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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

UAW Workers Blame Biden, Harris And EV Mandates For Job Losses

 While we know how professional extortionist union negotiator Shawn Fain at the top ranks of the UAW wants his workers to vote, the way they're going to vote might be a different story altogether.

That's because auto workers in Michigan seem to be blaming Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and their EV mandates, for layoffs in Michigan, according to a new report from the New York Post.

After Stellantis, maker of Chrysler, Jeep, and Dodge, announced plans to lay off 2,450 workers, workers told the Post they thought the Biden administration was to blame. 

“I’m sure all the people I work with are glad to have jobs. But the problem is in these electric-vehicle departments, you’re laying people off,” one worker, Isaiah Gordon, who works on hybrid batteries said. 

He added:

“It’s the way that the government now wants to go. And they completely made the wrong decisions on it because if you look, Ford has lost a lot of money.”

A technician mechanic for Chrysler agreed that EVs were driving the layoffs, stating: “Putting an electric motor together is like building a pinwheel or a paper airplane, there’s some level of work that’s involved with it, but the skill level really isn’t there.”

Republican congresswoman Lisa McClain agreed, adding: “Less parts mean less employees. That’s why they’re doing the layoffs. Because they can’t sell the vehicles that the government, particularly Kamala Harris, is mandating them to buy.”

She continued: “Listen, you wanna buy an EV car? Great. But the autoworkers, the automakers know that we can’t survive because the infrastructure isn’t there on EVs. Nobody wants to buy them.”

The New York Post writes that Ford cut over 1,000 jobs at its Rouge Electric Vehicle Center in Dearborn after reducing F-150 Lightning production. The company reported a $132,000 loss per vehicle in the first quarter, selling 20% fewer EVs than last year.

Workers say layoffs aren’t just due to reduced labor but also the tough emissions standards from the Biden-Harris administration. These strict EPA regulations push the industry to produce more EVs, despite lower consumer demand, according to the Post.

“You look at a product like a Ford hybrid Escape, a hybrid electric vehicle, and it’s one of the smaller SUVs. It’s barely a car. And the carbon footprint of that, the grams per mile is 225. So you’ve got a vehicle there that is 55 grams per mile in excess of the standard that will be here in two model years," the mechanic complained. 

“I can tell you they’ve been promising investment where I work at the tech center for years now, and I’ll just put it this way: it doesn’t appear to be happening. They can promise one thing and change that plan tomorrow.”

“It’s getting to the point that they’re leasing additional properties and parking them elsewhere. And it’s all three domestics,” he concluded. 

And the change in opinion seems to be driving political divide between the UAW and its leadership. Gordon concluded: “Unfortunately, and I say this with love, the UAW is not going to reach across the aisle. They support the Democrats and the Democratic Party.”

Modern Slavery

 Today, the Fed did what I predicted it would do and cut interest rates. The “pivot” has finally arrived, ending the rate hike cycle that began in March 2022.

I’ll have much more to say about it in tomorrow’s issue, so please tune in tomorrow. But today, I want to talk about the dangerous globalist threats to our freedoms that we presently face. Let’s start with a question:

Do you know these initials: GBI, MMT, WTO? If you do, you understand the neoliberal globalist effort to make sovereign governments obsolete and effectively harness the population of the developed world in a kind of slavery to mega-corporations and soulless wealth managers.

If not, here’s your opportunity to learn how the world works.

GBI stands for guaranteed basic income. It’s a kind of government welfare with no questions asked. It’s a 21st-century version of the ancient Roman dole that handed out free grain to poor citizens to keep them contented.

Along with grain (later bread), Rome provided free games such as gladiator contests and chariot racing. This combination caused the Roman poet Juvenal to refer to Roman public policy as “bread and circuses.” Today, we have the NFL.

The idea behind GBI is that there’s not enough value-added work to employ the population. But if everyone were unemployed, there would be no consumption and no economy.

We might always need workers in bars, restaurants, elder care, plumbing and landscaping, but computers and robots powered by AI will soon be able to do almost everything else including legal, accounting and writing. (Don’t worry; I’m writing this myself. I’m not a robot).

Instead of scrounging for work, individuals would receive a monthly check from the government. There would be no conditions on receipt of the check. If you happened to have a job, you’d get one anyway.

Children would get them also, to be held in special accounts until reaching legal maturity. No income requirements, no floors or ceilings, just a check. The idea, of course, is to create dependence on the government. In many cases, the check would be enough money, and people could simply quit their jobs.

With government money come government strings attached including acceptance of vaccine mandates, censorship of social media accounts and voting support for the ruling party. Most people accept these conditions willingly, as we saw during the pandemic.

It will not surprise anyone to learn that the leading advocate for GBI is Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook who’s worth about $100 billion. He won’t need the check. He just wants everyone to be as dependent on the government dole as they now are on Facebook and other social media.

Zuckerberg is one of the corporate giants who stand to benefit from a population addicted to government checks.

Below, I show you the globalist scheme that wants to make you a modern-day slave. Read on.

The Globalist Scam

By Jim Rickards

Where’s all this money coming from? That’s where MMT comes in. MMT stands for Modern Monetary Theory although it’s not particularly modern (it was first proposed in Germany in the 1920s), the practitioners don’t seem to know much about money (they view it as an asset rather than debt) and it’s not really a theory (it’s more of an ideology that cannot be tested empirically until the crash comes — then it fails). Whatever. MMT is the flavor of the month in Washington, D.C.

The idea behind MMT is that there’s no limit on government debt provided the debt is in the same currency you print. This condition applies to the U.S. but does not apply to countries such as Argentina that print pesos and borrow in dollars. That’s why Argentina defaults about every 10 years like clockwork.

The U.S. has no need to default — we can always just print whatever money we need to redeem the debt. This approach effectively merges the U.S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve into a single money machine (although there is no statutory authority for this).

The Treasury borrows in dollars, the Fed monetizes the Treasury debt with printed money and holds the bonds on its balance sheet until maturity. Problem solved.

With unlimited borrowing power comes unlimited spending power. (That’s one way to finance GBI.) How long can this go on? Forever, says the MMT crowd, unless inflation arises, in which case their solution is to fight inflation by raising taxes. Are you following this? Good, because it gets crazier.

MMT claims that we don’t even need a Treasury bond market. The Treasury can just give the Fed wire instructions to send money to Raytheon, Lockheed Martin or General Motors and out goes the money. The bond market is just a favor to investors so they have some place to put their money. We don’t actually need it — the Fed can just send the money.

Stephanie Kelton, a professor at Stony Brook University and former top adviser to Bernie Sanders, is the bright light of MMT. I recommend her book The Deficit Myth (2020). Almost everything in the book is dead wrong, but I recommend it so readers can see just how untethered MMT really is.

Kelton got her ideas during a house visit with Warren Mosler in St. Croix. I was a nearby neighbor when I lived in St. Croix in the early 2000s and recall his local radio ads when he was running for Congress. Mosler was a successful hedge fund manager at Adams, Viner and Mosler and one of my customers when I was a bond dealer at Greenwich Capital Markets.

Mosler used to pay his children with his own business cards instead of cash when they did chores. Of course, he never ran out of business cards because he could always print more. But his children were stuck. If they wanted to go out or buy presents, they had to go to Daddy and redeem the cards (bonds) for real cash (printed money).

Kelton thought this arrangement was charming. The kids were trapped in the business card system and could not escape unless they went to Daddy (the Fed) for money. Mosler could impose whatever further conditions he wanted. Kelton thought, Why can’t governments do the same thing? Her answer: They can.

What’s not to like? Under MMT, you get unlimited debt (if you even want any), unlimited spending, unlimited debt-to-GDP ratios (hey, look at Japan. They’re at 300%!), and you can offer GBI, welfare, Medicare for all and anything else. So Kelton says.

Here’s what’s missing: When your debt-to-GDP ratio goes over 90% (the U.S. is currently at 130%), the growth from additional spending is less than the amount spent. This means the debt-to-GDP ratio goes higher and growth slows down even more. You can’t borrow your way out of a debt trap. The collapse of the dollar is not the most immediate danger. The immediate danger is the collapse of growth.

MMT’s idea of fighting inflation with tax increases is also fatuous. Inflation is already a hidden tax; it robs your money of purchasing power just as surely as the IRS taking it away. Tax increases to fight inflation are doubling down on taxes. If inflation does drop, it won’t be a “soft landing.”

It’ll be a hard landing with higher unemployment, slower growth (or recession) and possible deflation (which increases the real value of the debt, making the original problem worse). I guess Shelton wasn’t around in the late 1970s when we had high inflation, high unemployment and a crumbling dollar all at the same time.

Shelton’s biggest blind spot (she has many) is the idea that the monetary system is a closed loop and investors have nowhere else to go. That may be true of Mosler’s children (unless they ran away from home) but it’s definitely not true of the U.S. dollar.

It may be the case that the Fed can control short-term interest rates. It may be the case that JPMorgan and Citi can prop up the Treasury debt market. But no one is big enough to control the $7.5 trillion per day foreign exchange market (far larger if derivatives are included).

The U.S. dollar system isn’t a closed circuit. There are several off-ramps, including reducing balance sheets and buying gold. The collapse of the dollar due to MMT will not emerge through the bond market or stock market at least initially. It’ll emerge in the foreign exchange market.

Finally, we come to the World Trade Organization (WTO). The WTO mandates “most favored nation” treatment, which means that if you offer low tariffs to one trading partner, you must offer those same low tariffs to every trading partner that belongs to the WTO.

The WTO also oversees negotiation of successive rounds of across-the-board tariff reductions (which have not been successful in recent years) and offers an arbitration forum for settling trade disputes to avoid escalation into full-scale trade wars. The WTO can impose penalties and other remedies on countries found to have violated the rules.

China was admitted to the WTO in 2001. Since joining, China has broken WTO rules consistently with government subsidies, theft of intellectual property, slave labor, accounting fraud and more. The U.S. was relaxed about this on the view that, in time, China would modernize and become “just like us.”

China has modernized but it has become more stridently communist than ever. The U.S. was played for a sucker, U.S. industry was stripped bare and U.S. jobs were lost by the millions. The globalists (Clinton, Bush, Larry Fink, Obama, Yellen) still support this scam.

China supplied the slave labor, Fink supplied the money and together they were off to the races. Indeed, they are enriched by it. The nationalists (Trump, J.D. Vance, Robert Lighthizer, Peter Navarro) are pushing back with some success, but the outcome is undecided as of now.

The WTO is an example of what globalists call encasement. The idea is that national governments don’t matter. Democracy is fine but it’s really not that important to the globalists. What’s important is that all global powers — democratic, communist, socialist, kleptocratic — play by the same supranational rules that encase the system of sovereigns.

These rules require free trade, open borders and free capital flows or as close as you can come. In theory, this allows for price discovery, lower costs and higher returns to capital. In reality, it causes lost jobs, lost competitiveness and lower wages, especially for Americans.

If Trump wins, he and his advisers will break free of the encasement with high tariffs, expanded U.S. manufacturing, U.S. jobs with higher wages and reducing the debt-to-GDP ratio with higher growth. China may suffer, but that’s their problem. America first.

So that’s the globalist plan. GBI will make everyone a welfare slave. MMT will make everyone a debt slave. WTO will make everyone a wage slave. The super-capitalists will get even richer and the politicians will take their share.

This system will prevail unless Trump and the MAGA team he’s assembled win the election on Nov. 5. Until then, investors should hedge their bets with cash, gold and reduced equity exposure.

That’s the best posture until the all-clear signal sounds.

James G. Rickards is the editor of Strategic IntelligenceProject ProphesyCrash Speculator, and Gold Speculator. He is an American lawyer, economist, and investment banker with 40 years of experience working in capital markets on Wall Street. He was the principal negotiator of the rescue of Long-Term Capital Management L.P. (LTCM) by the U.S Federal Reserve in 1998. His clients include institutional investors and government directorates. His work is regularly featured in the Financial Times, Evening Standard, New York Times, The Telegraph, and Washington Post, and he is frequently a guest on BBC, RTE Irish National Radio, CNN, NPR, CSPAN, CNBC, Bloomberg, Fox, and The Wall Street Journal. He has contributed as an advisor on capital markets to the U.S. intelligence community, and at the Office of the Secretary of Defense in the Pentagon. He has also testified before the U.S. House of Representatives about the 2008 financial crisis. Rickards is the author of The New Case for Gold (April 2016), and four New York Times best sellers, Currency Wars (2011), The Death of Money (2014), The Road to Ruin (2016), and Aftermath (2019) from Penguin Random House. And his latest book, The New Great Depression was published in January 2021.

Aurora Police Offer Help To Apartment Complexes Amid Venezuelan Gang Issues

 by Allan Stein via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

The city of Aurora, Colorado, wants to assign police officers to apartment complexes where alleged gang members from Venezuela have resided, but the property owner has yet to accept the offer.

Aurora, Colorado, police release the identities of 10 alleged Venezuelan gang members suspected in violent crimes committed throughout the city in 2024. Courtesy of Aurora Police Department

Jason Batchelor, Aurora city manager, has offered to assign off-duty police officers to work at two CBZ Management properties from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.

A city spokesman said this would give CBZ Management more peace of mind as they are encouraged to manage their properties again.

They have so far not taken us up on that offer,” the spokesman told The Epoch Times on Sept. 17.

“They also continue to be uncooperative with [the Aurora Police Department] on the various criminal cases that occurred at or are tied to their properties going back several months.

The long-term future of the properties is still to be determined.

The Epoch Times reached out to CBZ Management for comment but didn’t receive a response by publication time. The New York City-based company owns 11 properties in New York and 11 in Colorado, with a average monthly rent of $1,450 to $2,000.

City officials say claims in social media that the Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua (TdA) is taking over apartment complexes are overstated.

Mayor Mike Coffman and council member Danielle Jurinsky recently issued a statement that sought to “clear the record” about violent gang activity and the city’s response.

We reiterate that the safety, security, and well-being of community members and visitors is of paramount concern to us and the city,” the officials wrote.

“As for the perception and reality of public safety in Aurora, please understand that issues experienced at a select few properties do not apply to the city as a whole or significant portions of it.”

Tren de Aragua (TdA) “has not ’taken over the city,'” the officials wrote.

“The overstated claims fueled by social media and through select news organizations are simply not true. TdA’s presence in Aurora is limited to specific properties, all of which the city has been addressing in various ways for months.”

In a previous interview with The Epoch Times, Coffman said that TdA was present in Aurora, but that it was “isolated.”

Jurinsky had told The Epoch Times: “They are terrorizing other Venezuelan migrants. They are terrorizing the American people.”

“It’s been ignored. The city had downplayed this as code violations at properties. The people have been lied to. I have been lied to. I finally decided I'd had enough and that I was going to expose this on my own.”

Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) spokesman Mike Alvarez told The Epoch Times that the agency is aware of TdA activities across the United States.

“HSI is aware of recent violent crime and arrests involving individuals allegedly associated with Tren de Aragua gang and continues to monitor emerging trends and assist partner law enforcement agencies in more than 34 regions throughout the United States and around the globe,” Alvarez said in an email.

In February, the Aurora City Council voted 7–3 in favor of a resolution that said Aurora was not a sanctuary city and lacked the resources to support migrants.

On Aug. 29, a surveillance video that went viral showed TdA members carrying guns and entering at least one apartment complex in Aurora, a suburb of Denver with 393,537 residents.

Coffman recently posted on Facebook that he went to several apartment complexes where the gang is said to be active.

The mayor said he walked through buildings at 12th Avenue and Dallas Street.

He also went through every floor of another “troubled” apartment complex owned by CBZ Management located at 13th Avenue and Helena Street without incident.

“Like the Dallas and 12th Street properties, there is no onsite property manager there to collect the rent and to coordinate maintenance on the property, and, like the Dallas property, the tenants were predominantly newly arrived Venezuelans,” Coffman wrote.

Coffman said the goal is to secure both apartment complexes so that management can take better care of the properties.

“Shutting down the properties, under our Criminal Nuisance ordinance, is the last resort that I hope we don’t have to use,” he said.

In the meantime, Coffman said the city manager made an offer to the property owner to assign two police officers to each of the properties for two weeks if the owner assumes responsibility for onsite management.

An apartment building complex on Nome Street in Aurora, Colo., was shut down by the city recently over code violations. Residents say the building was a hotspot for migrant gang activity. Photo taken on Aug. 30, 2024. Allan Stein/The Epoch Times

If the owner does not assume responsibility for these properties and start providing routine services, like trash removal, the city will be forced to close both apartment complexes as a last resort,” Coffman wrote.

The city recently went before a judge, asking for a court order to shut down apartment complexes deemed nuisances by city ordinance.

Aurora Police Department recently created a special task force to work with federal law enforcement to assess and interrupt alleged Venezuelan gang activity.

Police Make Arrests

On Sept. 11, the department released a summary containing a photo lineup of documented TdA members arrested on felony charges, including violence, burglary, and attempted murder.

We release information when it is accurate, confirmed, and does not jeopardize ongoing investigations,” Aurora Police Department agent Matthew Longshore told The Epoch Times in an email.

According to the statement, the department has been “actively investigating reports that members of the Venezuelan prison gang, Tren de Aragua, have been living in Aurora and committing acts of violence against members of the migrant community.”

The Aurora Police Department said the summary reflects the department’s “actions and authority alone.”

The statement lists each suspect by name and includes a booking photo and a summary of alleged offenses.

Larry Medina, 29, was arrested on July 10 on charges of felony menacing and attempted second-degree burglary in the incident at Whispering Pines Condominiums.

Jhonardy Pacheco-Chirinos, 22, was arrested on a first-degree assault warrant.

Pacheco-Chirinos is also a suspect in the July 28 nonfatal shooting at an apartment complex.

Tren de Aragua co-founder Yohan Jose Romero, also known as 'Johan Petrica' in an undated photo made public by the U.S government. Courtesy of the U.S. Department of State

Other confirmed Tren de Aragua members include Dejesus Pacheco-Chirinos, 24, who is charged with attempted first-degree murder, first-degree aggravated assault, illegal discharge of a firearm, and reckless endangerment at the Nome Street building on July 29.

Luis Miguel Calzadilla-Rojas, 24, is charged with attempted first-degree murder, accessory to homicide, and trying to influence a public servant following a daytime shooting that occurred in front of the Arapahoe County Probation Office.

Yoendry Vilchez Medina-Jose, 33, was charged with felony menacing and third-degree assault in connection with the November 2023 incident at Whispering Pines.

Juan Carlos Mejia-Espana, 27, was charged with second-degree kidnapping, felony menacing, false imprisonment, third-degree assault, child abuse, and domestic violence stemming from a domestic dispute at Whispering Pines in March.

Carlos Aranguren-Mayora, 23, was charged with robbery, theft between $5,000 and $20,000, second-degree burglary, felony menacing, criminal mischief, first-degree burglary, first-degree kidnapping, second-degree kidnapping, robbery, aggravated robbery, motor vehicle theft, obstruction in connection with several alleged offenses committed in the Denver metropolitan area.

Robert Daniel Mora-Marquez, 23, is charged with aggravated first-degree assault, second-degree kidnapping, third-degree assault, felony menacing, illegal discharge of a firearm, harassment, and reckless endangerment following an April 4 dispute and assault over unpaid rent money at an apartment building block in Lima Street.

Mora-Marquez is also a suspect in the nonfatal shooting on June 28 in an apartment block on Nile Street.

Jose Miguel Reyes-Perez, 30, is charged with aggravated assault, felony menacing, and motor vehicle theft stemming after police executed an arrest warrant on May 22.

Yorman Camilo Sangronis-Garcia was included in the police notice but without a photo as he hasn’t been charged. He is known to law enforcement as “a TdA member.”

In late 2023, the city shut down an apartment building on Nome Street for “code violations” following reports of alleged gang activity.

Gang Targeted

In July, the Biden–Harris administration said it would take new steps to stop Tren de Aragua, a group of international criminals that originated in Venezuelan prison gang culture.

These actions included the U.S. Department of the Treasury blocking “all property and interests in property” in the United States and the Department of Justice offering a $12 million reward for the arrest of Tren de Aragua leaders.

The Epoch Times contacted the Biden administration and the Department of Homeland Security for comment.

'Iranian hackers sought to send Trump campaign info to people at Biden campaign, FBI says'

 Iranian hackers sought to interest President Joe Biden's campaign in information stolen from rival Donald Trump's campaign, sending unsolicited emails to people connected to the Democratic president in an effort to interfere in the 2024 election, the FBI and other federal agencies said Wednesday.

There's no evidence that any of the recipients responded, officials said, preventing the hacked information from surfacing in the final months of the closely contested election.

The hackers sent emails in late June and early July to people who were associated with Biden's campaign before he dropped out. The emails “contained an excerpt taken from stolen, non-public material from former President Trump’s campaign as text in the emails,” according to a U.S. government statement.

The announcement is the latest effort to call out what officials say is Iran’s brazen, ongoing work to interfere in the 2024 election, including a hack-and-leak campaign that the FBI and other federal agencies linked last month to Tehran. The Justice Department has been preparing charges in that breach, The Associated Press has reported.

The FBI, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency have said the Trump campaign hack and an attempted breach of the Biden-Harris campaign are part of an effort to undermine voters’ faith in the election and to stoke discord.

The Trump campaign disclosed on Aug. 10 that it had been hacked and said Iranian actors had stolen and distributed sensitive internal documents. At least three news outlets — Politico, The New York Times and The Washington Post — were leaked confidential material from inside the Trump campaign. So far, each has refused to reveal details about what it received.

Politico reported that it began receiving emails on July 22 from an anonymous account. The source — an AOL email account identified only as “Robert” — passed along what appeared to be a research dossier that the campaign had apparently done on the Republican vice presidential nominee, Ohio Sen. JD Vance. The document was dated Feb. 23, almost five months before Trump selected Vance as his running mate.

Chevron CEO Blasts Biden On 'Green' Policies, Says Admin Should "Stop Attacks On NatGas"

 Chevron CEO Mike Wirth delivered a dire warning at Tuesday's Gastech conference in Houston, criticizing the Biden-Harris administration's radical energy policies—specifically the moratorium on new liquefied natural gas export permits. He warned these policies have driven up prices and "undermined energy security" for America's key allies. 

Wirth said "attacks on natural gas" and a moratorium on new LNG export permits at terminals along the Gulf Coast had put "politics over progress" and would derail climate efforts, such as the transition from coal to NatGas. 

"It raises energy costs by taking potential supply off the market," the CEO of US's second-biggest oil producer said, adding, "It threatens reliable supplies of LNG, undermining energy security for our allies. And it slows the transition from coal to natural gas, meaning more emissions not less."

He continued, "When it comes to advancing economic prosperity, energy security and environmental protection, an LNG permitting pause fails on all three." 

In January, the White House halted new licenses to export LNG. At the time, we pointed out to readers that this move by far-left radicals in the Biden-Harris administration, which appeared to punish Texas over the border dispute, was possibly part of a campaign by wealthy donors, including the Rockefeller family - to pressure the government into shifting away from LNG.

Wirth has called out the Biden-Harris admin before for their ridiculous attacks on fossil fuel energy while they claim a climate crisis will doom the planet unless more solar panels and windmills are installed on the grid. 

In 2022, the executive told Bloomberg TV in an interview that the last refinery built in the US was in the 1970s. He said, "My personal view is there will never be another new refinery built in the United States."

The good news in July is that a federal court overturned the LNG permit export moratorium. However, since the ruling, no licenses have been issued amid uproar industry-wide over disastrous green policies pushed by the White House.

Wirth said: "Instead of imposing a moratorium on LNG exports, the administration should stop the attacks on natural gas."

Domestically, the unprecedented strain on the US power grid is beginning to materialize due to electrification trends, including power-hungry AI data and EVs. Regional grids nationwide are winding down fossil fuel power generation with unreliable solar and wind, yet any new nuclear power development (the ultimate clean energy power source) could take years and or decades to come online.

He indicated that switching from coal to gas could be "the single greatest carbon reduction initiative in history."

Yet, there is no compromise with climate activists in the federal government. It's unreliable green energy or nothing.

Wirth called for a "more balanced conversation about the future of energy," adding, "These choices should be informed by realistic science and impartial data, untainted by advocacy agendas." 

Instead of listening to children and radicalized climate activists who wear crisis blinders and can't possibly make rational decisions, it's time to bring back folks into positions of power in the government who are based in reality. The era of letting woke politicians run the show has been abysmal and is nation-killing on a long enough timeline.

Axonics gains after win in trial in patent dispute with Medtronic

 Axonics Inc. (AXNX) comes out victorious in a patent trial against Medtronic (MDT), as jury rules in its favor, awarding Medtronic nothing

On Overwhelming Pro-Trump Poll, Teamsters Won't Endorse Candidate For 1st Time Since 1996

 The Teamsters announced on Wednesday that they will not endorse any candidate for president after a shocking internal poll found that more than half of Teamsters members back former President Donald Trump in the upcoming election.

Sean O’Brien, the president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, speaking at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee in July. Vice President Kamala Harris met with Mr. O’Brien and other Teamsters leaders on Monday.Credit...Kenny Holston/The New York Times

One of the largest unions in the country which endorsed Joe Biden in the 2020 election, the Teamsters found that 58% of members polled back Trump vs. 31% for Harris.

This marks the first time since 1996 that the union hasn't endorsed a candidate.

"For the past year, the Teamsters Union has pledged to conduct the most inclusive, democratic, and transparent Presidential endorsement process in the history of our 121-year-old organization — and today we are delivering on that promise to our members," said Teamsters President Sean O'Brien in a statement.

Roughly an hour after releasing the poll, the Teamsters announced they would not support any candidate in this election.

"This year, no candidate for President has earned the endorsement of the Teamsters' International Union.'

Trump met with Teamsters officials in January to court their endorsement, while Harris met Monday with the group's leadership in Washington D.C.
