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Thursday, July 11, 2024

French trade unionist hints at Olympic protests if Macron blocks left from power

 A top French trade union leader on Thursday urged President Emmanuel Macron to let a left-wing alliance govern after it came first in a legislative election, hinting that any alternative could be met with protests during the Paris Olympics.

In his first public comments since the New Popular Front (NFP) beat his own centrist camp into second place in Sunday's election, Macron said on Wednesday that "no one had won" and asked "republican forces" to form a "solid majority" to govern.

That has been understood to mean he wants a coalition of centrists and moderate parties from the NFP, such as the Socialists and Greens, excluding the hard-left insurgent party France Unbowed which he deems beyond the respectable spectrum.

Sophie Binet, leader of the CGT union, said Macron was in denial about the result of the election and should appoint as prime minister whoever the NFP picks. Members of the alliance have been trying all week to agree on a name and a strategy to govern without a majority.

"Emmanuel Macron must snap out of his denialism. He has lost the election ... He's like Louis XVI holed up at Versailles. He must listen to the country and stop being so disconnected," Binet said on LCI television.

Macron's comments have been met with howls of anger on the left, including from the railway workers' branch of the CGT, which responded by calling for protests on July 18, the day when the newly elected parliament is scheduled to convene.

It said the protests should take place in front of prefectures, the seats of state authority all around the country, and in front of the National Assembly in Paris, to demand that the NFP form a government.

"Let's not allow our victory to be stolen from us!," its statement concluded.

Binet said "all of us should take part in these gatherings to keep the National Assembly under scrutiny and ensure that the people's vote is respected," hinting that protests could continue during the Olympics if Macron did not comply.


"At this stage, we haven't planned any strikes during the Olympics, but if Macron continues to throw petrol on to the flames," she said, without finishing her sentence. The Olympics start on July 26.

Options for government include a broad coalition, a minority government or a technocratic government led by a non-politically affiliated person, which would seek to pass laws in parliament on a case-by-case basis, with ad hoc agreements.

The head of the larger, more moderate CFDT union, Marylise Leon, said the NFP's programme should be the starting point for the next government.

"That's what the citizens voted for. It's important to respect their vote," she said on France Inter radio.

NFP leaders have given no sign that they were prepared to break up the bloc, which was hastily assembled to unite the left against the far-right National Rally, which came first in European elections in June and in the first round of the legislative election.

However, days of feverish talks have yet to yield a consensus candidate for prime minister from within NFP ranks.

France Unbowed leaders have said one of them should get the job on the basis that they won the most seats out of NFP member parties, but the electoral maths is disputed because some lawmakers have yet to declare their allegiance.

The Socialist Party leader Olivier Faure has put himself forward too, making clear that, like the trade unionists, he believed there should be a left-wing government, not one cobbled together from pieces of the left and of the centre.

Faure portrayed Macron as disconnected from reality, seeking to maintain his people in power despite their electoral loss.

"Is it imaginable that the government that lost the election should still be in place for Bastille Day, for the Olympics, and why not for the autumn and we can enjoy their company for Christmas while we're at it?," he said on France 2 television late on Wednesday.

UK to expand early release of prisoners, prison governors say

 British Prime Minister Keir Starmer's new government will widen the early release of prisoners to tackle an overcrowding crisis that has left jails within weeks of running out of space, prison governors said on Thursday.

Britain's Prison Governors' Association said in a statement to media that it had been "reliably informed" that rules would change on Friday so that most inmates would serve only 40% of their sentences behind bars, down from a typical 50% at present.

Prisoners who are released are meant to be supervised by probation officers, and can be returned to jail if they reoffend or break other terms of their release.

"The changes to release dates will create essential space across the prison system," the Prison Governors' Association said in a statement.

Britain's Ministry of Justice, which oversees prisons, had no immediate comment.

Starmer told reporters on a trip to Washington on Wednesday that the government would soon make a statement on prison overcrowding and criticised former Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's government for being reckless in its approach to the issue.

Britain has western Europe's highest rate of incarceration - more than twice that in Germany or the Netherlands - although the figure is only around a quarter of the U.S rate.

Starmer's Labour won a landslide election victory last week to return to power for the first time since 2010.

One of Starmer's eye-catching initial moves was to appoint businessman James Timpson as prisons minister. Timpson's shoe-repair and key-cutting firm employs ex-offenders and he is known for his belief in rehabilitation.

The prison governors said overcrowding had worsened under the previous Conservative administration, which lengthened some jail terms and increased the percentage of sentences which more serious violent and sexual offenders must serve behind bars.

Construction delays and a lack of maintenance meant prison capacity did not keep up. Inmates near the end of their sentences were released at short notice on an unplanned basis, which can increase the risk of reoffending or homelessness.

"We are hopeful that the penal populism agenda will become a thing of the past and that this new government will be willing to invest in our service," the Prison Governors' Association said.

Existing plans show prisons are likely to face reduced budgets in the coming years.

GSK Begins Shipping Influenza Vaccine Doses for 2024-25

 GSK plc (LSE/NYSE: GSK) today announced it has started shipping doses of its trivalent influenza vaccines to US healthcare providers and pharmacies in preparation for the 2024-25 flu season. This immediately follows a licensing and lot-release approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

In February 2024, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended the removal of B/Yamagata strains from seasonal influenza vaccines.1 The WHO recommends that egg-based trivalent vaccines for the 2024-2025 northern hemisphere influenza season contain the following:1

  • A/Victoria/4897/2022 (H1N1)pdm09-like virus
  • A/Thailand/8/2022 (H3N2)-like virus
  • B/Austria/1359417/2021 (B/Victoria lineage)-like virus

In partnership with regulatory bodies, GSK worked quickly to ensure production, approval and availability of trivalent influenza vaccines with the recommended composition for the 2024-25 flu season.

GSK expects to distribute over 36 million doses of its trivalent influenza vaccines in the US this season. Both FLULAVAL and FLUARIX will be available in a 0.5mL, single-dose, pre-filled syringe and are indicated for people six months of age and older.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), annual influenza vaccination is the best way to help protect against the flu. Ideally, vaccination should occur by the end of October, but people should continue to get vaccinated as long as the flu poses a threat.2 CDC recommends an annual flu vaccination for anyone aged six months or older who does not have contraindications.2

CDC estimates that from October 1, 2023, through June 15, 2024, there have been 35 – 65 million flu illnesses, 390,000 – 830,000 flu hospitalizations and 25,000 – 72,000 flu deaths.

40% of cancer cases linked to bad behavior — here are the major culprits

 Well, this is a drag.

Smoking is to blame for 20% of US cancer cases and nearly 30% of cancer deaths, the American Cancer Society (ACS) warns in new research.

In fact, the organization insists that four in 10 cancer cases and nearly half of cancer deaths in American adults 30 and older may have been prevented with a lifestyle change like stopping smoking or losing weight.

These are the major reasons for cancer deaths in the US among adults 30 and older.
These are the major reasons for cancer deaths in the US among adults 30 and older.American Cancer Society

Dr. Farhad Islami, who penned the Thursday report, said he was “alarmed” that more than 169,800 Americans died in 2019 from smoking.

He is calling for tobacco control policies in each state — the ACS finds that raising the price of cigarettes through excise taxes works best — and more screening for early detection of lung cancer.

Islami, ACS’ senior scientific director of cancer disparity research, noted increases in certain obesity-related cancers, particularly among young people, while urging “interventions” to promote healthy body weights.

1.78 million cancer cases and 595,700 cancer deaths were recorded in 2019 among Americans 30 and older.

1.78 million cancer cases and 595,700 cancer deaths were recorded in 2019 among Americans 30 and older.
1.78 million cancer cases and 595,700 cancer deaths were recorded in 2019 among Americans 30 and older.lashkhidzetim –
The researchers focused on 30 types of cancer to estimate how many cases and deaths were due to risky behavior, such as tobacco and alcohol use, obesity, red meat consumption, physical inactivity and UV exposure, among others.

They determined that 713,300 cases and 262,100 deaths in 2019 could have been prevented.

Smoking was responsible for the largest proportion, contributing to 56% of cancers in men, 39.9% in women and 19.3% of all cases.

Excess body weight came in second with 7.6%, followed by alcohol (5.4%), UV radiation (4.6%) and physical inactivity (3.1%).

Preventable cancers include cervical (via HPV vaccines), more than 80% of skin melanomas, anus, lung, colorectal and bladder.

The ACS findings were published Thursday in CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians.

The research follows a June report from the American Heart Association that warned that 6 in 10 American adults, more than 184 million people, are expected to have some type of heart disease within the next 30 years due to increases in high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity.

Biodexa Additional Positive Phase 2 Trial Data Of eRapa in Precancerous GI Polyps

 Biodexa Pharmaceuticals PLC (NASDAQ:BDRX), an acquisition-focused clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing a pipeline of innovative products for the treatment of diseases with unmet medical needs, is making good progress with eRapa™, its drug to treat Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP).

FAP is a mostly inherited condition that puts people at a much greater risk of developing colorectal cancer. Positive 12-month data from a phase 2 clinical trial were recently presented at the 2024 InSIGHT biannual meeting in Barcelona.

With FAP, hundreds or thousands of precancerous polyps grow throughout the gastrointestinal tract. There is no approved therapeutic option for treating FAP patients - for whom active surveillance and surgical resection of the colon and/or rectum remain the standard of care. People with FAP, which usually appears in the patient's mid-teens, end up eventually having their entire colon and/or rectum resected and having to carry a colostomy bag for the remainder of their lives . If left untreated, there is a 100% chance the person will develop colorectal cancer.

NanoViricides Eyes Single Drug Against Multiple Respiratory Virus Infections

  NanoViricides, Inc. (NYSE American:NNVC) (the "Company"), a clinical stage global leader in broad-spectrum antiviral nanomedicines, discusses its development program for NV-387, a single drug that has shown activity against many respiratory viral infections in animal models, enabling human clinical trials for a number of indications.

There are several viruses that continue to cause epidemics in humans; seasonal epidemics with Influenza, RSV, and SARS-CoV-2 (COVID) are occurring every year. The potential for severe Bird Flu pandemic, that may even be worse than the COVID-19 outbreak, is increasing every year as the virus spreads further into mammals and mutates more, according to experts.

Recently a fifth human case of H5Nx "Bird Flu" infection in the USA, acquired at work with infected dairy cattle, was found in Colorado ( The person exhibited conjunctivitis symptoms, was given Tamiflu, and has recovered, according to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE). The risk to humans in general remains low, because this bird flu virus has not yet acquired the ability for human-to-human transmission, according to scientists. However, H5N1 bird flu is now widespread in wild birds, and has infected and spread in many mammals, including dairy cattle.

MPox infections are also becoming more common in the Western world over the last few years. MPox cases are rising in the USA again (

A summer surge of COVID is occurring now with new FLiRT variants of the virus (

We are living in a world with many viruses that threaten our health. The current model of developing a drug against each virus separately is expensive and untenable with the myriad of viruses affecting humans that are gaining major foothold.

NV-387 turns this drug development model on its head, with a single drug that would be effective against many of these viruses. It simplifies preparedness for pandemics. It reduces cost of development to a single drug instance.

NV-387 is the only drug, to our knowledge, that has shown strong activity against all of the above viruses, namely, RSV, Influenza, Coronaviruses, and even orthoPoxviruses, in relevant animal models. In fact, in every case, the activity of NV-387 was superior to that of approved drugs as we have reported previously. NV-387 treatment also protected lungs from damage, which is very important for respiratory viral infections. Significantly, RSV infection in animals was completely cured by NV-387 treatment.

NV-387 is unlikely to be escaped by viruses, because of its biomimicry, presenting itself to the virus as a decoy of the host cell.

NV-387 has completed Phase I clinical trials with no reported adverse events, indicating excellent safety. Closing of the clinical trial site - hospital site itself - is in progress, with different audits taking place to ensure regulatory compliance. Statistical data analysis is expected to begin thereafter. We are eagerly awaiting further information and will provide updates as it becomes available.

We have started planning Phase II clinical studies of NV-387 as a treatment for RSV and other indications including Influenza and COVID, as the Phase I clinical trial comes to a close. We plan on taking the drug NV-387 forward on the fastest regulatory path feasible towards regulatory approvals in different countries and jurisdictions including the USA.

CureVac Update on Trial Dates for Patent Litigation Across Geographies Against Pfizer/BioNTech


  • New trial date for U.S. patent litigation set for March 3, 2025, following settlement with Acuitas Therapeutics

  • First instance decision on validity of EP 3 708 668 B1 (split poly-A tail technology) scheduled for March 25, 2025, by European Patent Office in the context of the German patent litigation

  • UK trial on validity of intellectual property rights EP 3 708 668 B1 and EP 4 023 755 B1 (split poly-A tail technology) began July 10; judgement expected later in 2024