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Thursday, October 3, 2024

Lefties losing it: Food pantry bans white people, certain people should drown, and projecting Nazism

 You would think by now with the world rejecting the insanity and collectivist ideology of the erwache (or woke left) that they would undergo some self-reflection, and realize that maybe they’re wrong.  Perhaps they would reconsider trying to shove the failed concepts of communism down our throats, and that indoctrinating kindergartners into their “trans” cult was a bad idea.

But you would be wrong; instead of acting like normal human beings, they’ve arrogantly doubled down with the delusion that it’s our fault their Utopia in the making is falling apart. (Projection has always been one of their primary failings.) At the same time, they continue with their usual tactic of spewing fact-free accusations at their political opponents, and endless cries of “racism.”  The problem for the fascist far-left is that we have the receipts that show their inherent racism — as they try to project and make the insane case that it’s the pro-freedom right suffering from this malady. Then, of course, amidst their well-deserved ignominious defeat, the socialist left of every nation lashes out with the usual baseless slurs that have been eviscerated so many times before (herehere, and here), that it’s become an embarrassment.

We have a couple of new examples, gleaned from the constant stream of stories, that show that the left is not only losing, but it’s driving them insane—better make that more insane, since they lost the plot years ago but won’t seem to accept it.

From The Post Millennial, hat tip to Tim Pool:

A Minneapolis, Minn. food pantry is only giving food to ‘Black and Indigenous’ people, those who are hungry and white are told not to take the ‘resources’ available. Mykelo ‘Keiko’ Jackson, who runs the food pantry, was awarded a Minnesota State grant to open the food pantry.


In an Instagram post, Jackson justified the reason for prohibiting white people from using the food pantry. ‘Did you know?!’ She wrote, ‘White neighborhoods have an average of four times as many supermarkets as predominantly Black communities. While this number may be a shock to some it very much reflects current conditions amongst many BIPOC neighborhoods who’ve been classified as a ‘food desert’.


‘America’s food system, like so many other systems, too often overlooks communities of color. The term ‘food apartheid’ encompasses the systematic lack of access to healthy foods and takes into account race, geography, and economics. This intersectional approach to understanding America’s food system attributes a lack of access to healthy food, which disproportionately affects communities of color, to our country’s history of systemic racism. 

Remember, these are the same people who project racism every day of the year.  You can probably guess why the market doesn’t support businesses in certain areas.  But as is usually the case, the far-left refuses to look in the mirror and consider if it’s a problem of their own making, like “defund the police” insanity—so they simply double down.

But that’s just the start of the insanity, because now the lefties want “certain” people to drown:

Like the targets of a hurricane, nothing is safe from the left’s path of wrath.

Our cultural and institutional overlords have ensured nothing and nobody is spared from getting caught up in their desperate attempt at mental gymnastics to achieve social justice.

Not even an indiscriminate natural disaster will keep our race-baiting leaders and ivory tower intellectuals from blaming white people for its disproportionate’ effects.

That is until Hurricane Helene ravaged the rural south, drowning and destroying the livelihoods of its mostly white victims.

Suddenly, the racial Marxists governing us seem to pretend the hurricane never happened, as their vitriolic anti-racist followers are taking to social media from the comfort of their dry homes to celebrate the death of an entire population whom they say deserved it.

(See also, “Leftists celebrate deaths and destruction in red states after Hurricane Helene” by Monica Showalter.)

Then of course, the disaster wouldn’t be complete without blaming it on global cooling/global warming/climate change…except that this type of horrific flooding has happened before; in 1916, there was a flood of epic proportions:

The account of this flood can be read here (it is worth the read) - and it is every bit as devastating as last week’s flood - except the population in North Carolina was smaller then, so one might speculate that loss of life from this might be much more significant.

But those kinds of facts have never stopped the nation’s socialist media from politicizing and exploiting disaster — they just conveniently ignore the facts that show these natural disasters have always taken place… before the fascist far-left decided to exploit other people’s pain for their political gain.

Lastly, a report on lefties losing it wouldn’t be complete without looking at how they react with each well-deserved beatdown of their globalist agenda.  You could say that Donald Trump is at the vanguard of a movement defeating and destroying the fascist far-left:

The latest example of their inability to muster enough copium to deal with defeat comes from Austria with 29.2% of the vote for the “far-right” Freedom Party (FPÖ).   This caused that nation’s socialist left to turn out to protest their defeat in a democratic process with choice protest signs reading: “Nazi Out of Parliament” and Ickl ist ein Azi (referring to Kickl, the leader of the Freedom Party).  A translation of a news report explained that “journalists are not allowed to show what is meant by it.”  The fascist far-left isn’t just losing in the states, it’s losing all over the world.  The people are roundly rejecting their socialist national agenda, and it’s driving them out of their minds.

As we get closer to election day, the fascist far-left in the states is going to become even more desperate.  They regularly refer to Donald Trump as “Hitler” while complaining about Komrade Kamala memes, and they’ve already accused Trump of being the Antichrist, so you can just imagine their growing insanity over the next few weeks.

D Parker is an engineer, inventor, wordsmith, and student of history, former director of communications for a civil rights organization, and a long-time contributor to conservative websites.  Find him on Substack.

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