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Sunday, June 30, 2024

Biden claims at posh NJ fundraiser that his debate debacle impressed undecided

 President Biden went to a posh fundraiser at a New Jersey mansion Saturday and reportedly claimed to the crowd that his gaffe-filled, disastrous debate against Donald Trump actually converted undecided voters to his camp.

The 81-year-old Commander-in-Chief made the dubious declaration at a private event at the home of New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy, which his wife announced had raised $3.7 million, reported.

While Biden admitted to the small crowd that his debate performance was lackluster — prompting several major newspapers to call on him to bow out of his reelection bid — he said voters interpreted the event differently.

President Joe Biden attended a campaign fundraiser at New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy’s mansion on Saturday.AFP via Getty Images

“Research during the debate shows us converting more undecided voters than Trump did, in large part because of his conduct on Jan. 6,” Biden told the several dozen people at the party, the news site said.

“People remember the bad things during his presidency.”

Independent voters weren’t the only ones Biden claimed to have won the support of — he also told the New Jersey crowd that his polling numbers among Democrats moved up after the debate.

The notion flies in the face of several surveys released in the last two days, including one commissioned by The Post that saw Biden’s support dwindle after taking on Trump.

“I didn’t have a great night, but I’m going to be fighting harder,” Biden told the crowd, the report said.

Biden, his wife Jill Biden and granddaughters Natalie and Finnegan step off of Marine One and head for a fundraising event in Oceanport on June 29, 2024.AFP via Getty Images
The 81-year-old Commander-in-Chief reportedly raised $3.7 million at the private event hosted at the home of New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy.AP

First Lady Jill Biden tried to assuage the supporters, saying her presidential husband had admitted his poor performance as soon as he came off the stage.

“You know, Jill, I don’t know what happened. I didn’t feel that great,” she called him telling her.

The private fundraiser was the second of the day that the Bidens attended.

Earlier, the couple rubbed elbows with mega-donors at the Hamptons home of hedge-fund billionaire Barry Rosenstein and his wife Lizanne.

Biden made the dubious declaration claim following his gaffe-filled, disastrous debate against former President Donald Trump on June 28, 2024.Getty Images
First Lady Jill Biden tried to assuage the supporters, saying her presidential husband had admitted his poor performance as soon as he came off the stage.AFP via Getty Images

Celebrities like Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick, as well as business leaders Loews Hotels CEO Jonathan Tisch and his socialite wife Lizzie, were said to have been in attendance — and to have shelled out as much as $250,000 to attend the party.

During the star-studded event, a plane toting a streamer reading “BI-DONE!” soared across the sky.

Don't Let The Elite Get Away With Gaslighting That They Didn't Know About Biden's Senility

 by Andrew Korybko via substack,

Biden’s disastrous debate performance last week made it impossible to deny his senility, yet the Western elite is gaslighting they were supposedly oblivious to this until now. Time Magazine published a piece titled “Inside Biden’s Debate Disaster and the Scramble to Quell Democratic Panic”, which was complemented by CNN’s about how “Foreign diplomats react with horror to Biden’s dismal debate performance”.

Both make it seem like Biden’s senility is a surprise for everyone who knew him.

The reality is that they knew about this all along but covered it up by lying that any claims to this effect were “Russian propaganda” and/or a “conspiracy theory”, all because they actually approved of the Democrats installing a literal placeholder in the White House who the liberal-globalist elite could control. It was a refreshing change of pace from Trump, who was much too independent for their liking despite his occasional capitulations to their demands, and it also reassured America’s allies who disliked him too.

They both went along with the lie that Biden is in tip-top mental condition for reasons of political convenience, but now it’s impossible to keep up the charade any longer, hence why they’re all feigning surprise and shock. The elite shouldn’t be allowed to get away with their latest gaslighting and should be exposed for one of the greatest cover-ups in American history. The country is being ruled by a shadowy network of transnational and domestic elites that are united by their radical liberal-globalist ideology.

Biden was chosen as the Democrats’ candidate in 2020 precisely because he was already senile and therefore completely controllable. That party, which functions as the public face of the abovementioned elite network, wanted someone who’d do whatever they demanded on the home and foreign policy fronts. In particular, they sought to turn America into a liberal-globalist hellhole while ramping up NATO’s containment of Russia in Ukraine, but the second policy backfired after the special operation began.

Nevertheless, they’ll never have another chance to install someone like Biden since 2020 was an exceptional election year due to it being a referendum on Trump – who a significant share of the public was preconditioned to falsely believe is the new Hitler – and mail-in voting due to COVID-19. These conditions can never be replicated in the same way again no matter how hard the elite try, which is why they decided to keep Biden as their candidate instead of replace him early on.

Although there’s now a push by some for him to be replaced during the party’s upcoming national convention, Politico and NBC News among others both pointed out that this would be a difficult process, so there’s no guarantee that they’ll seriously attempt it. That said, he might also suffer some sort of emergency that incapacitates him more than he already is, so the scenario can’t be ruled out. In that case, they’ll still do everything they can to gaslight that they had no idea that he was so unhealthy.

Any acknowledgement that they were aware of this would expose their role in 2020’s de facto coup, which was the elite’s latest after the ones in 2001, 1974, and 1963. Back then, 9/11 was exploited as the pretext for taking the national security state to its next level, while Nixon’s resignation in the face of the CIA’s Watergate scandal was meant to remove a truly independent and popular visionary leader. As for Kennedy’s assassination, many believe that it was aimed to stop his planned withdrawal from Vietnam.

The elite’s latest coup was meant to turbocharge the US’ preexisting liberal-globalist trajectory after Trump partially offset it with his comparatively more conservative-nationalist policies, which necessitated provoking a proxy war with Russia in order to unify the West around this ideological cause. The damage has already been dealt and a lot of it is irreparable, but Trump’s return to power would still be better for Americans and the rest of the world, which is why the elite are dead-set against it.  

Irrespective of whether the decision is made to replace Biden, which has its pros such as putting a more publicly appealing candidate on the ballot but also its cons like stoking panic about the party’s electoral prospects, the elite will do everything to cover up for their knowledge of his senility. Acknowledging that they knew about this would leave little doubt in the minds of many that the 2020 election was actually the elite’s latest coup, which his why they’re going overboard gaslighting about how they’re surprised.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Pentagon Exposes Biden Lie That Troop Deaths Haven't Occurred Under His Watch

 The Pentagon is trying to run cover following Biden's Thursday night debate falsehood claiming that he is the "only" president this century who hasn't overseen American troop deaths "anywhere in the world". But journalists forced a belated response.

Here's what Biden asserted in the CNN debate with Trump: "The truth is, I'm the only president this century that doesn't have any this — this decade, that doesn't have any troops dying anywhere in the world, like [Trump] did." But the reality is...

Newsmax and others have pointed out that all of the following happened under Biden, some which is relatively recent

There have been 16 U.S. troops killed overseas since Biden took office, with 13 during the retreat from Afghanistan on Aug. 26, 2021, and three just five months ago in Jordan. Biden also glossed over the large number of U.S. troops that have perished in training incidents during his time in office.

In April 2023, nine soldiers were killed during a training exercise in Kentucky and 20 U.S. service members have been killed in Osprey-related crashed alone from March 2022 through November 2023, as noted by NBC News.

The Pentagon press secretary was asked about the discrepancy in a Friday press briefing, and whether she stands by the president's statement...

"Thank you for the question. For more on the president's comments and on the debate itself, I'd refer you to the White House," spokesperson Sabrina Singh said, trying to deflect the question.

"But in terms of our service members who have been killed in some tragic events around the world … you've seen the president call these families to express condolences. This is someone that has intimately experienced the commitment and dedication of what our military does," she added.

Singh was asked the same question a second time after the attempted dodge:

"Just to be clear, was the president's statement incorrect?"

"Again, not trying to get involved in that," Singh said.

A journalist pressed her for the third time: "Has President Biden had service members die anywhere in the world during his time in office?"

To which she reluctantly responded: "As you have reported on, we have certainly had service members pass during this administration, and you've seen not just the secretary, but the president, weigh in and comment and offer condolences," Singh finally admitted. She clearly tried to initially desperately avoid contradicting Biden's claim, but the truth proved too obvious in the end.

Does Biden himself even remember what he tried to claim in the Thursday night debate?

He's Just Sundowning: Biden Admin Spins Debate Meltdown - While Family 'Oligarchy' Decides Fate

 How bad must those Hur tapes be?

Following President Joe Biden's disastrous debate performance on Thursday, the world saw that his cognitive decline isn't some right-wing conspiracy theory fueled by "cheapfakes" - and that the White House's desperate attempts to cover for Biden's obvious dementia were nothing more than propaganda.

It's so bad that the NY Times Editorial Board has called for Biden to quit the 2024 race.

It's so bad that the White House is now telling Axios that Biden is 'dependably engaged' between the hours of 10am to 4pm, and that outside of that range, he's 'more likely to have verbal miscues and become fatigued.'

In other words: he's sundowning hard.

Which would explain why he looked like he swapped out Hunter's Finest for his morning sugar at a mid-day rally on Friday, with no hint of a 'cold' we've been told explains his debate performance.

Yet, Biden will tune out calls to exit the race unless his 'kitchen cabinet' of lifelong family advisors counsels him to do so, Axios also reports.

Dave Smith explains during his debate recap:

According to Axios"The only way President Biden steps aside, despite his debate debacle, is if the same small group of lifelong loyalists who enabled his run suddenly — and shockingly — decides it's time for him to call it quits."

Dr. Jill Biden; his younger sister, Valerie Biden; and 85-year-old Ted Kaufman, the president's longtime friend and constant adviser — plus a small band of White House advisers — are the only Biden deciders.


This decades-long kitchen cabinet operates as an extended family, council of elders and governing oligarchy. These allies alone hold sway over decisions big and small in Biden's life and presidency.

  • The president engaged in no organized process outside his family in deciding to run for a second term, the N.Y. Times' Peter Baker reports.
  • Then Biden alone made the decision, people close to him tell us.

According to the report, if Biden refuses to quit - it's because "He and the oligarchy believe he has a much better chance of being former President Trump than Vice President Harris does."

AdditionallyAxios also notes that:

  • Biden allies have played out the scenarios and see little chance of anyone besides Harris winning the nomination if he stepped aside.
  • Is the Democratic Party going to deny the nomination to the first woman, the first Black American, and the first South Asian American to be elected V.P.? Hard to see.
  • These allies privately think Harris would struggle to pull moderate and swing voters, and would enhance Trump's chances. (Harris "fares only one or two points worse than Biden in polls with margins of sampling error that are much larger than that," The Washington Post found.)

Meanwhile, Democratic congressional leaders are receiving panicked calls and texts from colleagues who think Biden's weakness could also cost the party House and Senate seats in November.

"This is no longer about Joe Biden's family or his emotions," said one adviser who's in 'constant touch' with the West Wing. "This is about our country. It's an utter f***ing disaster that has to be addressed."

US Professor Charged With Manipulating Data for Alzheimer’s Drug Trial

 A U.S. medical professor has been charged with fraud for allegedly submitting false data to get millions of dollars in public funds for research into a drug to treat Alzheimer’s disease. 

Federal prosecutors said on Friday that Hoau-Yan Wang, 67, fabricated data included in grant applications to the National Institutes of Health on behalf of himself and a publicly-listed Austin, Texas-based pharmaceutical company for which he was a consultant. 

The NIH awarded Wang, a professor at the City University of New York’s (CUNY) medical school, around $16 million between 2017 and 2021, prosecutors said. 

Prosecutors did not name the company, but it fits the description of Cassava Sciences, which lists Wang as a consultant. Cassava was not accused of wrongdoing. 

In 2021, two physicians unaffiliated with Cassava alleged the research underpinning its Alzheimer's drug, called simufilam, was based on manipulated and misrepresented data. 

Wang did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

A spokesperson for CUNY said the university "has and will continue to cooperate to the fullest degree" with the investigation. A NIH spokesperson said the institute takes research misconduct very seriously.

Cassava said in a statement that Wang worked on the drug's "early development" but "had no involvement in the company's phase 3 trials of simufilam."

A phase 3 trial refers to a late-stage, large-scale test. The company said on May 10 that over 735 patients had participated in simufilam's phase 3 trial. 

A lawyer for Cassava told Reuters in 2022 that allegations about simufilam's research were "false and misleading," and that the company had complied with requests for information from government agencies. 

Cassava's website describes Wang as the co-lead scientist on discovery and development of simufilam. Slides of conference presentations available on Cassava's website refer to Wang as a consultant to the company.. 

Cassava shares surged from $7 in January 2021 to above $135 in July 2021 on investor hopes the company was on the verge of a breakthrough in treating Alzheimer's, a common form of dementia. 

The stock plunged after its research results were questioned. Shares were down more than 40% at $11 on Friday afternoon.

Wang could face decades in prison if convicted on all four counts of fraud and false statements he faces, though any sentence would ultimately be determined by a judge. A federal grand jury sitting in Greenbelt, Maryland, indicted him on Thursday, court records showed.