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Thursday, September 19, 2024

“Evangelicals for Harris” Mocks People of Faith to Shave Crucial Votes

 “Evangelicals for Harris” — the phrase alone is quite possibly the biggest oxymoron of this election cycle.

Look closely and you’ll find they’re an alliance of disgruntled anti-Trumpers clinging to the title of “Evangelical” like they know what it means, while proudly planting their cross in Kamala’s camp this November. Dig a little deeper and it’s really just an orchestrated coup by the who’s who of the “Orange Man Bad” fan club to pick off votes from a lucrative demographic that overwhelmingly supports the former president.

In a tweet not long after launching, Evangelicals for Harris announced their “ultimate allegiance is to Christ and His eternal Kingdom,” and political activity should be “rooted in the values of the Kingdom of God.”

Here is where every intellectually honest person must ask —which “Kingdom of God” values, exactly? Values that dispatch an abortion bus outside the Democratic National Convention as if it was the local ice cream truck trying to lure Joe Biden off the beach?

The alleged “kingdom values” candidate is the same one whose party horrifically peddled free parking lot abortions, and then celebrated the evil like it was five o’clock somewhere. I’m old enough to remember when even most pro-abortion supporters treated the act as somber, contemplative and rare, rather than a shamelessly exploited act in a parking lot pep rally.

No matter what happens in November, Harris’s greatest contribution to American politics may be replacing the donkey with the abortionmobile as her party’s mascot.

What a legacy.

Maybe they’re referring to the “kingdom values” that call for cutting off kids’ genitals in irreversible transgender surgeries, which the Biden/Harris administration supports. What about the “trans-refuge” created by Gov. Tim Walz in Minnesota so kids can have sex changes? Are they talking about those “kingdom values”?

And just in case paving the way for child mutilation didn’t prove Walz’s pro-trans bona fides — hold his beer trans activists — he gave the state government the thumbs up to take kids from their parents if mom and dad don’t get on board.

My Bible is fresh out of those kingdom values.

At first I was convinced I read their tweet wrong, because even the most disingenuous and deceitful among us could not possibly be that situationally unaware. Turns out depravity has no floor and no ceiling. Underestimate these people at your own peril.

Don't be distracted by the more palatable Hollywood Christianity these professing evangelicals are producing. Their culturally rebooted Jesus is a more updated, “acceptable” version — tolerable enough for the sophisticated secular elites to get behind — but he has zero regard for the actual Jesus of the Bible.

And they wrap it all up in their favorite Bible verse — “Love your neighbor.” Their kingdom values tweet tells us that’s why they get political — and you should, too — to love their neighbor.

Anytime the smarter than you crowd quotes “Love your neighbor” that’s your sign that anything they say afterward will likely not be based in truth. There are more than 31,000 verses in the Bible, at some point these alleged  “kingdom values” voters have to learn another verse.

Evangelicals for Harris is the equivalent of saying “Bambi for Hunters” or “Fish for Fresh Air.”

It’s simultaneously both the biggest self own and also the greatest insult to those of us who don’t view our faith as subjective and haven’t strayed from its core tenets, which include the authority of the Bible.

This is a key point in evangelical historian David Bebbington’s widely recognized four point definition. Just for fun, also defines “evangelical” as: “of or relating to a Christian sect or group that stresses the authority of the Bible…”

No matter, add evangelical to the growing list of word casualties that have been hijacked, repackaged and rebranded to keep up with culture. Case in point — it’s doubtful anyone needs reminded we have a female Supreme Court Justice who doesn’t know the definition of “woman.”

Author Hillary Morgan Ferrer in her book “Mama Bear Apologetics” perfectly called out this word-hostage trend as “linguistic theft.”

In the case of Evangelicals for Harris it’s an egregious, underhanded attempt to devise a moral equivalence between the evangelical faith and the values of the Harris/Walz campaign — an equivalence that categorically does not exist.

Post presidential debate this week, Evangelicals for Harris tweeted, “Every child deserves a future full of hope. Kamala Harris believes in uplifting ALL children, no matter their background. Let’s show that love in action.”

By “All” children, they definitely mean — not all.

Twelve-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray, 22-year-old Laken Riley, 20-year-old Kayla Hamilton — they were all somebody’s child.

They were all senselessly murdered by illegal aliens, thanks to  Kamala Harris and Joe Biden’s giant welcome mat that’s carpeting our Southern border.

If Harris cared about uplifting our children, more than 90 days wouldn’t have passed before she took her first field trip to the border after being put in charge of it.

If she cared about our kids she wouldn’t be in favor of irreversible sex change operations for the youngest among us.

And if she cared about uplifting our children, she wouldn’t have used the word “extreme” to describe the Born Alive bill passed by the House of Representatives last year, which ensures medical care to infants born alive following a botched abortion. A bill she also voted against as Senator in 2020.

Apparently, being born alive gets in the way of “reproductive rights.” Tell me again about “uplifting” kids. Use more emojis this time.

Booker T. Washington said, “A lie doesn’t become truth, wrong doesn’t become right, and evil doesn’t become good, just because it’s accepted by a majority.”

The “evangelical” in Evangelicals for Harris is just window dressing for a coalition of Harris supporters. There is absolutely nothing fundamentally evangelical about them.

With any luck we will soon be unburdened by what has been in this White House.

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