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Thursday, July 4, 2024

Biden confused, loses train of thought at White House July 4 events: ‘Probably shouldn’t even say that’

 President Biden made several odd gaffes and misstatements throughout the official White House Fourth of July celebration, appearing confused at times and puzzlingly greeting the crowd with a hearty “Ho ho ho! Happy Independence Day!”

The president, 81, and first lady Jill Biden were joined on stage by Vice President Kamala Harris and second gentleman Doug Emhoff. Harris introduced the “extraordinary” President Biden who then began a short statement of well-wishing for the holiday.

Biden looked more sprightly than during his much-maligned June 27 debate performance. But his statements weren’t much more coherent despite being louder in volume.

“We gotta do what our founders did: show the world we’re a nation of dignity, honor, and just devotion to one another,” he said before telling the audience to enjoy the fireworks.

As Bruce Springsteen’s “Born in the USA” blared, the group made their way off the stage. Biden, bringing up the rear, suddenly paused his gait mid-step, seemingly unsure to whom he should hand the microphone. 


He then took a few slow steps across the stage, now by himself, before handing off the mic to a stagehand. He then slowly descended a short flight of stairs before mingling with the crowd

Earlier in the day, Biden seemingly lost his train of thought as he stumbled through his very brief speech at a White House barbeque — bizarrely claiming that highway congestion no longer exists and nearly calling nemesis Donald Trump his “colleague.”

“I probably shouldn’t even say that … anyway,” the commander in chief said after the latter bumble to a crowd of military service members and their families.

President Biden stumbled while speaking to active-duty military families at an Independence Day barbecue on the White House South Lawn.AFP via Getty Images

Biden trailed off several times in his four-minute speech, which was peppered with slurring, despite having a teleprompter at his disposal.

The Democrat focused his remarks on his visit last month to Normandy, to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day and the “heroes” who gave their life for democracy.

Biden compared World War I to the modern-day presidential race, questioning whether Americans would be willing to make the same sacrifice in his race against Trump — before starting — and abruptly stopping — a dig at the presumptive Republican nominee.

“By the way, I was in that World War I cemetery in France, and one that my colleagues, the former president, didn’t want to go and be up there,” Biden said before giving up and admitting he shouldn’t have made the comment.

During the speech, Biden seemingly referred to Trump as his “colleague” before admitting he “probably shouldn’t even say that.”REUTERS

He also strangely claimed he was “in and out of battle” on the trip, another statement he suddenly cut short before pivoting with his favorite segue: “Anyway.”

Biden then left the stage to a round of hefty applause but grabbed the microphone for another 30-second encore in which he said traffic is no longer an issue — something New Yorkers would beg to differ.

“One last thing, and I used to think when I was a senator, there were always congestion on the highways. There’s no congestion anymore. We go on the highway, there’s no congestion,” Biden said.

Biden grabbed the microphone for an encore speech in which he claimed there is no congestion on highways.AFP via Getty Images

“And so what? The way they get me to stop talking, they’ll say, ‘We just shut down all the roads, Mr. President, you’re gonna lose all the votes if you don’t get in. But anyway, I’ll be back out,” he nonsensically added.

The White House did not respond to The Post’s request for comment regarding Biden’s odd remarks.

The all-over-the-place speech comes amid rumors from establishment Democrats that the party is considering replacing the bumbling and aging president.

Former Obama presidential adviser Van Jones said Thursday that the party is now in “full-scale panic” following Biden’s highly criticized debate performance against former President Donald Trump last week. 

Biden had a series of gaffes throughout the 90-minute debate — including saying his son Beau “died in Iraq” and that he “beat Medicare” while also appearing to freeze at one point.

Bpifrance eyes investment in Sanofi's consumer health business

 Bpifrance Executive Director Jose Gonzalo said that the public investment bank is considering a potential investment in Sanofi's consumer health unit, Bloomberg News reported on Thursday.

The French public investment bank is in talks with "many funds" and may team up with the winning bidder for Sanofi's consumer health unit, Gonzalo was quoted as saying.

Bpifrance confirmed Gonzalo had made the comments on Sanofi's consumer health unit and other potential investments during a briefing on Thursday.

Sanofi said in an emailed statement that it does not comment on market rumours, adding that the French drugmaker was progressing with its preparations for a potential separation of the consumer health business, while keeping all options open.

Gonzalo said Bpifrance is also studying an investment in tourism and travel company Club Med, the report said, in comments that were also confirmed to Reuters by BpiFrance.

Club Med did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Private equity firm CVC Capital Partners had been in talks with Bpifrance to jointly buy a minority stake in Club Med from China's Fosun, French newspaper La Lettre reported in June.

The Bloomberg report also said that the sale of Les Laboratoires Servier's generic drugmaker Biogaran is on hold due to France's parliamentary elections, even though Bpifrance had put in a non-binding bid with BC Partners.

Biogaran did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal said in May that the French government told drugmaker Servier it opposes a sale of Biogaran, which has a French market share of almost a third.

Brinton’s legal troubles dissolve with no jail time and mental health ‘treatment’

 Checking on Sam Brinton the pervy, cross-dressing luggage thief, and we find that his legal troubles have dissolved—he’s off with another slap on the wrist, having received no jail time, a couple dozen hours of community service, and an order for “mental health treatment.”

Here’s the story, from Misty Severi at Just the News:

Former Biden official Sam Brinton avoids jail time for stealing luggage at Virginia airport

A non-binary former Biden administration official avoided jail time in Virginia last week, after striking a plea deal that included community service and mental health treatment, after he stole a woman’s luggage from the Reagan International Airport in 2018.

Here was the best observation, from someone on X:

Was anyone expecting him to actually go to jail? He’s (D)ifferent.

And, here’s another expectation: This court-ordered mental health treatment will certainly not be legitimate, because no one is going to confront Mr. Brinton with the obvious. They’re just going to pretend that the male who calls himself “non-binary,” sports a bald head, grows a mustache, wears lipstick, has sex with other men, dresses in women’s clothing with his hairy legs and linebacker shoulders on display, and was deeply involved with the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence is totally fine and normal, with some kleptomaniac tendencies he needs to get under control—as if the compulsive stealing habits are in a vacuum, and have nothing to do with the litany of red flags I just listed.

There’s a reason that Buffalo Bill in The Silence of the Lambs was a crossdresser—because the character was modeled on Ed Gein, and it’s obvious evidence of deeply disturbing, and very serious mental illness.

Now, concerning the case in Virginia—Brinton also stole luggage in at least two other places (Nevada and Minnesota)—the woman from whom Brinton stole was Asya Khamsin, a “Tanzanian fashion designer.”

Just another reminder that the left never has a problem with white men victimizing black women—I wrote on this fairly recently while covering a story on a white, “penised” individual who entered a women’s semi-professional darts competition, all so he could take the title, and the money, from the black woman. Remember, these white men are (D)ifferent, and there will be no accountability. But if you’re a white man who happens to be arresting a black thug who tried to pass off counterfeit money and was overdosing on drugs? Or you’re a white man who subdues an out-of-control thug threatening women and children on the subway? God help you.

Venezuelan arrested in Jocelyn Nungaray murder is son of former Chavista official -report

 By Monica Showalter

Anybody surprised to read that one of the two Venezuelans accused of raping and murdering 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray of Houston, is the son of a former Chavista official?

The Daily Mail's Germania Rodriguez Poleo reported the story:

One of the Venezuelan migrants accused of raping and killing a 12-year-old girl is the son of an ex-government official in the socialist nation, has learned.

Johan Jose Martinez Rangel, 22, is one of two men who could face the death penalty for the capital murder of Jocelyn Nungaray, who was found strangled in a creek earlier this month in Houston, Texas.

Following Martinez Rangel's arrest, Venezuelans from his home state of Guarico began flagging on social media that his mother Nazareth Rangel Palacios is a staunch supporter of Nicolas Maduro and served as a councilwoman for his party.

Venezuela's electoral registry shows Martinez Rangel and Rangel Palacios share the same address in San Juan de Los Morros. 

Rangel Palacios was a vocal militant for the ruling party, the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, and was photographed with her son in pro-government events until he left the country in about 2018.

And she raised a son who was taught from birth to hate the United States and blame this country for all his own country's problems.

Those are Chavista values -- violence, America-hate, pretenses to victimhood, an entitlement mentality, and lawlessness.

He was taught that crime was a government prerogative, and likely at his social level to have been surrounded by Chavista thugs who drove around in motorcycles, firing guns at dissidents, both in the slums and well beyond the slums, at places like television stations. I know -- I saw them wheely-ing around in motorcycles in downtown Caracas like menacing vultures, and viewed the bullet holes on the walls of the Globovision station in the Chacao section of Caracas, which had been one of the nicer ones.

Whether he's guilty or not of all the crimes he's accused of will be determined in court, but what is known is that he is in the country illegally, and Joe Biden allowed him by policy to be here under catch-and-release as an "asylum-seeker" despite laws requiring that he be detained. Instead, he got an ankle bracelet to wear for 30 days, and after that got it removed as supposedly no threat to the country.

His buddy, the other thug he was apprehended with, got an ankle bracelet under the same circumstances and still had it on at the time of the murder. He promptly cut it off when he learned the police were looking for him, which demonstrated the uselessness of the devices even when they are put on.

But Rangel was supposedly no threat, and that's despite his background of Chavista officialdom, which Poleo (who is the daughter of a prominent Venezuelan dissident journalist oppressed by the regime) got easy word of from Venezuelan expats. The U.S. could have gotten this information as easily, but didn't.

The guy was asking for asylum with a mother who was so tight and outspoken about her support for the ruling party that she was granted an official position? And he had a lovey-dovey relationship with his mom as Poleo reported? You don't get asylum when you are supporting the party in power or part of the party in power, doesn't work that way. His asylum application should have been rejected on the spot and he should have been deported immediately.

Far from being a legitimate asylum-seeker, he was more like an oppressor oppressing other Venezuelans, close to the ruling party and the ruling party intertwined with Chavista motorcycle thugs and violence, including death-squad activity as such people would have been in his social circles. So killing someone would have been pretty ordinary to his 'culture.'

Yet his application was taken same as anyone else's with zero vetting and he was free to roam about the country.

What this highlights is that Venezuelan migrants in particular need to be sorted out. Some are genuinely legitimate asylum seekers fleeing persecution, and some are actual thugs in bed with the government persecuting dissidents. You don't let both kinds in. That country has been in a cold civil war for decades between Chavista and non-Chavista, with the Chavistas committing crime after crime. The entire Chavista government is said by U.S. officials to be a drug cartel, with all the violence that entails, so Joe Biden letting Venezuelans like Rangel into the country is pretty much the same as letting Mexican drug cartel members into the country, because the Venezuelan government of which his mom was a made-woman in, is that corrupt.

Chavista values of violence, mayhem, hatred for Americans, hatred for the vulnerable, and expectations of impunity are all present in this crime committed against this 12-year-old child. And Rangel grew up steeped in it.

Yet that's what Joe Biden is letting into the country, unvetted and with brazen entitlement and impunity.

While Rangel may be directly guilty of this hideous crime against a child, Joe Biden is indirectly guilty of letting people like this in, same as the legitimate asylum seekers. That's the last thing this country needs or deserves. U.S. Treasury officials have placed countless sanctions on Venezuela's elites for drug dealing, human rights violations, and corruption. Funny how it doesn't extend to Venezuelans crossing into the U.S. illegally who are one way or another linked to (and in debt to) that monstrous government.