A new and very revealing article about vaccines was written by Dr. Robert Malone. He personally contributed to the development of the mRNA (AKA messenger RNA) used in the infamous COVID vaccines. His latest whistleblowing essay, published at The Brownstone Institute's website, answers concerns about the efficacy and safety of more routine government-recommended vaccines.
His essay is packed with the same type of truthful information the media, the health care industrial complex, and Big Pharma successfully censored during the pandemic. He claims that the same deception continues even today for some other common vaccines.
If you were paying attention during the pandemic, you will recognize Robert Malone from his frequent appearances in conservative and non-traditional media, sounding the alarm that the mRNA vaccines were neither effective nor safe. His warnings at that time were acknowledged to be true only after the damage was done.
This time, he dared to widen his focus and question the efficacy of the seasonal influenza and other vaccines in common use today. You may recall that RFK Jr. was browbeaten in his U.S. Senate confirmation hearings for even hinting that the efficacy and safety of the current routine vaccines may not have been tested enough. Most people don’t want to believe that this omission could possibly be true.
Malcolm Muggeridge wrote some words of wisdom about lies. “People do not believe lies because they have to, but because they want to.” And of course when people are terrified of getting sick or dying, they desperately want to believe that the powerful health care industry will not hide the truth about any vaccines the way they did during COVID. Yet I still see public service ads recommending that people get the COVID boosters, even for infants.
Here is the lead-in to Dr. Malone's essay:
What if I told you that increasing annual influenza vaccination of the elderly is associated with increased influenza-related death in the elderly?
What if I told you that annual influenza vaccination can make you more susceptible to influenza-like illness?
What if I told you that deploying leaky influenza vaccines (into either humans or poultry flocks) will accelerate the evolution of vaccine-resistant influenza viruses?
What if I told you that the real problem with influenza virus–associated death in the elderly is due to the aging of their immune systems (immunosenescence)?
What if I told you that most of the 1918 “Spanish Flu” deaths could have been prevented if (antibacterial) antibiotics had been available?
What if I told you that most countries do not recommend population-wide annual influenza vaccination?
What if I told you that USG annual influenza vaccination policy is influenced by a desire to support and maintain influenza manufacturing capacity?
What if I told you that most of what you have been told about annual influenza vaccination is propaganda?
There is not enough space available here to provide the detailed evidence for each what-if, but to me (as a long ago new biology grad who once had thoughts of being a researcher for big pharma — that thankfully never materialized), the evidence Malone provided is strong enough to confirm each statement. Read the the full essay if you want to review the detailed evidence behind each of the above bold statements.
In conclusion, Dr. Malone does not endorse current “universal influenza vaccination” mandates, policies, and practices, nor does he support the propaganda routinely deployed to enforce these policies. He also recognizes that much of what is assumed about vaccine efficacy and safety is not “settled science” and that the proper mechanism for medical decision-making is not by top-down mandates, but instead should be made individually by your physician and medical care providers. MAHA leadership should take note.
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