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Friday, March 3, 2023

Nonprofits that Help Pregnant Women Under Attack

 In the past year since the shocking leak of the Dobbs U.S. Supreme Court decision, 81 nonprofits that support pregnant women and new mothers have been attacked and vandalized. Violent pro-abortion groups have broken windows, sprayed graffiti and started fires at these centers that provide medical and financial support to women caring for new life. Despite the ugly acts of hatred these organizations have endured, pregnancy centers are overwhelmingly supported by the American public and seen as essential to our communities.

More and more states are stepping up in the Dobbs era to propose crucial support for pregnancy centers and the women they serve. Tennessee Governor Bill Lee has a proposal to send $100 million to pregnancy resource centers, one of the boldest displays of public support for these life-affirming organizations to date. The action follows a stream of other generous pro-life provisions at the state level: West Virginia’s bill funding pregnancy resource centers which was just overwhelmingly passed by the majority-Republican House of Delegates; Texas’ $100 million investment in their Alternatives to Abortion program; Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ budget proposal removing sales tax for baby items; not to mention other supportive measures taken by legislators in Georgia, Indiana, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and more.

These state-led pro-life efforts show the movement’s enthusiasm and readiness to step up when it comes to helping women in need - both during and after pregnancy. They also put a spotlight on how we as a nation must help the organizations that do it best: pregnancy centers.  

Pregnancy centers are working harder than ever amid the current rash of threats, vandalism, and relentless violent attacks from pro-abortion extremists. Adding fuel to that fire are radical Democrats like Elizabeth Warren and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who have made plain their intention to “shut down” these beautiful centers. And news recently surfaced that the Associated Press style guide now mandates that journalists use negative and politically charged terminology like "anti-abortion centers."

The reality is that pregnancy centers exist solely to help women in need, without coercion and typically at no charge. Serving more than two million people in 2019 alone, they offer critical medical services like pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, and medical exams in addition to support services like counseling, parenting classes, financial classes, and more. They also provide access to essential resources including food, diapers, clothing, and many other items, not to mention financial assistance to help women with housing, utilities, and other costs where needed.  

While a vocal pro-abortion minority desperately tries to vilify these organizations, polling shows pregnancy centers couldn’t have stronger support from the American people. They enjoy a 99% satisfaction rate from women they have helped. According to Marist, these centers are also supported by 91% of Americans, and an overwhelming majority of both Republicans (78%) and Democrats (73%) nationwide want to see public funding for their efforts.

Yet instead of supporting centers that provide real options and help, including healing for women who suffer trauma from abortion, Democrats have spent years fighting tooth and nail to keep taxpayer dollars flowing to the abortion industry. Planned Parenthood alone rakes in more than half a billion dollars a year in government grants, contracts, and Medicaid reimbursements while committing an ever-increasing share of America’s abortions. From 2019-2020 they also ended a record-breaking 383,460 unborn lives.

And Democrats don't want to stop there. With every chance they get, they seek to expand abortion on demand using taxpayer dollars. The long-standing Hyde Amendment, a lifesaving pro-life provision that shields American taxpayers from funding even more abortions, is under constant attack from pro-abortion lawmakers. And for the first time in its history, acting illegally, the Department of Defense under Biden and Harris will provide time off and pay travel expenses for both servicemembers and their dependents to have elective abortions.

Meanwhile, pregnancy centers and community-based health clinics outnumber Planned Parenthoods 14:1. What’s more, studies show they offer superior services at lower costs than abortion businesses – no surprise considering they are staffed by thousands of devoted volunteers, including medical personnel, on a mission of love. The abortion industry can’t abide competition, but our country would be a far better place if we redirected precious resources away from profit-driven, life-ending abortion businesses to centers that work to save lives and truly empower mothers. With pro-life states leading the way, the tide is finally turning.

There is still much work to be done in the nation and in the culture to ensure every pregnant woman in need has the resources necessary to choose life. But many tangible efforts are already underway. It is encouraging to see elected representatives in the states paving a bold new path for creating a strong pro-life safety net. Pregnancy centers are the building blocks of a culture that welcomes all women and children - they deserve our steadfast and unwavering support.  

Marjorie Dannenfelser is president of Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America.

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