the idealistic pro-immigrant solution the administration sells it as. I joined Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, recently in sending a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland and DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas calling for an end to the program. We explained how the program violates congressional intent, invites fraud through its inadequate vetting system, and poses national security risks.

In response, the Biden-Harris administration must go above and beyond canceling this faulty program. President Biden and "Border Czar" Harris must take action to fix the border and immigration crisis they’ve created – including by stopping their unlawful abuse of parole. 

Until then, the numbers of illegal border crossings, terrorist watch list encounters and immigration disasters will continue ticking up and up.

FDA Faces Blowback Over Stricter Regulation of Lab-Developed Tests

 The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) plans to scrutinize the safety and efficacy of lab-developed tests — those designed, manufactured, and used in a single laboratory — far more thoroughly in the future.

Under a rule finalized in April, the FDA will treat facilities that develop and use lab tests as manufacturers and regulate tests as medical devices. That means that most lab tests will need an FDA review before going on sale.

The FDA will also impose new quality standards, requiring test manufacturers to report adverse events and create a registry of lab tests under the new rule, which will be phased in over 4 years.

FDA officials have been concerned for years about the reliability of commercial lab tests, which have ballooned into a multibillion-dollar industry.

Consumer groups have long urged the FDA to regulate lab tests more strictly, arguing that the lack of scrutiny allows doctors and patients to be exploited by bad actors such as Theranos, which falsely claimed that its tests could diagnose multiple diseases with a single drop of blood.

"When it comes to some of these tests that doctors are recommending for patients, many doctors are just crossing their fingers and relying on the representation of the company because nobody is checking" to verify a manufacturer's claims, said Joshua Sharfstein, MD, vice dean for public health practice and community engagement at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore.

Nearly 12,000 Labs Making Medical Tests

Although the FDA estimates there are nearly 12,000 labs manufacturing medical tests, agency officials said they don't know how many tests are being marketed. The FDA already requires that home test kits marketed directly to consumers, such as those used to detect COVID-19, get clearance from the agency before being sold.

"There's plenty of time for industry to get its act together to develop the data that it might need to make a premarket application," said Peter Lurie, MD, PhD, a former associate commissioner at the FDA. In 2015, Lurie led a report outlining some of the dangers of unregulated lab tests.

For the average physician who orders lab tests, nothing is going to immediately change due to the final rule, said Lurie, now president of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a nonprofit consumer watchdog.

"Tomorrow, this will look just the same as it does today," Lurie said. "For the next 3 years, the companies will be scurrying behind the scenes to comply with the early stages of implementation. But most of that will be invisible to the average practitioner."

Lurie predicts the FDA will focus its scrutiny on tests that pose the greatest potential risk to patients, such as ones used to diagnose serious diseases or guide treatment for life-threatening conditions. "The least significant tests will likely get very limited, if any, scrutiny," said Lurie, adding that the FDA will likely issue guidance about how it plans to define low- and high-risk tests. "My suspicion is that it will be probably a small minority of products that are subject to full premarket approval."

Lab Industry Groups Push Back

But imposing new rules with the potential to affect an industry's bottom line is no easy task.

The American Clinical Laboratory Association, which represents the lab industry, said in a statement that the FDA rule will "limit access to scores of critical tests, increase healthcare costs, and undermine innovation in new diagnostics." Another industry group, the Association for Molecular Pathology, has warned of "significant and harmful disruption to laboratory medicine."

The two associations have filed separate lawsuits, charging that the FDA overstepped the authority granted by Congress. In their lawsuits, groups claim that lab tests are professional services, not manufactured products. The groups noted that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) already inspects lab facilities. CMS does not assess the tests' quality or reliability.

A recent Supreme Court decision could make those lawsuits more likely to succeed, said David Simon, JD, LLM, PhD, an assistant professor of law at the Northeastern University School of Law.

In the case of Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, decided in June, justices overturned a long-standing precedent known as Chevron deference, which required courts to defer to federal agencies when interpreting ambiguous laws. That means that courts no longer have to accept the FDA's definition of a device, Simon said.

"Because judges may have more active roles in defining agency authority, federal agencies may have correspondingly less robust roles in policymaking," Simon wrote in an JAMA editorial co-authored with Michael J. Young, MD, MPhil, of Harvard Medical School, Boston, and published last month.

The Supreme Court ruling could pressure Congress to more clearly define FDA's ruling in regulating lab tests, Simon and Young wrote.

Members of Congress first introduced a bill to clarify the FDA's role in regulating lab tests, called the VALID Act, in 2020. The bill stalled and, despite efforts to revive it, still hasn't passed.

FDA officials have said they remain "open to working with Congress," noting that any future legislation about lab-developed tests would supersede their current policy.

In an interview, Simon noted the FDA significantly narrowed the scope of the final rule in response to comments from critics who objected to an earlier version of the policy proposed last year. The final rule carves out several categories of tests that won't need to apply for "premarket review."

Notably, a "grandfather clause" will allow some lab tests already on the market to continue being sold without undergoing FDA's premarket review process. In explaining the exemption, FDA officials said they did not want doctors and patients to lose access to tests on which they rely. But Lurie noted that because the FDA views all these tests as under its jurisdiction, the agency could opt to take a closer look "at a very old device that is causing a problem today."

The FDA also will exempt tests approved by New York State's Clinical Laboratory Evaluation Program, which conducts its own stringent reviews. And the FDA will continue to allow hospitals to develop tests for patients within their healthcare system without going through the FDA approval process, if no FDA-approved tests are available.

Hospital-based tests play a critical role in treating infectious diseases, said Amesh Adalja, MD, an infectious diseases specialist and senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. For example, a large research hospital treating a patient with cytomegalovirus may need to develop its own test to determine whether the infection is resistant to antiviral drugs, Adalja said.

"With novel infectious disease outbreaks, researchers are able to move quickly to make diagnostic tests months and months before commercial laboratories are able to get through regulatory processes," Adalja said.

To help scientists respond quickly to emergencies, the FDA published special guidance for labs that develop unauthorized lab tests for disease outbreaks.

Medical groups such as the American Hospital Association and Infectious Diseases Society of America remain concerned about the burden of complying with new regulations.

"Many vital tests developed in hospitals and health systems may be subjected to unnecessary and costly paperwork," said Stacey Hughes, executive vice president of the American Hospital Association, in a statement.

Other groups, such as the American Society of Clinical Oncology, praised the new FDA policy. In comments submitted to the FDA last year, the cancer group said it "emphatically supports" requiring lab tests to undergo FDA review.

"We appreciate FDA action to modernize oversight of these tests and are hopeful this rule will increase focus on the need to balance rapid diagnostic innovation with patient safety and access" Everett Vokes, MD, the group's board chair, said in a statement released after the FDA's final rule was published.

DoJ Sues Owners for $100M, Alleging 'Jerry-Rigged' Ship Collapsed Baltimore Bridge

 The Justice Department alleges that the mechanical and electrical systems on the massive container ship that struck the Francis Scott Key Bridge in a critical shipping channel in the waterways of Baltimore City earlier this year had been 'jerry-rigged' and improperly maintained, resulting in a power outage in the moments before the ship toppled the bridge. 

"This tragedy was entirely avoidable. The electrical and mechanical systems on the DALI were improperly maintained and configured in a way that violated safety regulations and norms for international shipping. These problems precipitated a power loss and then a cascading series of failures that culminated in the collision," the complaint read, which was filed in Maryland and provides the most details yet into failures on the Dali that left the crew paralyzed. 

The complaint continued, "As events unfolded, and because of the unseaworthy condition of the ship, none of the four means available to help control the DALI—her propeller, rudder, anchor, or bow thruster—worked when they were needed to avert or even mitigate this disaster. Mechanical and electrical systems on the massive container ship had been 'jerry-rigged' and improperly maintained, culminating in a horrific power outage moments before it crashed into a support column on the Francis Scott Key Bridge in March. Six construction workers were killed when the bridge plunged into the water."

We all remember this dramatic video.

As a result of the disaster, the US government is seeking a civil claim totaling $100 million, claiming these costs were associated with salvage efforts and reopening the Port of Baltimore. The complaint said that Dali's Singaporean owners "sent an ill-prepared crew on an abjectly unseaworthy vessel to navigate the United States' waterways, adding that Grace Ocean Private Limited and Synergy Marine "cut corners." 

"With this civil claim, the Justice Department is working to ensure that the costs of clearing the channel and reopening the Port of Baltimore are borne by the companies that caused the crash, not by the American taxpayers," Attorney General Merrick B. Garland wrote in a statement

According to the local newspaper, Baltimore Sun, "The suit does not seek to recover costs from the rebuilding of the bridge, which is expected to open in 2028, since the state of Maryland owns the structure. The state is expected to later file its own suit." 

We stressed right after the Dali incident that federal officials must start vetting the crews of vessels with foreign crews navigating US waterways. This poses a significant national security risk on its own.

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Here's the full complaint: