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Thursday, August 1, 2024

Obama's Fourth Term: Bidenomics & Neofascism On Steroids

 by James Rickards via,

Americans have just passed through the most eventful and tumultuous four weeks in memory.

The only comparisons are 9/11, the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, the Watergate/Vietnam days of the 1970s, the riots and assassinations in the 1960s and the Cuban Missile Crisis.

First, we had Joe Biden’s face-plant debate performance on June 27 when he looked like a corpse and spoke in a demented way.

Then came the attempted assassination of Donald Trump on July 13 in Butler, Pennsylvania (which killed one and wounded two others).

This was followed by the Republican National Convention and nomination of J.D. Vance on July 15, the decision of Joe Biden to withdraw from the presidential race on July 21 and finally the coronation of Queen Kamala Harris in the following days (more on Harris below).

Any one of these stories would be huge news in any election cycle, but to have five such events in less than four weeks is a lot to process, let alone fully comprehend.

Far More Questions Than Answers

We know some of what happened, but much is being covered up by the government. Was Biden set up to fail at the debate as a prelude to Kamala? Was the Secret Service passively involved in the assassination by letting it happen? Did the shooter truly act alone, or did he receive assistance? Was Joe Biden threatened with a coup d’etat in the form of leaks about his health and removal from office under the 25th amendment if he didn’t step aside?

At this point, we do not have answers to these and many other questions. Still, the questions themselves are important. They’re one way to keep the record open. We should not rest until we have answers.

Questions are a tool to keep pressure on public officials and not allow them to sweep this all under the rug. The Democrats running the White House and the FBI are screeching about protecting “democracy” and offering “transparency,” yet they are the greatest threats to both.

Let’s keep the questions alive and not allow the official cover-up to prevail. Perhaps if Trump wins the election, we’ll get to the bottom of some of this in due course.

Let’s move on to Kamala Harris…

Queen Kamala

The canonization of Kamala Harris by mainstream media and the collateral gaslighting of the American people have begun in earnest.

She was a failed border czar, but now the media pretend that never happened and she was just some kind of goodwill ambassador to Guatemala. Whatever. We don’t need the media to tell us who Kamala is and what she would do.

We know already.

She’s an empty pantsuit with a low IQ and a weird ability to give long explanations that make absolutely no sense, punctuated by cackles.

Can you imagine what serious foreign leaders like Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping must think when they hear her speak? They probably can’t believe that such a person could possibly become leader of the most powerful nation in the world.

Harris is already pandering to the pro-Palestinian, anti-Israeli base of the Democratic Party.

Kamala Shuns Netanyahu

Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel, gave an address to a joint meeting of Congress on July 24. His purpose was to explain why Israel went to war with Hamas, how Israel is conducting that war and Israel’s plans for an eventual end to the conflict.

One would think those facts and forecasts would be well-known to members of Congress, but that gives them too much credit. Members of Congress get their information through a haze of biased and misleading media (like the rest of us) and have to work hard to develop reliable sources and objective assessments to understand what’s going on.

Many people don’t want to hear the facts, but here they are: The war began in response to the greatest one-day massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. It will continue until the last Hamas terrorist is dead or enough have been killed to render Hamas impotent as a fighting and terrorist force.

That may take a few more months. Once that mission is completed, Israel will establish some type of interim government in Gaza with only limited autonomy for the people there in order to prevent the reemergence of a new Hamas.

It’s All About Wokeism

Israel needs continued support from the U.S., in particular weapons systems including air defense and ammunition and intelligence sharing, in order to defeat Hamas. Addressing Congress, Netanyahu offered a blunt assessment of pro-Hamas demonstrators in the United States, especially on campuses and the streets of major cities.

He made it clear that these protesters are not humanitarians, but are simply supporters of terrorism, rape and murder. There’s room for disagreement, but it was refreshing to hear a political leader speak in such candid and honest terms.

Americans are used to the platitudes and cliches of U.S. politicians and rarely get to hear such a clear summary of the situation.

By the way, it might be a stretch to call the forum a “joint” meeting of Congress. Many Democrats boycotted the session, including VP Kamala Harris, who was to have a prominent role as president of the Senate.

Her cowardice and that of her colleagues reveal most Democrats for who they really are — supporters of terror and haters of Israel. They see everything through the prism of wokeism, which holds that there’s always an oppressed group and an oppressor who’s stomping on them.

In their view, Israel is the oppressor and Palestinians are the oppressed. It doesn’t matter what atrocities Hamas or other terrorist organizations commit because the greater injustice is Israeli “oppression,” which is much more imagined than real.

Obama’s Fourth Term

Anyway, here’s what you do need to know as investors: A Harris victory means more of the same. It’s been argued, correctly, that Biden’s presidency has really been Obama’s third term. Key Obama personnel have been behind the scenes, calling the shots the entire time.

Kamala’s an Obama puppet, and even though Biden and Harris can’t stand each other, they both carried the Obama baton. What that means is more government dysfunction. It means more of the Green New Scam, including attacks on big oil and gas and a hold on new leases for drilling on federal lands.

It means a wider war in Ukraine with a risk of escalation to a nuclear war. It means higher taxes and more regulation. It also means slower economic growth, not by design, but as a result of excessive government debt relative to GDP.

Furthermore, it means expanded weaponization of the Department of Justice, FBI and Department of Homeland Security. You’ll have continued open borders resulting in lower wages for all Americans and widespread diseases like whooping cough and tuberculosis from the unvaccinated aliens.

More government censorship will be the norm. This list goes on, but no guesswork is required. This will be Bidenomics and neofascism on steroids.

If Harris wins, investment winners would be Big Tech, Big Pharma, China and the Green New Scammers. Investment losers would be oil and natural gas, defense and mining.

If Trump wins, it would be the opposite. Guess which I’m hoping for.

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