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Thursday, October 10, 2024

Democrats don’t have a message that appeals to or resonates with voters

 Not that any research was needed to determine the Democrats are drowning in the shallow end, but a group of data scientists at Online Impact Group recently published the results of study that analyzed information from Facebook and Instagram, revealing a drastic disparity between user engagement when it came time to certain political agendas—Republicans beat Democrats by a significant margin.

The study reviewed almost 13,000 social media posts “across 1,244 Facebook and Instagram profiles of U.S. House candidates from September 1st through 14th, 2024.” For reference, Facebook ranks most popular in the world, and Instagram rates number four; both platforms beat out X.

Below are the study’s three “key findings”:

  • Republican candidates’ posts receive up to 9 times more likes on social media platforms compared to their Democratic counterparts.
  • The superior performance of Republican candidates’ posts indicates that their messaging resonates well and generates much higher enthusiasm than the Democratic candidates’ posts.
  • Social media algorithms give further advantage to Republican messaging due to higher levels of engagement.

The first bullet point is the data, which is condemnatory enough—a multiplier of nine is a massive difference. So for every one “like” that a Democrat candidate received, a Republican candidate amassed up to 8 more; for two Democrat “likes” there were as many as 18 Republican “likes.” Three for Democrats meant as many as 27 for Republicans. You can quickly understand how this would look if charted on a graph:

graph created by Olivia with data from OIG study

Graph featuring a rough example of relationship using OIG’s finding

But the second point is the real nugget, and that is that Democrats don’t have a message that appeals to, or resonates with, the voting class. Well gee, who woulda thunk?

When you understand what the Democrats are hawking though, it makes total sense.

Bizarre, inappropriate laughter every time their presidential candidate gets in front of the microphone? Pass.

Stories like foreign gang members taking over apartment complexes and hotels to operate sex trafficking rings with unwilling victims? Harder pass.

Tens of millions of additional welfare recipients from other nations? I work insanely hard for my family, not foreigners I don’t know who also hate me and America—so again, no thanks.

At least 13,000 illegal migrant murderers on the lam in our interior? I myself liked my high-trust society the way it was.

Utility bills ranging between $500 and $700? That’s what I experienced this summer in Alabama, which is supposedly ranked #3 in lowest cost-of-living right after Arkansas and Mississippi. Now, I live in a historical home, so it’s not exactly efficient, but if that’s supposed to be an example of “affordable” living, then I can’t afford another four years of this.

Being forced to put my children in private school so I know that the teachers aren’t sneaking in recently-paroled pedophiles into the classroom? I’m certainly not a fan of paying tuition for schools my children don’t attend.

Tax on tax on tax on tax… ad infinitum? How does this appeal to any productive member of society?

A ticket whose top priority being the “right” to butcher babies at any point during his/her in utero life, for any capricious reason? There are bigger and more pressing concerns—a recent American Thinker/Rasmussen Reports poll conducted in a number of battleground states revealed that the state of the economy and the open borders issue topped a majority of voters’ minds by massive margins. Sure, there’s a segment of society that is deeply devoted to this cause, but it’s a small group of deranged women.

A vice-presidential candidate whose list of “accomplishments” includes letting Minnesota burn down during lawless riots, allowing illegal aliens to obtain driver’s licenses, and making sure boys’ bathrooms had menstrual products available for the “trans” individuals.

The continuance of an administration that has overseen the largest invasion of foreigners in the history of the U.S., bureaucratic scandal after bureaucratic scandal, failure after failure, and has pushed the world to the brink of World War III? Why?

An administration that lied and covered up the mental decline of Joe Biden?

Abandoning Americans in war zones?

“Joy” which is really just code for misery?

All of this is why user engagement with Democrat politicians is a fraction of what it is with Republicans; let’s pray it’s enough to overwhelm the rigging that’s already in effect, though I’m not exactly optimistic.

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