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Sunday, September 29, 2024

'Hillary Clinton: "Something Will Happen In October" To "Distort And Pervert" Kamala Harris'


Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned of an October surprise that will "distort and pervert" Vice President Kamala Harris. In an interview with 'Firing Line' host Margaret Hoover, Clinton complained that the media does not have a "consistent narrative about the danger that Trump poses."

"There will be concerted efforts to distort and pervert Kamala Harris, who she is, what she stands for, what she's done," Clinton said. "I mean, look, I mean, the crazy story about me running a child trafficking operation out of a basement of a pizzeria."

HOOVER: You liken yourself to Cassandra, the Greek mythological figure who could see the future and the prophecies but was never believed. Putting that Cassandra hat on for the moment, but we're listening. What is something that you see happening in the near future that we should be taking more seriously?

CLINTON: Well, I do think that the press needs a consistent narr — I mean, that the press is not supporting Trump blatantly, very persistently —the press that’s trying to be the press, be objective, be, you know, reporting the facts. The press needs a consistent narrative about the danger that Trump poses. Because, you know, people may still look at the danger or say, I don't care. It doesn't, you know, it doesn't affect me. I'm going to vote for him for X, Y or Z. Okay. But at least people need to be woken up and given the facts about what he has done, is saying, and would do. And I anticipate that, you know, something will happen in October, as it always does. You know, the Russians, as I said earlier, are very active in this election. We know the Iranians are active as well. China uses TikTok, or they certainly did against Biden and for Trump. I think they're a little less pro-Trump right now. So you look at where people get their information and they get their information largely from social media. And so the campaign is doing the best job it can to combat that, combat both domestic and foreign false disinformation.

But I anticipate there will be a full-court press in October. The digital airwaves will be filled. And why does that matter? Because the press that is pro-Trump anyway, oftentimes stories are put on digitally that then are picked up by, let's say, at Fox and others. And then those stories are stories, so the mainstream press reports on them. And so that story then takes on a life of its own. There will be concerted efforts to distort and pervert Kamala Harris, who she is, what she stands for, what she's done. I mean, look, I mean, the crazy story about me running a child trafficking operation out of a basement of a pizzeria.


Don't laugh. Don't laugh. It was a huge story. And it got one young man in North Carolina to get in his car with his, you know, assault rifle and drive up to liberate these nonexistent children and shoot up a pizzeria in Washington, D.C. This is dangerous stuff. It starts online often on the dark web. It migrates. It's picked up by the pro-Trump media. It's then reported on by everybody else, which makes sure it has about 100% coverage, and people believe it. So I don't know what it's going to be, but it will be something and we'll have to work very, very hard to make sure that it is exposed as the lie that it is. 

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