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Monday, September 16, 2024

'Migrant influencer' likely won’t be kicked out of the country

 “Migrant influencer” Leonel Moreno, who went viral on TikTok for encouraging illegal border crossers to squat in US homes, was ordered deported by an immigration judge — but he likely won’t be kicked out of the country anyway because of a diplomatic row.

An Ohio-based immigration judge ordered the 27-year-old Venezuelan migrant, who also waved around wads of cash on social media and flaunted what he said were US government handouts, to be removed from the US on Sept. 9, according to Homeland Security sources.

Moreno crossed the southern border illegally into Eagle Pass, Texas, on April 23, 2022.

Leonel Moreno went viral on TikTok for encouraging illegal border crossers to squat in US homes.Leonel Moreno/Instagram

He was released into the country but failed to appear for required check-ins with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), leading to his arrest in Columbus, Ohio, in March.

But despite the judge’s decree, a halt on deportation flights to Venezuela could hinder the order

Earlier this year, President Nicolás Maduro’s administration stopped accepting flights of migrants deported from the US and Mexico in retaliation for Washington reimposing economic sanctions on the South American country, the Wall Street Journal reported.

The US said Caracas had failed to restore democratic order, the outlet explained.

The almost weekly flights from the US to Venezuela came to a halt in late January, US officials told the Journal.

President Nicolás Maduro’s administration followed through on its threats to kill an agreement reached last October for flights to go into the country, after the US reimposed economic sanctions on the country, saying Caracas had failed to restore democratic order, the outlet explained

There are also no direct commercial flights from the US to Venezuela after the Department of Transportation suspended them in 2019, citing reports of unrest and violence.

Moreno’s baby often appeared in his social media videos where he boasted about US government handouts.Leonel Moreno/TikTok

Meanwhile, a new wave of migrant crime from the Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua has emerged in US cities, including in New York City — where a 19-year-old gangbanger was accused of shooting two NYPD officers in June.

Moreno isn’t linked to the gang, but still, he has used his large social media following to encourage migrants from his home country to “invade abandoned houses” while boasting about the support they could receive from the US government.

“I didn’t cross the Rio Grande to work like a slave,” Moreno said in one Instagram clip while waving around $100 bills.

Moreno also admitted to using his 1-year-old US citizen baby as a prop in his viral posts, one of which was taken at the hospital after his daughter’s birth.

He bragged that he and his wife didn’t pay anything to have their daughter thanks to “Papa Biden.”

The “migrant influencer” was arrested in Ohio in March after he failed to appear for required check-ins with ICE.leitooficial_25/Tiktok

Intelligence officials investigating Moreno’s case have also alleged he was a sergeant of the Venezuelan general directorate of military intelligence, according to sources.

He later claimed in court that he was a rank-and-file soldier in the Venezuelan Navy, sources said.

Moreno remains in custody at the Geauga County Jail in Ohio, where he’s been laying low, Geauga County Sheriff Scott Hildenbrand previously told The Post.

The migrant also spoke to The Post from jail in April, where he wailed about being a victim of unjust “persecution.”

Moreno crossed the southern border illegally into Eagle Pass, Texas, on April 23, 2022.Leonel Moreno/Instagram
“I came here to the United States because of persecution in my country … But they’re doing the same thing to me in the United States – persecuting me,” Moreno moaned.

“It’s all misinformation in the media about me. They’re defaming me. They’re misrepresenting me in the news … I am a good father, a good husband, a good son, a good person, humble, respectful to people who respect me,” he added.

Trump and the 1960s Assassinations: Never forget what the CIA did to us

 Robert W Malone MD, MS

On September 15, 2024, the American people witnessed another attempt on the life of Donald Trump, a former President and a current presidential candidate. A candidate who the deep state, the administrative state, and the globalists profoundly fear. Simply stated, the blob views President Trump as a threat to both the current AND the new world order.

As I have been watching the news, the alternate news, reading the would-be assassin’s rantings on his now-deleted Facebook and X accounts, it is hard not to think back to that period in American history in the 1960s when it appears that the government decided that it needed to remove certain political actors from the chessboard.

In our recent book, PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order, we wrote the following about this dark time in American history:

“The PsyWar campaign on America goes back decades. Senator Rand Paul stated recently: “There was a coup, and we lost our government”

The day of that coup was November 22, 1963. That was the day that John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. That was the day the U.S. government turned against its own people and began a PsyWar campaign against all of us. We just didn’t know it yet.  Nothing has been the same since.

It has taken over fifty years to realize the extent of this PsyWar campaign fully, but now there is no denying it. A new book titled: “The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: The Final Analysis: Forensic Analysis of the JFK Autopsy X-Rays Proves Two Headshots from the Right Front and One from the Rear” documents that President Kennedy was almost surely assassinated by the U.S. government, who also led the cover-up and the ensuing propaganda/PsyWar campaign regarding the events of his death. The author and scientist, Dr. David W. Mantik, uses modern imaging to prove that the wound in the president’s throat and the massive blow-out in the back of his head involved frontal bullet wounds. As Lee Harvey Oswald supposedly shot the President from behind the motorcade, this analysis provides data which refute the government’s analysis that he was the lone assassin does not hold up to scrutiny. This book presents clear and compelling testimonial and documentary evidence that the surgeons performed pre-autopsy surgery on the President’s head to remove evidence of the forehead bullet, as well as to gain access to his brain. Hence, they were able to “sanitize the crime scene” by removing bullet fragments as well as bullet tracks in the brain tissue. The forensic evidence is clear that the CIA, the FBI, and/or the U.S. Secret Service have been involved in and covered up the assassination of a sitting U.S. president [1].

As good as the forensic evidence is, there are now a vast number of books on the circumstances leading up to and after the assassination that reveal that Lee Harvey Oswald did not kill President Kennedy. In fact, there are books, studies, publications, and video reanalyzing the Warren Commission Report hearings and Exhibits, as well as the House Select Committee Report, records from the Assassination Records Review Board, the National Archives and Records Administration records, and testimony from many eyewitnesses (including the many witnesses, who were not allowed to speak to the Warren Commission).  Taken together, this evidence works to prove that the Warren Commission Report was a sham with a predetermined conclusion and was never meant as a real investigation to determine who assassinated President Kennedy. One book that stands out as thorough and compelling on this subject is “The JFK Assassination Evidence Handbook” [2].

Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty authored another important book on this topic. Prouty was a former CIA operative who worked for the agency during this period. His historic account shatters what we have all come to believe about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. This book was the basis for Oliver Stone’s movie JFK. Prouty outlines how Kennedy’s death was a coup d’état, and he presents strong evidence to that effect as well as details of the elite power base that was and is the hidden hand of the U.S. government [3]- what is often referred to as the “Deep state”.

Our government not only lied about this to the American people, but they created a massive cover-up story, which included framing an innocent man for the murder. For over sixty years, our government has not only covered up this murder, but they also made up an alternate reality of facts that have been presented as truth to the entire world.

In 1865, we almost lost our democracy due to the assassination of President Lincoln. Is November 22, 1963, the day when we truly lost our democracy to the deep state? Can we believe anything that we have since been told by our government? Why hasn’t any U.S. President come forward to tell the American people about what really happened that day?

The assassination of President Kennedy was a pivotal moment in the history of the modern PsyWar campaign against the American people by a rogue shadow government that has persisted up until this day. The rogue government that instigated this psyops upon the American people is still in control. The U.S. intelligence community is the operational organization at the very heart of this PsyWar campaign, as well as the assassination.  Full public disclosure of what has taken place and the dismantling of that apparatus is well past its due date.

The censorship-industrial complex has restricted our constitutionally protected right to freedom of speech by interfering with and manipulating what we are allowed to see and hear. With the advent of the internet, the tools available to this industry have only become more sophisticated.”

1.       Mantik, D.W., Corsi, J.R., The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: The Final Analysis: Forensic Analysis of the JFK Autopsy X-Rays Proves Two Headshots from the Right Front and One from the Rear/. 2024: Post Hill Press. 564.

2.       Davis, M., The JFK Assassination Evidence Handbook: Issues, Evidence & Answers 2018. 248.

3.       Prouty, L.F., JFK: The CIA, Vietnam, and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy. 2011. 377.