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Thursday, July 4, 2024

Venezuelan arrested in Jocelyn Nungaray murder is son of former Chavista official -report

 By Monica Showalter

Anybody surprised to read that one of the two Venezuelans accused of raping and murdering 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray of Houston, is the son of a former Chavista official?

The Daily Mail's Germania Rodriguez Poleo reported the story:

One of the Venezuelan migrants accused of raping and killing a 12-year-old girl is the son of an ex-government official in the socialist nation, has learned.

Johan Jose Martinez Rangel, 22, is one of two men who could face the death penalty for the capital murder of Jocelyn Nungaray, who was found strangled in a creek earlier this month in Houston, Texas.

Following Martinez Rangel's arrest, Venezuelans from his home state of Guarico began flagging on social media that his mother Nazareth Rangel Palacios is a staunch supporter of Nicolas Maduro and served as a councilwoman for his party.

Venezuela's electoral registry shows Martinez Rangel and Rangel Palacios share the same address in San Juan de Los Morros. 

Rangel Palacios was a vocal militant for the ruling party, the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, and was photographed with her son in pro-government events until he left the country in about 2018.

And she raised a son who was taught from birth to hate the United States and blame this country for all his own country's problems.

Those are Chavista values -- violence, America-hate, pretenses to victimhood, an entitlement mentality, and lawlessness.

He was taught that crime was a government prerogative, and likely at his social level to have been surrounded by Chavista thugs who drove around in motorcycles, firing guns at dissidents, both in the slums and well beyond the slums, at places like television stations. I know -- I saw them wheely-ing around in motorcycles in downtown Caracas like menacing vultures, and viewed the bullet holes on the walls of the Globovision station in the Chacao section of Caracas, which had been one of the nicer ones.

Whether he's guilty or not of all the crimes he's accused of will be determined in court, but what is known is that he is in the country illegally, and Joe Biden allowed him by policy to be here under catch-and-release as an "asylum-seeker" despite laws requiring that he be detained. Instead, he got an ankle bracelet to wear for 30 days, and after that got it removed as supposedly no threat to the country.

His buddy, the other thug he was apprehended with, got an ankle bracelet under the same circumstances and still had it on at the time of the murder. He promptly cut it off when he learned the police were looking for him, which demonstrated the uselessness of the devices even when they are put on.

But Rangel was supposedly no threat, and that's despite his background of Chavista officialdom, which Poleo (who is the daughter of a prominent Venezuelan dissident journalist oppressed by the regime) got easy word of from Venezuelan expats. The U.S. could have gotten this information as easily, but didn't.

The guy was asking for asylum with a mother who was so tight and outspoken about her support for the ruling party that she was granted an official position? And he had a lovey-dovey relationship with his mom as Poleo reported? You don't get asylum when you are supporting the party in power or part of the party in power, doesn't work that way. His asylum application should have been rejected on the spot and he should have been deported immediately.

Far from being a legitimate asylum-seeker, he was more like an oppressor oppressing other Venezuelans, close to the ruling party and the ruling party intertwined with Chavista motorcycle thugs and violence, including death-squad activity as such people would have been in his social circles. So killing someone would have been pretty ordinary to his 'culture.'

Yet his application was taken same as anyone else's with zero vetting and he was free to roam about the country.

What this highlights is that Venezuelan migrants in particular need to be sorted out. Some are genuinely legitimate asylum seekers fleeing persecution, and some are actual thugs in bed with the government persecuting dissidents. You don't let both kinds in. That country has been in a cold civil war for decades between Chavista and non-Chavista, with the Chavistas committing crime after crime. The entire Chavista government is said by U.S. officials to be a drug cartel, with all the violence that entails, so Joe Biden letting Venezuelans like Rangel into the country is pretty much the same as letting Mexican drug cartel members into the country, because the Venezuelan government of which his mom was a made-woman in, is that corrupt.

Chavista values of violence, mayhem, hatred for Americans, hatred for the vulnerable, and expectations of impunity are all present in this crime committed against this 12-year-old child. And Rangel grew up steeped in it.

Yet that's what Joe Biden is letting into the country, unvetted and with brazen entitlement and impunity.

While Rangel may be directly guilty of this hideous crime against a child, Joe Biden is indirectly guilty of letting people like this in, same as the legitimate asylum seekers. That's the last thing this country needs or deserves. U.S. Treasury officials have placed countless sanctions on Venezuela's elites for drug dealing, human rights violations, and corruption. Funny how it doesn't extend to Venezuelans crossing into the U.S. illegally who are one way or another linked to (and in debt to) that monstrous government.

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