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Sunday, September 1, 2024

So what really was witheld from CNN's 41-minute interview with Kamala Harris?

 By Monica Showalter

Is CNN a news network or a public relations agency?

What else can one conclude but the latter, now that we learn that CNN did a 41-minute interview with Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris, but only released 18 minutes of it to the public, both in its broadcast and in its transcript.

That was its big news scoop, the first major interview of Kamala Harris since Joe Biden was forced to pull out of the race last month.

For a news agency to withold ... the news ... is strange stuff indeed, given that news is supposed to be what it does, and its bread and butter.

What's more, experienced journalists, such as Catherine Herridge, have arched their eyebrows over that strange aversion to releasing the news they had actually gathered.



Herridge noted that this was what credible news agencies do, they release the full transcripts, even if their final broadcast doesn't include all the news gathered. The New York Times has called it all the news that's fit to print. 60 Minutes does an after-hours show for those interested in all the parts of its newsgathering that didn't make it into their shorter news segments.

They're in the news industry, after all -- CBS knows they need to monetize what they gather, and the more they release, the more money they make.

CNN doesn't seem to want to make that money.

That doesn't sound normal.

Now we get a purported leak as to the reason why:


So we learn that Harris's undoubtedly mangled and contradictory responses to questions about fracking were a mess, meaning, CNN was running cover for her in order to make her look better than she really was.

Worse still, CNN apparently gave Harris veto power over what went into the CNN interview and what didn't. That's the biggest no-no in news. That's not news, that's serving a client. That's public relations, and if the charge is true, CNN will have a lot to answer for.

Can you imagine CNN or any news network giving President Trump veto power over what went into his interviews with reporters after the fact? It's not done and it should not be done, and with Trump, it will never be done, but Democrats are something different.

The other thing is: If Kamala had to have editorial control of her interview with reporters serving as her handmaids, what does it say about her that she had to cut so much out? This is clearly amateur hour from her side.

Tom Bevan, a founder of RealClearPolitics, had exactly the right response.



It's time to start asking questions about just how much power Harris had over that final CNN report and if it's found to be true, then it needs to be listed as a campaign donation on Harris's and CNN's disclosure forms for federal authorities, and the public needs to be told, too. Will it happen? Not so long as Democrats retain power, but this stands exposed as another problem with the Washington swamp that needs a good hosing out.

Israel Sets Up Army Unit To Oversee Control Of Gaza 'For Years To Come'

 Israeli media news site Ynet has reported that the Israeli army is preparing to occupy and control the Gaza Strip for years to come, and this is increasingly the default assumption of Israeli military officers in the absence of a clearly defined long-term mission by top leadership.

The outlet wrote that this comes "in the absence of clear strategic goals for the future of the Gaza Strip." The report continued, "The Israeli army began yesterday through this appointment to accept the fact that its responsibility for the Strip will continue for years and will expand, and about two million Palestinians will remain under its responsibility."

The military's Lt. Col. Elad Goren has been appointed Head of Humanitarian-Civilian Effort in Gaza to oversee these longer term efforts. "This new position is not for show … It will have an important role for years to come … Anyone who believes that Israeli control and intervention in the Gaza Strip will end soon, whether by stopping or not stopping the fighting and its decline, or even with or without a deal, is mistaken," a  high-ranking security official told Ynet

The scope of the new position is to include overseeing humanitarian aid deliveries, the restoration of civilian infrastructure, and coordinating with humanitarian aid groups. 

Ultimately this is also to prevent the potential for Hamas to ever return as a local government authority in any part of the Gaza Strip. What Hamas was doing before Oct.7 in terms of administering Gaza cities will now be done by Israel.

"On the agenda of the new unit in the Israeli army will be major operations, which have already begun, to evacuate the seriously wounded and sick to hospitals in Jordan, Egypt or the UAE … and preparing for winter in the Gaza Strip, in light of the massive amount of destroyed infrastructure, as well as coordinating the campaign to vaccinate more than a million Gazans against polio," Ynet detailed further.

Among the bigger long-term initiatives will be to "work with the international community to restore all civilian facilities that collapsed in the Strip." In many cases this has involved the collapse of electricity generation and even water. Many Gazans say that at this point "nothing is left".

Currently, Israel has greenlighted a UN-spearheaded polio vaccination program for children of the Gaza Strip. Some 2,000 health workers are expected to enter Gaza this week, and the IDF reportedly agreed to implement phased pauses in its operations according to different zones, starting in central Gaza.

But there are deeply conflicting statements coming from Israeli top leadership on the lingering question of whether a 'polio pause' will actually be implemented as of Sunday...

If the pause is not implemented, this will only add to the international heat and pressure Netanyahu is experiencing. The UN and World Health Organization (WHO) have been particularly vocal after a ten-month year old baby was reportedly paralyzed by the deadly polio disease, and now there are worries over a potential major outbreak.

China’s first global gaming hit sells millions in a week

 China’s first attempt at a top-tier video game has smashed world records, bolstering the industry’s global ambitions just a few years after Beijing’s gaming crackdown.

Black Myth: Wukong, an action game set in mythological China, sold more than 10 million units three days after its launch on Aug. 20. Ten days later, the title still ranked second by revenue in the U.S., and No. 1 globally, according to the Steam video game platform where it sells for around $60 or more.

“I think the next triple-A game is likely very close, because Black Myth: Wukong has shown everyone that a China-made AAA game can reach such high global sales,” said Dino Ying, chairman of Hero Games, which co-published the game and was an early investor in its developer Game Science. That’s according to a CNBC translation of his Mandarin-language remarks in an exclusive interview Thursday.

Ying said he knew of at least one such game under development, which his business partner at Hero Games has invested in. But he declined to share a timeframe.

As for how well Black Myth: Wukong has done, Ying only said sales have since increased by “much more” than the 10 million unit figure, although he indicated it had not yet doubled.

Esports World Cup Foundation CEO Ralf Reichert on the world's first-ever Esports World Cup
Esports World Cup Foundation CEO Ralf Reichert on the world’s first-ever Esports World Cup

He said that in the future, the company’s game releases will have a global strategy from the start. He also expects foreign AAA game developers to realize how large China’s market is and tailor more features to Chinese players.

AAA games generally refer to titles with high graphics quality and significant marketing. That’s meant such video games have tended to come from companies such as NintendoUbisoft and Electronic Arts.

“China is a big country. We’re talking about 1 million concurrent players,” said Ivan Su, senior equity analyst at Morningstar. “China has 600 million gamers.”

He said the reason why China hasn’t previously developed its own AAA game, which are typically played on computers and consoles, is the years-long production time. “It’s much more cost-effective if you create mobile games,” Su said.

Apple’s Tim Cook visited Hero Games

When Hero Games first invested in Game Science, Apple CEO Tim Cook visited in 2017 and was so impressed by the first game, Art of War: Red Tides, he gave it the front page of the iOS App store in 178 countries, Ying said.

But that wasn’t a commercial success.

Hero Games had already spent three years investing 60 million yuan (about $8.5 million today) in two failed projects from Game Science when the developer approached Ying and his team in August 2020 about Black Myth: Wukong, he said.

“We’re very lucky, we didn’t give up on Game Science before it succeeded,” Ying said, noting his business partner Daniel Wu, now CEO of Hero Games, had first discovered the startup.

“We aren’t saying to blindly wait for all people,” he said. “When you see that kind of talent, you need to be confident that that talent has been underappreciated. It may not have found the right direction. [So you just need to] help it to find it.”

‘Best game that I have seen’ 

Two days before Game Science planned to release a promotional video for Black Myth: Wukong, the company showed it to Ying and asked his team for at least 100 million yuan more, he said. If not, he said the startup planned to ask Bilibili, a major Chinese video streaming and game platform.

After watching the video, Ying said he told his team that “I really don’t want to miss this opportunity because this is the best game that I have seen in my life.”

Tencent then bought a 5% stake, but said it would not interfere with Game Science’s plans, Ying said. “Because this was an AAA game, under the normal process of a big business, there was no way it would have been approved.”

Hero Games’ initial investment in Game Science was for a 20% stake.

Beijing has only in the last two years started to approve games, after suspending new titles and limiting how many hours minors could play in 2021.

Black Myth: Wukong got China’s government approval in February. No part of the game needed to be changed for it to pass, Ying said.

“Personally I think in the past two years the regulation is increasingly respectful of the game industry and is beneficial to its development,” Ying said, noting that one or two years ago, there “was a misunderstanding.”

Massive market potential

In the first half of this year, domestic game sales in China reached 147.27 billion yuan, said Ashley Dudarenok, founder of China digital consultancy ChoZan, citing industry figures.

But console game revenue was just 0.5% of that, she said.

Ying pointed out that many people in China bought PlayStations or upgraded their graphics cards after Black Myth: Wukong’s release, similar to how many people first bought the Nintendo Switch because of Zelda

As for the global market, Dudarenok said overseas sales of China-developed games rose to $16.4 billion in 2023, up from $11.6 billion in 2019.

“Chinese games often incorporate rich cultural elements that appeal more and more to a global audience,” she said. “This unique cultural flavor sets them apart from games developed in other regions”

Ying said he expects China has at least five to 10 other stories that have been passed down over the last millennia that can be turned into games.

“If I create a new thing, I don’t know if people will like it. But something that’s lasted 1,000 years, people will definitely like it,” Ying said. “We don’t know why it was preserved over so many years. But we just need to respect the [original] artisans.”

He said Game Science sent teams and equipment to ancient temples in China to scan and replicate the designs, boosting the game’s immersive feel.

Indie Chinese games 

In the more niche market of independent games, Chinese companies are also on the rise.

Shanghai-based Cotton Game, which has a staff of 70 people, won the 2024 award for best development team in indie games from the French-supported Game Connection organization and ChinaJoy, which runs a major annual game conference in China.

“It depends on how capable we are, but [we hope to] use games as a way to share art, philosophy and thoughtful content,” the company’s CEO, who goes by the English name Cotton Guo, said in Mandarin translated by CNBC.

Cotton Game’s Sunset Hills – which took five years to draw by hand – also won the “Game of the Year” and “Best Indie Game” awards. The $20 game launched on Aug. 21 on Steam after raising $13,000 on Kickstarter.

The game follows an anthropomorphic dog through a Europe-like village, accompanied by the sounds of nature and music. Players solve puzzles along the way.

“Everyone is quite tired. In society today, the speed of life is very fast,” Robin Luo, the manager of Sunset Games. Its main character is based on his own dog. “So my hope while making Sunset Hills was that everyone playing the game could [find it] refreshing.”

Black Swan Catalysts And A Significant Change In Sentiment

 by QTR's Fringe Finance

What an interesting way to end the third quarter of 2024.

The yen carry trade chaos looked like it was going to break markets permanently a couple of weeks ago, and now here we are, back near highs with "the world‘s most important stock" (and my top contender for a black swan) Nvidia, once again beating earnings expectations yesterday and giving a positive outlook for 2025.

We are also one market review further into 5.5% interest rates, and despite assurances that we will see a rate cut in the coming month, a lot of questions remain up in the air about whether or not it will have an impact. I wanted to offer my updated thoughts on the market on my blog commented on some of the 27 individual stocks that I’ve been watching throughout the year.

For now, let's stick to overall feel of markets. As a gold and gold miner investor, I’m extremely encouraged by the fact that we are heading into Fed rate cuts with gold at all-time highs. There aren’t too many historical precedents for what I believe will take place at that point.

I think the Fed is going to try to start cutting 25 basis points at a time and be measured. Despite Powell confirming the pivot at Jackson Hole, commentary from several Fed governors over the last week, including Raphael Bostic last Wednesday, indicates that they are still in no rush to cut and are interested in incoming data—but I think this will be short-lived.



A 25 basis point cut has been priced in now for over six months. This market is trading as though significantly lower rates, like those in the 2% or 1% range, are imminent. They’re not.

No one is going to get cash from home equity re-fis changing their mortgage rate from 7% to 6.75%. No one is going to see their credit cards lower interest rates. A 25 basis point cut is going to do precisely nothing to unjam the gears of the economy. As I have been saying for a while now, I would not be surprised to see a major market crash after the first rate cut takes place. It could wind up being the ultimate "sell the news" event, the first rate cut.


And it seems to me the market's mood since Jackson Hole last Friday has been indicating that this news could already be priced in. The market was up after Powell's speech, but not significantly, and it looked tired.


Similarly, yesterday, the market had a lot of trouble keeping a bid under Nvidia which puked to session lows quickly with about 2 hours left in trading, despite the fact that the company beat its earnings report. It bought back some of those gains on Friday.  

All over social media and trading desks that I follow, people were talking about the fact that the company didn’t beat the whisper numbers. This means that market expectations are so high for the company that everybody expects a beat, and the stock really only “beats” when it beats the number above the expected beat number.

To quote Dark Helmet: “Everybody got that?”

Putting aside short-term skews, overall, the market simply feels extremely exhausted to me. And make no doubt about it, we cannot go on for an infinite number of days, weeks, and months with interest rates where they are right now and not suffer consequences. I have been late, for sure, in my prognostication that these high rates would eventually crash the market. However, if rates stay here, I know for sure I won’t be proven wrong—just wrong on timing.

Last week's revision in the jobs numbers was just one of multiple indicators that prove this economy isn’t nearly as healthy as it seems. Job growth in the United States over much of the past year was considerably weaker than initially reported. The Bureau of Labor Statistics' preliminary annual benchmark revision indicated that there were 818,000 fewer jobs in March than originally estimated. This preliminary revision represents the largest downward adjustment since 2009.

Even when we gear the CPI number with hedonic adjustments and pump the jobs number with government jobs while overpaying for stocks using leverage and paying off household expenses using credit cards, there is only so much runway left for the American economy, the American consumer and the psychology of the American investor. As I said at the beginning of the year, I continue to believe that staple stocks, utilities, miners, commodities, and energy are all going to be safe havens to play in when it comes to buying dips and owning stocks for the time being.

The market is extremely overvalued no matter how you slice it. I still believe my prediction from 2022 will hold true and that we will eventually see massive outsized moves in gold when the Fed fully lets off the quantitative tightening gas and reverts back to the inevitable quantitative easing. Gold was $1,820/oz. when I first wrote that and now sits comfortably over $2,500/oz — $200 oz. higher than my last market review just 2 months ago.

In addition to monetary mayhem, we have numerous additional catalysts coming up with an election where one candidate seems hell-bent on trying to ruin the economy and drive as much money out of the stock market and the country as possible. Oh and then there’s still that pesky fiscal situation in the U.S. that is completely untenable (listen to this interview with James Lavish and read this report from Mark Spiegel to understand).

On top of the election itself and the communist policies that I believe would be extraordinarily dangerous coming from Kamala Harris, the world remains up in arms with each other. The Ukraine-Russia conflict has not ended yet, the conflict in the Middle East continues to boil, and China continues to conduct defense drills around Taiwan. Put simply, the Biden administration has done nothing to quell geopolitical tensions, and we likely won’t see any profound shift until after the election.

If it’s not the yen carry trade blowing up or geopolitics that sets off alarms, it’s going to be commercial real estate, retail bowing out, or massive fraud or unreported liabilities popping up at a company that nobody expects. There are a number of black swan catalysts that could set off selling in addition to good old-fashioned lack of liquidity and a significant change in sentiment—both of which I think are coming. 

This time isn’t different.

Harris Accidentally Admits Economy-Crushing 'Green New Deal' Her Real Agenda

 Democrats (and Neo-Cons) never actually abandon an agenda, even if the majority of the population is against it.  Instead, they look for the backdoor and pass legislation subversively by hiding it within other measures.  The Green New Deal was a wildly unpopular concept rooted in UN-related climate directives on carbon emissions that would, if fully enforced, destroy the US economy in a decade or less. 

The EU in particular has been aggressive in expediting similar programs which now threaten the agricultural base of half of Europe. This has led to rising farmer protests and given momentum to "far-right" movements, a prospect that the social engineers at the EU Commission seem to fear more than anything else.  Their solution?  They are attempting to bribe farmers with subsidies and have offered to lessen the number of visits farms would receive from bureaucratic agents armed with fines and red tape.  How nice of them...

As Jeremy Clarkson has cleverly proven in his show 'Clarkson's Farm', trying to operate an agricultural business almost anywhere in Europe or the UK is a regulatory nightmare that would put most farmers in the US out of business immediately (America is headed in this direction).  And that's without the benefit of carbon emissions rules.  Subsidies are the only thing keeping them alive, but the real trick is that the strict regulations force farmers into a position where they need subsidies.  It's a government enforced racket

Europeans suffered supply chain collapse and true famine during and after WWII and the experience is still burned into their collective cultural memory.  It's hard to say if the bribery scheme will work out the way the EU elites hope.  Once carbon rules are passed and accepted as the norm, though, there's no chance that they will be rescinded.  They will continue to be enforced even when food inflation skyrockets again and mass starvation becomes a reality.

In the US, staunch opposition from conservatives prevented the direct passage of the Green New Deal.  Biden denied his administration had any intention of pursuing GND policies in 2020 during a debate with Donald Trump.

Biden was asked by moderator Chris Wallace if he supported the Green New Deal:

“No, I don’t support the Green New Deal,” Biden said. 

“Oh you don’t? Oh, well, that’s a big statement,” Trump interrupted. 

“I support the Biden plan that I put forward,” Biden said, “which is different than what (Trump) calls the ‘radical’ Green New Deal.” 

Of course, Biden would later covertly embed carbon policies into his "Inflation Reduction Act" - A piece of legislation that utterly failed to accomplish its name (CPI measurements have gone down, but inflation has not), but succeeded in launching the first stage of climate controls outlined in the GND.  Biden has continued to deny that the GND is a goal of his administration, but Kamala Harris seems to have spilled the beans in her first major media interview since she became the Democratic candidate.   

“I think the most important and most significant aspect of my policy perspective and decisions is my values have not changed...You mentioned the Green New Deal. I have always believed – and I have worked on it – that the climate crisis is real, that it is an urgent matter to which we should apply metrics that include holding ourselves to deadlines around time.”

Running damage control, the Harris campaign claimed after the interview that she "does not" support the Green New Deal.  Except, she just said that her "values have not changed" in reference to the Green New Deal.  The 'Inflation Reduction Act' was a Trojan horse, and it's only the beginning if Harris becomes president.

Man-made climate change theory is perhaps the biggest scientific fraud in our modern era, with absolutely no hard evidence that global warming is caused by human industrial or agricultural activity.  Official temperature records used by climate scientists only date back to the 1880s; this is a tiny sliver of time in the Earth's climate history.  When we examine the long term temperature record there have been numerous warming periods long before human created emissions.

When we compare long term temperature records to the long term carbon record, it becomes clear that carbon-based emissions have little to no influence over the Earth's climate.  Correlation is not proof of causation, and in many cases there isn't even evidence of correlation.  

The Green New Deal has nothing to do with global warming and everything to do with environmental communism.  One of the primary reasons why the GND failed to gain public support was because it included "Climate Justice" protocols which are designed to redistribute the wealth of richer nations over to poor nations.  This same agenda has been promoted by globalist institutions like the Summit For A New Global Financing Pact, which has called for the IMF and World Bank to "administrate" these carbon taxes

In other words, the globalists get billions (or trillions) in funds annually through carbon regulations, then they use that cash as leverage to pressure nations to adopt whatever policies they want.  In the meantime, richer western nations break down economically until everyone is equally poor and the globalists control the planetary pocket book.  In essence, it's a modern-day form of feudalism in the name of a climate crisis that doesn't exist.

IRS Lags Complying With Order Not To Up Rates For Under-$400,000 Earners: Watchdog

 by Naveen Athrappully via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

The IRS has made little progress in complying with a Treasury Department directive that asked the agency not to target people earning less than $400,000 a year with higher audit rates, according to a recent report by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA).

In August 2022, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) granted the IRS almost $80 billion in funding for a 10-year period, an amount that was eventually reduced to $57.8 billion. Out of this, $24 billion is set aside for enforcement activities. The same month, the Treasury secretary issued a directive to the IRS commissioner asking the tax agency not to use the additional IRA funding to boost audits on small businesses or households making less than $400,000 a year.

The Aug. 26 TIGTA report found that the IRS has made only “limited progress” in developing a methodology to comply with the Treasury directive, citing “planning and implementation challenges.”

To comply with the 2022 Treasury directive, the IRS must first establish a historical “base year” audit rate for taxpayers with incomes less than $400,000 with which to compare future compliance.

Both the IRS and the Treasury have selected tax year (TY) 2018 as the base year. However, as of May 2024, the two agencies “have not finalized the methodology to calculate the TY 2018 audit coverage rate for tax returns with TPI [total positive income] under $400,000,” the report notes.

The primary reason that the 2018 audit rate has not been calculated is that both the IRS and the Treasury have been exploring alternatives to the current methodologies for such calculations, the report notes.

The IRS already calculates audit rates based on income categories every year. For instance, for TY 2018, the audit rate for TPI between $200,000 and $500,000 was 0.3 percent.

Officials from the IRS told the TIGTA that the agency is not considering this standard approach for determining audit rates to meet the 2022 directive because it wants the flexibility to audit taxpayers who may purposefully underreport their TPI below $400,000 given that the agency intends to boost audit rates above this level.

Not an ‘Urgent Matter’

In addition, the IRS does not view the issue as an “urgent matter” since the agency believes it has enough time to develop the methodology, the report states.

The 2022 directive will look at audit rates beginning with tax year 2023, which will only be examined in fiscal year [FY] 2025, beginning in October this year.

The IRS believes it has more time to work with the Treasury Department to finalize the audit coverage rate,” the report states. “However, given the complexity of developing the methodology and that FY 2025 is only a few months away, we believe the IRS needs to expedite the finalization of its plan to comply with the Treasury Secretary’s Directive.

“The IRS was unable to provide TIGTA with a timetable or milestone dates to ensure that it is progressing toward completion. The absence of timetables and milestones increases the risk that the methodology may not be developed in time to ensure compliance with the 2022 Treasury Directive.”

After a draft of the report was submitted to the IRS, the tax agency’s deputy commissioner, Douglas W. O’Donnell, said the IRS remains committed to administering the tax code in line with the Treasury directive.

This commitment is “reflected in the enforcement efforts” undertaken by the agency since the IRA was implemented in 2022, the deputy commissioner said. For instance, the IRS has taken steps to “shift more tax compliance attention to high-income earners, partnerships, large corporations, and abusive promoters,” he stated.

Auditing Below-$400,000 Earnings

In the IRS’s response to the draft TIGTA report, O’Donnell said that the agency “will not increase audit rates relative to historical levels for small businesses and households making under $400,000 per year.” Jonathan Curry, a media relations officer from the IRS, confirmed this stance in an emailed statement to The Epoch Times.

In September last year, the agency said it was shifting attention to “wealthy from working-class taxpayers.”

However, during an October 2023 hearing at Capitol Hill, IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel hinted that audits could rise for this demographic.

During the hearing, Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.) asked the commissioner whether he was “guaranteeing” that he would “not increase the number of audits of people making less than $400,000 a year.”

Werfel indicated in his reply that while this was his “marching order” to the tax agency, the IRS may not be able to fulfill its promise.

“If we fall short of that, I will be held accountable for it,” he said.

In a November post, Sen. Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) criticized the “ambiguous” stance on the matter. Crapo claimed that the $400,000 level is applicable to total positive income, which includes all incomes earned during a year without accounting for losses.

“This could impact many taxpayers who in reality make far less than $400,000. How would this affect an Idaho small-business owner whose gross sales generate more than $400,000, but after expenses and losses, takes home much less?” he asked.

The directive also appears to include a marriage penalty, as the $400,000 threshold applies to a single individual, while couples must share it.”

This issue was mentioned in the recent TIGTA report. Couples who make $400,000 in combined income are seen as exceeding the $400,000 threshold for higher audit rates, even though they may each make less than this amount.

“When asked if this would be unfair to those married taxpayers, the IRS stated that the 2022 Treasury Directive made no distinction between married filing jointly and single households, so neither will the IRS,” the report states.

“Further, the IRS mentioned that it would be best to keep the threshold at $400,000 regardless of filing status to make it easier for the IRS to monitor progress moving forward.”