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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

NYPD: Armed Migrant Kids From Gov-Funded Roosevelt Hotel Terrorize Times Square

 The Biden-Harris administration misled the public with phony FBI crime statistics, pushing the narrative that far-left policies were actually making America safer. Weeks later, those numbers were "revised," revealing a shocking truth: a 2.1% decrease in US violent crime in 2022 was actually a 4.5% increase! 

What a stunning revision - and not so shocking for readers. 

Biden-Harris officials gaslighted the hell out of Americans. Fortunately, this time around, very few folks believe any propaganda that is spewed by woke radicals in the White House and or their MSM cheerleaders. 

This brings us to the current crime crisis spreading across certain New York City boroughs, like stage four cancer, where armed illegal alien kids are brazenly robbing citizens and tourists alike.

Source: NYPost
Source: NYPost

"We're talking 20 individuals arrested a total of 50 times… and we have a mix-match of crimes embedded in those. We have anywhere from snatches to what I call wolfpack robberies, where anywhere between five and 15 individuals surround tourists and take their property. We have gunpoint robberies, knifepoint robberies. And these individuals are out, and it's concerning," NYPD Detective Bureau Asst. Chief Jason Savino told Fox News on Tuesday, adding these kids are connected with Venezuela's dangerous Tren de Aragua prison gang.

The New York Post reported earlier this week that some of these migrant gangsters are as young as 11 and being housed in the former Roosevelt Hotel in NYC.

Source: NYPost

Tren de Aragua members are recruiting these kids straight from the migrant hotels funded by the government. 

Source: NYPost

"Young kids are the primary target for recruitment of gangs," a Department of Homeland Security source told NYPost on Tuesday, adding, "Their young, moldable, vulnerable and eager to please minds are easier to lure in than those who have matured more in life."

Source: NYPost

The source continued, "Wanting to please a male father figure is something is something all young boys are eager to do," adding, "They jump at the opportunity to feel involved with something that seems important."

Here's more from a separate NYPost report:

Law enforcement sources said gang members hid among the millions of asylum seekers who crossed the US border with Mexico since 2022, then scattered throughout the country.


In New York, gang members exploited the city's migrant shelter system, running robbery crews, as well as trafficking drugs, guns and sex workers under the noses of private security guards. according to sources.

Tren de Aragua has become such a significant concern that leaked US Army documents estimate more than 5,000 of these gangsters, some of which are armed, are running amok nationwide.

Biden-Harris rolling out the red carpet to illegal aliens has created perfect conditions for trafficking of all sorts, from drugs to labor to prostitution.

Americans are learning very quickly that Democrats importing the third world (many of which are unvetted) into the first world has tremendous consequences...  

It may be time for folks to avoid these 'sanctuary zones'.

We'll leave you with a dire message from 'Ernie' the truck driver from Charleroi, Pennsylvania, a small blue-collar town, who spoke at a recent Trump rally and described the migrant invasion as "nation-killing."

Do yourself a favor this holiday season: Avoid NYC and, in fact, boycott sanctuary towns. Spend your money elsewhere.

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