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Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Claudin18.2 continues to fan the dealmaking flames

 Claudin18.2 emerged as a cancer mechanism to watch last year, and Leap Therapeutics is betting on this space getting hotter. The biotech is asking its shareholders to accept huge dilution in an all-stock acquisition of Flame Biosciences, which owns two very early-stage assets against this target. Should the transaction complete, Flame shareholders will end up owning 58% of the combined entity, or 47% on a fully diluted basis. Flame licensed its Claudin18.2 assets from Novarock last year so new Leap will owe milestone payments should progress be made. And while two unwanted Flame assets will be put up for sale, 80% of any after-tax proceeds would flow back to Flame’s investors. Combined cash of $115m will last until mid-2025, and Leap's management will take the top seats but this all feels like thin icing on a meagre cake for Leap's investors. Still, having endured four years of share price stagnation perhaps they will decide that this deal delivers hope of better returns than DKN-01, which has failed to set the stock alight despite years of development. Much now depends on the progress of more advanced Claudin18.2 projects: over to Astellas, which will present detailed phase 3 data later this year.  

Leap and Flame's combined pipeline
ProjectDescriptionTrial detailsNote
Phase 2
DKN-01Anti-DKK1 MAbDefiance in 2L CRC; Distinguish + tislelizumab in GEALeap owned; development to continue 
FL-101IL-1β neutralising antibodyNCT04758949 in NSCLC withdrawnFrom Flame; to be sold/out-licensed
Phase 1/2
FL-301Anti-Claudin18.2 MAbNCT05181865 in solid tumours withdrawnFrom Flame via Novarock, milestones due; development to continue 
FL-302Anti-Claudin18.2/ CD137 bispecific From Flame via Novarock, milestones due; development to continue 
FL-501Anti-GDF15 MAb From Flame; development to continue
FL-103IL-1β neutralising antibody From Flame; to be sold/out-licensed
CRC=colorectal cancer; GEA=gastroesophageal  adenocarcinoma. Source: Evaluate Pharma &

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