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Monday, September 16, 2024

'Drug-Resistant Bacteria Deaths Projected to Rise 70% by 2050'

 Antimicrobial-resistant bacterial infections directly caused more than 1 million deaths worldwide annually from 1990 to 2021, and that number is projected to increase by almost 70% over the next 25 years, according to a systematic analysis.

In 2021, 1.14 million deaths that were attributable to bacterial antimicrobial resistance (AMR) occurred across the globe, slightly higher than the 1.06 million AMR-attributable deaths in 1990, reported Christopher Murray, MD, DPhil, of the University of Washington in Seattle, and colleagues in The Lancet.

Bacterial AMR was also associated with an estimated 4.71 million deaths in 2021, about the same as in 1990.

By 2050, Murray and colleagues forecasted that an estimated 1.91 million AMR-attributable deaths and 8.22 million AMR-associated deaths could occur every year worldwide. From 2025 to 2050, a cumulative 39.1 million deaths attributable to AMR could occur.

However, improved access to healthcare and antibiotics could save an estimated 92 million lives from 2025 to 2050, they posited.

"These findings highlight that AMR has been a significant global health threat for decades and that this threat is growing," co-author Mohsen Naghavi, MD, PhD, MPH, also of the University of Washington, commented in a press releaseopens in a new tab or window.

On a more positive note, AMR-attributable deaths among children under the age of 5 years decreased by 60.4% from 1990 to 2021, and deaths associated with AMR decreased by 63.3%. Sepsis deaths among children younger than 5 also decreased by more than 60% over this time period.

However, among people 70 and older, deaths directly attributable to AMR increased by 89.5%, and AMR-associated deaths increased by 81.3%, from 1990 to 2021.

"The fall in deaths from sepsis and AMR among young children over the past three decades is an incredible achievement," co-author Kevin Ikuta, MD, MPH, of the University of California Los Angeles, said in the press release.

"However, these findings show that while infections have become less common in young children, they have become harder to treat when they occur. Further, the threat to older people from AMR will only increase as populations age," Ikuta pointed out.

In an accompanying editorialopens in a new tab or window, Samuel Kariuki, PhD, MSc, of the Kenya Medical Research Institute in Nairobi, noted that the reduction in deaths among young children "coincides with widespread vaccination efforts and improved access to WASH [water, sanitation, and hygiene], and infection prevention and control strategies that proved highly effective in reducing AMR burden."

Improved access to WASH infrastructure and practice coupled with use of pediatric vaccines could prevent approximately 430,000 AMR-associated deaths, "from both direct prevention of resistant infections and reductions in antibiotic consumption," Kariuki wrote.

In their predictions for 2050, Murray and colleagues projected that South Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean will be the regions with the highest all-age AMR mortality rate. Increases in deaths attributable to AMR will be largest among those 70 and older (65.9%).

However, improved access to antibiotics and better care could have the greatest benefits in South Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, and parts of Southeast Asia, East Asia, and Oceania, they noted.

The researchers also documented increases in AMR-attributable deaths for 12 pathogens from 1990 to 2021. In 2021, the six pathogens associated with at least 100,000 AMR-attributable deaths annually were Staphylococcus aureusAcinetobacter baumanniiEscherichia coliKlebsiella pneumoniae, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Deaths due to methicillin-resistant S. aureus increased the most globally, leading to 130,000 AMR-attributable deaths in 2021 -- doubling from 57,200 in 1990.

Among Gram-negative bacteria, which are some of the most resistant to antimicrobial drugs, resistance to carbapenems increased more than any other type of antibiotic, from 127,000 in 1990 to 216,000 in 2021. "If new antimicrobials are developed for currently antimicrobial-resistant Gram-negative bacteria, a forecasted 11.1 million AMR deaths could be averted by 2050," Kariuki noted.

S. pneumoniae had the most substantial decline in both AMR-associated and -attributable deaths, with AMR-attributable deaths dropping from 258,000 in 1990 to 155,000 in 2021.

Deaths attributable to AMR also varied across regions. Five regions -- western sub-Saharan Africa, tropical Latin America, high-income North America, Southeast Asia, and South Asia -- had increases of more than 10,000 AMR-attributable deaths over the 31-year period. However, among children younger than 5 years, AMR-attributable and -associated deaths decreased in all regions except Oceania. Among those ages 5 and older, AMR mortality increased in all regions except western and central Europe.

This global study relied on a statistical modeling approach using 520 million individual records from a variety of sources, including hospital data, death records, antibiotic use surveys, pharmaceutical sales data, insurance claims data, and published scientific studies, among others. Murray and colleagues looked at 22 pathogens, 84 pathogen-drug combinations, and 11 infectious syndromes from 204 countries and territories.

The authors acknowledged some limitations to the analysis. Scarcity of data in many low- to middle-income countries was a major drawback. Also, analytical errors and selection bias may have occurred when consolidating data from a large variety of sources. Forecast scenarios of AMR burden are also dependent on the quality and availability of historical data, and do not consider the emergence of new resistant strains of bacteria.


The study was funded by the UK Department of Health and Social Care's Fleming Fund and the Wellcome Trust.

Murray, Naghavi, and Ikuta reported no conflicts of interest; several co-authors reported ties to industry.

Kariuki reported no conflicts of interest.

Primary Source

The Lancet

Source Reference: opens in a new tab or windowNaghavi M, et al "Global burden of bacterial antimicrobial resistance 1990-2021: a systematic analysis with forecasts to 2050" Lancet 2024; DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)01867-1.

Secondary Source

The Lancet

Source Reference: opens in a new tab or windowKariuki S "Global burden of antimicrobial resistance and forecasts to 2050" Lancet 2024; DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)01885-3.

"Throw Society Into Chaos" - Tucker Outlines Dem Plan As Harris 'Honeymoon' Fades

 Tucker Carlson said the quiet part out loud in a brief comment last last week. Uncomfortable truths about the "party of democracy"...

If they think that there’s a chance that Trump could win decisively enough in November that they can’t steal it, then I think their only option there is to in some way throw the society into chaos as they did during COVID which was the pretext for changing the way we vote and letting people vote anonymously without IDs and drop boxes and a month before the election."

We all know what happened then (and we, the people, acquiesced so quickly):

"They completely changed everything allowing Mark Zuckerberg to spend $400 million to control the mechanics of the election. That would not have been allowed except under a state of national emergency provided them by the virus they created in a lab in Wuhan, COVID."

So, given what they have shown themselves capable of, who can really argue they would not do it (or worse) again:

"It’s pretty simple. If they feel like they’re gonna lose we will have some kind of crisis. I think it’s most likely to be a war with Iran which they want anyway, but who knows.”

Watch the full comment by Tucker Carlson below: 

‘Migrant influencer’ who urged migrants to be squatters ordered deported

 An Ohio-based immigration judge ordered the 27-year-old Venezuelan migrant, who also waved around wads of cash on social media and flaunted what he said were US government handouts, to be removed from the US on Sept. 9, according to Homeland Security sources.

Moreno crossed the southern border illegally into Eagle Pass, Texas, on April 23, 2022.

Leonel Moreno went viral on TikTok for encouraging illegal border crossers to squat in US homes.Leonel Moreno/Instagram

He was released into the country but failed to appear for required check-ins with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), leading to his arrest in Columbus, Ohio, in March.

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But despite the judge’s decree, a halt on deportation flights to Venezuela could hinder the order.

Earlier this year, President Nicolás Maduro’s administration stopped accepting flights of migrants deported from the US and Mexico in retaliation for Washington reimposing economic sanctions on the South American country, the Wall Street Journal reported.

The US said Caracas had failed to restore democratic order, the outlet explained.

The almost weekly flights from the US to Venezuela came to a halt in late January, US officials told the Journal.

President Nicolás Maduro’s administration followed through on its threats to kill an agreement reached last October for flights to go into the country, after the US reimposed economic sanctions on the country, saying Caracas had failed to restore democratic order, the outlet explained

There are also no direct commercial flights from the US to Venezuela after the Department of Transportation suspended them in 2019, citing reports of unrest and violence.

Moreno’s baby often appeared in his social media videos where he boasted about US government handouts.Leonel Moreno/TikTok

Meanwhile, a new wave of migrant crime from the Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua has emerged in US cities, including in New York City — where a 19-year-old gangbanger was accused of shooting two NYPD officers in June.

Moreno isn’t linked to the gang, but still, he has used his large social media following to encourage migrants from his home country to “invade abandoned houses” while boasting about the support they could receive from the US government.

“I didn’t cross the Rio Grande to work like a slave,” Moreno said in one Instagram clip while waving around $100 bills.

Moreno also admitted to using his 1-year-old US citizen baby as a prop in his viral posts, one of which was taken at the hospital after his daughter’s birth.

He bragged that he and his wife didn’t pay anything to have their daughter thanks to “Papa Biden.”

The “migrant influencer” was arrested in Ohio in March after he failed to appear for required check-ins with ICE.leitooficial_25/Tiktok

Intelligence officials investigating Moreno’s case have also alleged he was a sergeant of the Venezuelan general directorate of military intelligence, according to sources.

He later claimed in court that he was a rank-and-file soldier in the Venezuelan Navy, sources said.

Moreno remains in custody at the Geauga County Jail in Ohio, where he’s been laying low, Geauga County Sheriff Scott Hildenbrand previously told The Post.

The migrant also spoke to The Post from jail in April, where he wailed about being a victim of unjust “persecution.”

Moreno crossed the southern border illegally into Eagle Pass, Texas, on April 23, 2022.Leonel Moreno/Instagram
“I came here to the United States because of persecution in my country … But they’re doing the same thing to me in the United States – persecuting me,” Moreno moaned.

“It’s all misinformation in the media about me. They’re defaming me. They’re misrepresenting me in the news … I am a good father, a good husband, a good son, a good person, humble, respectful to people who respect me,” he added.

They Tried to Kill Trump AGAIN

 Donald Trump survived what appears to be another assassination attempt yesterday. It would have been the second attempt on his life within two months.

Trump was golfing at a course he owns in West Palm Beach, close to his home at Mar-a-Lago.

Scouring the course two holes ahead of Trump, an alert Secret Service agent apparently spotted the barrel of a rifle protruding from a chain-link fence behind some shrubbery. The agent who spotted the rifle evidently fired at the alleged gunman’s position, causing him to flee the scene.

The alleged gunman was evidently armed with an SKS-style rifle, a Russian design. He also had ceramic body armor, suggesting he anticipated a shootout with police. Moreover, he had a GoPro camera, indicating that he wanted to capture his deed on camera.

The suspected assassin has been identified as a 58-year-old man named Ryan Wesley Routh. An alert citizen took a picture of Routh’s vehicle and its license plate number as he fled the scene and forwarded it to the police. Based on that information, police apprehended Routh shortly afterward heading north on I-95 in Martin County, not far from West Palm Beach.

Routh appeared in court today to face federal charges. We’re not sure what motivated Routh’s alleged actions. We don’t have much to go on at this point, so I don’t want to speculate. But Routh may have been radicalized during COVID and the killing of George Floyd in 2020.

He’s called climate fanatic Greta Thunberg the world’s only true world leader, so that gives you some insight into his thinking.

Routh is also evidently a strident supporter of Ukraine.

Not Even Ukraine Wanted Him

He appears to have written a February 2023 book called Ukraine’s Unwinnable War. It details his life in Ukraine after Russia’s invasion. Routh wanted to join Ukraine’s international Legion, but he was declinedbecause he had no combat experience.

While in Ukraine, Routh tried to recruit soldiers for Ukraine’s cause and boost the war effort, but these efforts ended in failure or were stopped by the authorities. He was basically a wannabe who was frustrated by his wasted attempts to help Ukraine.

He’s also a hater of Israel who supports Palestine. Hopefully we get a clearer picture of Routh’s motivations for his alleged actions. There are a lot of rumors, but I don’t want to address them at this point because I can’t verify them.

Incidentally, Routh apparently has a Biden-Harris bumper sticker on his pickup truck, so take that for what it’s worth.

Of course, we still know very little about the assassination attempt on Trump on July 13, just two months ago, at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

So Incompetent It Seems Like a Conspiracy

We do know that the conduct of the Secret Service was so grossly negligent that they were practically participants in the assassination attempt. The scale of incompetence almost defies belief. It’s truly shocking that a gunman could get on top of a roof just 140 yards from Trump without being detected and neutralized beforehand.

There was no response to numerous witnesses who saw the shooter casing the area, using a rangefinder, flying a drone, carrying a ladder and practically carrying a sign saying, “I’m here to shoot Donald Trump.”

Other bystanders saw the shooter on the roof with the rifle and frantically warned local police and Secret Service and still nothing was done. That’s all bad enough. Now we learn the story gets worse.

The FBI was put in charge of the investigation, but they seem to be more involved in covering up the crime than solving it. It’s almost like putting the fox in charge of the henhouse.

The roof where the shooter fired from and where he was killed was washed down by the FBI not long after the shooting. His body was quickly cremated so no proper forensic autopsy could be conducted. Why?

Was that roof examined for DNA or other physical evidence that could link the shooter to a co-conspirator before it was scrubbed? We just don’t know and we may never know. But that’s just one aspect of the shooting.

More Details

Did you know that the first shot at the shooter was not taken by the Secret Service counter-snipers but by a Butler Country SWAT officer who actually hit the shooter’s rifle and may have stopped him from firing more rounds?

Did you know that most of the “Secret Service” bodyguards were not actually Secret Service but were detailees from the Department of Homeland Security who received only a few hours of training before being assigned to Trump’s security detail? The story keeps getting worse.

Not only was the Secret Service a silent participant in the shooting by letting it happen, but the FBI now seems to be involved in a cover-up. We just get the constant refrain that it’s an “ongoing investigation” and they therefore can’t discuss it. How convenient.

If Obama or Harris were the subject of an assassination attempt, you could safely bet it would lead the news every day and the FBI would be providing regular updates.

Above all, the Biden-Harris administration wants to bury this story during the campaign because they know it makes Trump look like a hero, defiantly rising from the ground after being shot in the ear, shaking his fist in the air, yelling, “Fight! Fight! Fight!”

They want voters to forget the entire incident, aided by the mainstream media that have no interest whatsoever in the story. They think we’re too dumb to notice the complete lack of coverage.

You can also assume that they’ll try to get you to forget all about yesterday’s assassination attempt on Trump.

Kamala’s Basement Strategy 2.0

Turning briefly to the election itself, the polls in the battleground states are all within the margin of error. Harris is ahead in some, Trump in others but the race is extremely tight and it’s far too soon to call a winner.

There’s some good news for Trump coming from the fact that most of the polls have been rigged in favor of Harris (by oversampling Democrats relative to their percentages of likely voters).

Reverse-engineering this pro-Democrat skew suggests that Trump has a material lead across the board, but that’s an inexact science and nothing that Trump can rely on.

Both sides will have to slug this out until Election Day, although even that’s a tricky declaration since two-thirds of the voters will cast their votes before Election Day using mail-in votes gathered in “ballot harvesting” and then dumped into drop boxes with little or no accountability.

On a more rigorous basis, the distinguished scholar and commentator Victor Davis Hanson has written a 15-point playbook on how Harris can win. Hanson does not favor Harris, but he’s too smart to take anything for granted.

Among the points in his playbook: Reinvent Harris as a fresh face. Ignore that fact that she’s been vice president for almost four years and joined at the hip with Biden. Don’t do any interviews or make any statements without a teleprompter.

Don’t offer any specific policies — just stick to platitudes and cliches.

Furthermore, call Trump a criminal, racist and threat to democracy. Talk about abortion, abortion, abortion. There’s a lot more on the list and by all accounts Harris is sticking to the script that Hanson explains.

Basically, Harris is trying to fake her way through the entire campaign (Basement Strategy 2.0) and just trying to run out the clock.

That’s how she just might win.