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Thursday, August 29, 2024

In San Diego's back county, illegals attempt to hijack two school buses loaded with children

 By Monica Showalter

Are the Harris-Biden open borders now Latin-Americanizing the U.S.?

That's what it looks like with this heinous and underreported incident in San Diego's back county not far from the U.S.-Mexico border:


According to a joint local Fox 5/KUSI report, which appear to be the only major outlets reporting this:

JAMUL, Calif. (FOX 5/KUSI) — Two school bus routes within the Jamul-Dulzura Union School District have been briefly interrupted over the last two days after migrants attempted to board them, according to district officials.

In an emailed notice to families obtained by FOX 5/KUSI, Superintendent Liz Bystedt said a group of migrants attempted to board along the district’s A and B school bus routes.

The first incident occurred along the Route A route near the intersection of Highway 94 and Cochera Via Tuesday afternoon. According to Bystedt, a group of three men were walking in the middle of the highway trying to stop one of the buses, prompting it to “go around” the group.

A Route B school bus Wednesday morning came upon a group of about 20 people as it was picking students up from the same stop, Bystedt said. Parents present at the site helped the bus driver ensure students were safe and that no one boarded the bus.

The school district's supervisor, Liz Bystedt, in her note to parents, didn't sound too confidence-inspiring.

In her public note, she omitted mention of illegal immigrants as the perpetrators of the two incidents, and didn't date the incidents, either. How long ago did this happen, or was it yesterday? If it was a few days or weeks ago, was she keeping it in the dark and letting kids use those bus stops despite the dangers, and as buses drove past them?

Her solution wasn't satisfactory, either. She went on to say that if these marauders are found again at a school bus stop, the bus driver will drive away without stopping.

Please stay vigilant and if the bus drives by, please follow the bus to pick up your child at the next stop.

What a message. And presumably, that's for kids going home.

But even that isn't a good solution.

This after all is a rural back-county area, so the parents in cars will have to follow the bus to the next stop and consider themselves lucky to not get hijacked themselves by the migrants from their more vulnerable cars as they convoy over to the next stop behind the bus.

While that was her 'solution' to the kids going home, she had no word about the kids trying to go to school. That nine-year-old waiting at the bus stop before the migrants massed in gets passed by, too, and too bad about his right to go to school. Maybe he's supposed to walk to the next stop to catch his bus, but again, as this is the back county badlands where temperatures are often 90 degrees early in the day, that next stop may be miles away. Hoof away, kids, and hope the migrants don't follow you to the next stop, or for that matter, take you hostage.

It calls to mind just how dangerous this could get with the Harris-Biden administration releasing all illegal border crossers into the country without significant or even any vetting. These kinds of incidents have not been seen since the single freak Chowchilla kidnapping of school kids back in the 1970s, which by the way, is just up the highway from where these back-country incidents occurred.

But they have begun appearing in Mexico.

This incident in late 2023 and early 2024 is indicative.

According to Border Report:

EL PASO, Texas (Border Report) – Police in the Mexican border state of Tamaulipas say a group of men with guns stopped a bus on the Reynosa-Matamoros highway and forced down more than 30 passengers over the weekend.

Local news media report 31 of the passengers aboard the red Grupo Senda commercial bus were migrants and were abducted for ransom.

According to Reuters, this is what it was like:

MONTERREY, Mexico (Reuters) - Honduran migrant Noel Castillo heard a volley of shots just after 7:30 p.m. in late December as he and his family traveled on a highway in northern Mexico. Through the window, he saw trucks swarm around the bus, trapping them from all sides.

"We couldn't believe what was happening; there was so much gunfire," said Castillo.

Armed, masked men in military-style clothing stormed aboard, and demanded identification from the passengers. They then abducted Castillo and 31 other migrants in a mass kidnapping that sparked a vast manhunt by Mexican authorities and underscored the risks faced by the hundreds of thousands of people who traverse Mexico each year en route to the United States to seek asylum.

On the other end of the border, in Reynosa, Mexico, whose companion city is McAllen, Texas, the U.S. Consulate General in July specifically warned about bus kidnappings in that area, too:

REYNOSA, Mexico (ValleyCentral) — The U.S. Embassy & Consulates in Mexico are warning of kidnappings on Omnibus routes from Reynosa.

The U.S. Consulate General in Matamoros has received continuous reports of organized kidnappings for ransom occurring on intercity buses departing Reynosa and Tamaulipas.

The Department of State’s Travel Advisory for Tamaulipas has issued a Level 4 Alert: Do Not Travel due to crime and kidnapping.

These kidnappings have occurred predominantly in the evenings on Omnibus buses departing south from the main Reynosa bus terminal. Kidnappers have specifically targeted passengers with connections to the United States, including U.S. citizens and residents.

These illegal border crossers who attempted to storm these school buses in San Diego may have just wanted transportation, and like the fire-starting illegals of San Diego's back county that I wrote about yesterday, figured that hijacking a bus full of kids was the natural way to get what they wanted. Start a conflagration wildfire to get transport, or just hijack a bus full of elementary schoolers.

Or, they may have had ransoms in mind, given that the area is so remote and poorly surveilled it would be pretty easy to hijack a school bus full of kids and hide it until the money is delivered. They perceive Americans as being full of money so this would be a jackpot for them, and with an unenforced border, heading back into Mexico would make getting away with it a sure thing.

Nobody knows, because thus far, nobody seems to be investigating.

It highlights just how dangerous Joe Biden's open borders are, what with wildfires started, attempted bus hijackings, beach invasions, rapes, robberies, kidnappings and murders, apartment takeovers (described today by AT Deputy Editor Olivia Murray here) and nobody held accountable for it.

Nothing is being done, nothing at all, other than border czar Kamala Harris putting out ads claiming to be "tough" on the border. She actually in charge, though, and now this bottom has dropped out -- school kids unable to go to school by her vaunted yellow school buses because illegals come first.

Any comment from her on this outrageous development? Any media curiosity? Of course not.

Just a puff piece in the works of her being "interviewed" by a pal in the press. Meanwhile border continues to slide downward, ever deep into the pathologies of Latin America, growing ever more indistinguishable from it.

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