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Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Will Hospital-at-Home Go Mainstream?

 Jordan Stohler, a 42-year-old nurse in Knoxville, TN, was readmitted to Fort Sanders Medical Center in June 2023 with sepsis after a double mastectomy.

She spent 5 days in the hospital after surgery to clear up the infection. Then she was offered a choice: She could either stay in the hospital while she received IV antibiotics, or she could go home and have the antibiotics given to her there under the Advanced Care at Home program of Covenant Health, the nine-hospital system to which Fort Sanders belongs.

She opted to go home, where she knew she'd be more comfortable and would be close to her beloved dog. In the end, she was very glad she did.

"I received great care in the hospital, but to be allowed to be in the comfort of your own home, to be around my dog, who I think is therapeutic, to be able to cook my own meals, and to have the same one-on-one nursing care that I would have gotten in the hospital was great," Stohler said.

Being cared for at home helped her heal, she said. "I probably would have gotten a little stir crazy if I'd stayed in the hospital any longer. I received excellent care at home."

Covenant's Advanced Care at Home program is an example of the hospital-at-home trend that has been growing rapidly since Medicare began reimbursing hospitals for this approach during the COVID pandemic. Currently, 322 hospitals in 37 states have Medicare waivers for these kinds of programs, although not all of them are currently functioning.

recent survey published in The Journal of the American Medical Association found that nearly half of consumers would accept hospital-at-home, and more than a third were neutral on it. Only 17% said they'd rather be cared for in a brick-and-mortar hospital.

The findings of the JAMA survey confirm those of earlier studies, said Bruce Leff, MD, a professor at Johns Hopkins Medical School in Baltimore, who has researched hospital-at-home since the 1990s. Like the new study, those trials found that the results had no relationship to individual traits, such as socioeconomic status, medical conditions, age, gender, or race.

Whether a person felt comfortable with the idea of hospital-at-home boiled down "to a preference for receiving care at home or in the hospital," he said. Some people distrust hospitals, and others feel insecure about receiving care at home, even if it is provided by qualified healthcare professionals.

How Patients Are Selected

While the details of hospital-at-home vary from program to program, the basic scenario is that patients who need certain kinds of acute care can be sent home from hospitals, emergency departments, or clinics to receive that care at home. Among the kinds of conditions that make stable patients eligible are heart failure, COPD, pneumonia, cellulitis, and COVID-19, said John Busigin, MD, a hospitalist and medical director of Covenant Advanced Care at Home.

When a patient is admitted to hospital-at-home, the hospital will send along whatever equipment and medications that person needs. In some cases, this may include a hospital bed, although Stohler used her own. An IV line was put into her arm, and the IV stand was placed next to the bed.

Stohler received a computer tablet that she used to communicate with doctors and nurses in Covenant's "command center" in Knoxville. She also wore a watch with a button she could push in case of an emergency. And she had a telephone line that went directly to her medical team, in case she had an issue and the tablet didn't work.

Twice a day, or as needed, specially trained paramedics came to Stohler's home. They checked on the IV line, changed the IV bag, performed tests, and uploaded vital signs from monitoring equipment to Stohler's tablet so it could be transmitted to the command center. A physician assistant came in on the second and fourth days of her weeklong stay in the program, and she saw a hospitalist remotely every day.

While some hospital-at-home programs have registered nurses visit patients at home, RNs are in short supply. To fill this gap, Covenant's program uses community paramedics who have been in the field for at least 5 years, doing everything from intubating patients and placing them on ventilators to providing advanced cardiac life support, Busigin said. To get certified as community paramedics, they go through a 3-month training program.

Shortly after Stohler went into hospital-at-home, she had another crisis. Excess fluid had built up in her body because of all the IV fluids she'd received in the hospital while fighting the sepsis. As a result, she became short of breath. If she had been discharged to home rather than hospital-at-home, she said, she would have had to go to the emergency room. Instead, she sent out a distress call. One of the paramedics rushed to her house and gave her an IV diuretic medication, which helped her urinate to get rid of the excess fluid.

A small number of the estimated 300 people who have gone through the program had to be admitted to the hospital, Busigin said. Nationally, he said, about 5%-10% are admitted. But readmissions among the patients in the Covenant program have been 25% lower than for patients who received conventional hospital care and had the same conditions as those in hospital-at-home.

Studies have shown that these programs not only reduce readmissions but also cost less, on average, and create a better patient experience than traditional hospital care does. And according to the JAMA survey, most consumers like the idea. Fifty-six percent of people who took the survey agreed with the statement that people recover faster at home than in the hospital. Fifty-nine percent agreed they'd feel safe being treated at home, and 49% said they'd be more comfortable if treated at home.

The 1134 people who took the survey were also asked about their comfort level with providing various kinds of care to their loved ones during a hospital-at-home episode. The results varied with the type of task: For example, 82% of the respondents agreed or strongly agreed they could manage a patient's medications, while just 41% said they'd be willing to change a feeding tube. Smaller percentages were willing to change an IV bag or a catheter or do wound care.

However, hospital-at-home programs don't allow caregivers to take part in clinical care, which is prohibited by Medicare waivers and state licensing regulations. None of the 22 health systems that use the hospital-at-home services of Medically Home, including Covenant, ask caregivers to do anything along this line, said Pippa Shulman, DO, medical director of the company, which provides equipment, technology, and protocols for hospital programs.

The only exception at Covenant, Busigin said, is that the hospital may train family members to do wound care when a patient is discharged from the hospital to Advanced Care at Home. They may also prepare meals for their loved ones, although the program provides balanced meals to patients if they want them. Stohler had some of these meals, which just had to be heated up, for the first few days of hospital-at-home, and later her relatives brought meals to her house.

Challenges for the Future

The number of Medicare hospital-at-home waivers has nearly doubled since 2021. A year earlier, when Medicare began reimbursing hospitals for acute care at home to help them cope with the overflow of COVID patients, there were only about 15-20 programs in the United States, said Leff of Johns Hopkins.

A big reason for the lack of use before the pandemic, Leff said, is that there was no payment system for hospitals that offered hospital-at-home. Now, they can get paid by Medicare and 10 state Medicaid programs, and a number of private payers are also coming on board. Stohler's private insurer covered her hospital-at-home stay, and Busigin said several plans that contract with Covenant will pay for it.

Leff said he's cautiously optimistic Congress will extend the Medicare waiver program, which is scheduled to end in December, for another 5 years. A couple of key House committees have signed off on a bill to do that, he said, and a Congressional Budget Office report found that the program did not cost Medicare more money.

But even if the waiver is renewed, some health systems may find it tough to deliver the service. The current version of this model depends a lot on technology because telemedicine is used and reliable communication is needed for patients in hospital-at-home. That's why many of the hospitals hire outside vendors like Medically Home to provide the infrastructure they need.

Medically Home manages the tablets given to patients and all connection and networking services, including internet and cellphone connections. It also provides technical services in the command centers that hospitals set up for the doctors and nurses who provide care remotely.

And the firm figures out how to deliver the standard care for each condition in each hospital-at-home. "We need to make sure that the patient is going to get what they need in the time frame it needs to be delivered in, and that it's safe and effective for the patient," Shulman said. "So we've developed logistical protocols for a multitude of disease states that allow us to provide high-acuity care in the home to a variety of complex patients."

The healthcare workers use the hospital electronic health record for hospital-at-home patients, and vital signs uploaded from patient tablets flow directly into the electronic health record, she said.

Rural Areas Need Help

The use of hospital-at-home in rural areas holds a lot of promise, Leff said.

"A lot of rural hospitals have been closing, and hospital-at-home could be a mechanism to create hospital-level care where facilities have closed down. It's easier to do this in urban areas, but it can be done in rural environments as well."

Rami Karjian, CEO of Medically Home, agreed. The firm services hospital-at-home programs in rural areas of Oklahoma and California, using cellphones and paramedics in areas that lack broadband connections and nurses, he points out.

"Hospital-at-home can't just be available to people who live in big cities," he said. "The access problems in healthcare are pervasive, and this is part of how we solve access problems in rural areas."


Jordan Stohler, Knoxville, Tennessee.

Bruce Leff, MD, professor, director, Center for Transformative Geriatric Research, Johns Hopkins Medical School, Baltimore.

John Busigin, MD, hospitalist, medical director, Covenant Advanced Care at Home, Knoxville, Tennessee.

Pippa Shulman, DO, medical director, Medically Home.

Rami Karjian, CEO, Medically Home.

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