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Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Harris Admits She Won't Do Anything Different From Biden

 by Steve Watson via,

In her first live appearance on… anything besides the debate, Kamala Harris again floundered and handed the Trump campaign a huge gift.

Harris appeared on The View, obviously expecting a completely easy ride. But somehow she even managed to look bad here too.

Harris was asked if she would change any one thing Biden had done as president, and she actually said that she couldn’t think of anything AT ALL.

“There is not a thing that comes to mind. And I’ve been a part of most of the decisions that have had an impact,” she answered.

But it was even worse than this sounds.

Harris was also asked “What do you think would be the biggest specific difference between your presidency and a Biden presidency?”

Harris responded, “We’re obviously two different people.”

Oh really?

She continued, “but we have a lot of shared life experiences, for example, the way we feel about our family and parents and so on, but we’re also different people. I will bring those sensibilities to how I lead.”


What does that even mean?

She also started waffling on about her mother AGAIN.

Trump’s campaign pounced on the remarks.

Even CNN was like, ‘why can’t she answer this question?’

They gave her a massive softball question, an opportunity to distance herself from the Biden disaster, and she managed to screw it up.

Turn the page to more of the exact same woeful policies.

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