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Sunday, November 6, 2022

COVID Amnesty? Hell, No!

 In a recent article at the far-left Atlantic calling for a “COVID amnesty,” which many found stunning in its chutzpah, Brown University “mommy economist” Emily Oster asks that we give a pass to those involved in ruining the lives of countless people and probably killing many more for years to come. I know I’m not alone when I say my best counteroffer is, “Hell no,” and you can stick that “COVID amnesty” where the sun don’t shine.

Better yet, as Matt Walsh and Michael Knowles noted, our best response to this trash—beyond Hell, no—is military tribunals for all the little fascists who demanded lockdowns, public and private vaccine mandates, the firing of cops and firemen, ruthless mask mandates, and even the firing of active duty soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines for refusing the vaccine. So much for “supporting the troops”! All the while, let’s not forget, the little fascists sincerely hoped everyone questioning all of the above would just die already. So no, I’m not for “COVID amnesty.” Those responsible should be happy with life in jail and the loss of pensions and benefits. 

Oster’s absurd article claims, “We need to forgive one another for what we did and said when we were in the dark about COVID,” as though we should stand in a circle, hold hands, and sing “Kumbaya.” That’s like someone having massively mentally and physically abused someone else for years and then saying, “Oops, wasn’t that all just so crazy? Let’s forget all that recent unpleasantness and be besties.”

Yeah, that’s not going to happen, you freaks. 

As for being in the dark, that’s because said freaks chose to remain there so they could let their inner fascist run wild. Within weeks, well-credentialed science and health specialists were warning about the unreliable science behind masks, forced lockdowns in senior care facilities, and the potential long-term harm masking and isolation would cause to young people. All of these objections were met with threats, professional derision, and cancellation by the people who are now calling for absolution.  

So no, we will not forget how they let people die alone, separated from their loved ones in their last moments here on earth. We will not forget how they annihilated our children’s futures, riddled them with anxiety, crushed their social growth, increased their rates of suicide, drug use, and depression, and stunted their academic progress. We will not forget how they bullied people into wearing masks, suspended kids from school for not wearing their chin diapers, and then went all Stasi on their neighbors while demanding everyone inject themselves with a hastily approved “vaccine” with unknown long-term effects. And those who resisted their fascist moves? The Covidians responded by destroying careers, all while shrieking that we must offer up our children on the altar of Faucism. 

True forgiveness requires confession of sin and repentance. And then there is the question of justice and accountability. I can assure you, none of the “I gave my heart to Fauci” people really want that kind of forgiveness. That would actually require asking for it and admitting wrongdoing, which will never happen. They would rather we forget in hopes they can somehow escape justice for their intentional and destructive actions. And probably do it again.

So, no. I’m not forgetting, and I am all for Nuremberg-style trials for the worst offenders.  

As we look back at the shambles of the last few years, with society altered, small businesses destroyed, generations set back years, truly a national nightmare, the entire COVID disaster is yet another example in the ever-growing list of ways the administrative state reveals itself to be an idiocracy. It really is the perfect blend of ignorance and arrogance as the indoctrinated elites always seek to use any manufactured crisis for more power over you and compliance from you. In the case of COVID, they got it, all while curbing and stomping on your civil liberties, as they claimed Big Brother loved you. And in response, many Americans shamefully said, “Thank you, sir, may I have another?”  

Either we are free-born Americans with God-given natural rights, or we’re not. And if we’re not, we might as well capitulate now and sing “Kumbaya” with the Faucites right before they load us on the trains and ship us off to re-education camps. If any vestiges of our free republic are to remain, every last freak who perpetrated these crimes against society should be held accountable. Instead of amnesty, we need trials that are nationally televised. We need to see humiliation, jail time, and loss of pensions. Big Pharma heads, Fauci, and a host of others need to be on the dock so that next time anyone gets the genius idea to usurp the people’s liberties, we point at the scalps nailed to the doorframe and say, “Hell no.”

Ned Ryun is a former presidential writer for George W. Bush and the founder and CEO of American Majority.

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