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Saturday, August 3, 2024

'With 100 days to go before Election Day, mainstream moderation breaking out all over from Dems'

 By Monica Showalter

What is it with Democrats? Now that we are 100 days out from Election Day on Nov. 3, moderation is breaking out all over.

Instead of the customary extremism we have seen these past three years, we are supposed to think they've gone moderate and mainstream. That's rather contrasting to their record in office, which they have assured us, was highly successful and popular.

Case one: The sickening plea deal announced by the Department of Defense on 9/11 terrorist mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, in exchange for, well, nothing. They just didn't want to punish him for killing nearly 3,000 Americans 23 years ago, as well as young Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, because leftists don't believe in punishing criminals, let alone terrorists. Terrorists, as the pro-Hamas campus protests of the Spring indicated, are romantic freedom fighters.

After a public outcry, the DoD made a sudden U-turn.

According to CNN:

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin abruptly revoked a plea deal for the alleged mastermind of the September 11, 2001, terror attacks and his co-conspirators, and he relieved the overseer in charge after years of effort to reach an agreement to bring the cases to a close.

In a surprise memo quietly released Friday night, Austin said the responsibility for such a significant decision “should rest with me.” Only two days earlier, the Pentagon announced that it had reached a plea deal with Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, more commonly known as KSM, and two other defendants – Walid Bin ‘Attash, and Hawsawi – accused of plotting the attacks.

The memo, addressed to Susan Escallier, the convening authority for military commissions who runs the military courts at Guantanamo Bay, said the defense secretary would immediately withdraw her authority in the cases and “reserve such authority to (himself).”

Austin said that he was withdrawing from the three pre-trial agreements, which had taken the death penalty off the table for the three men.

So they didn't want to be radical leftists after all. Nothing left of the plea deal but a little egg on their faces.

The reality, though, is that this Susan Escallier creature, a radical U.C. Berkeley graduate and likely DEI-promotion, has been at it for awhile, letting them off, and getting them out. Austin said he was "withdrawing her authority," presumably in cases that would enrage the public, but he hasn't relieved her of command.

With elections on, she jumped the shark and it was enough for Austin to get involved, taking his orders from someone above him, most likely Joe Biden, doing the bidding of Kamala Harris, or their campaign managers and donors. It's unlikely it was Austin acting by himself. He doesn't like making waves. Now he's gone moderate.

Meanwhile, over at the Department of State, all of a sudden, they're outraged at Nicolás Maduro and now say he didn't "win" his stolen election from this past weekend after all. They aren't stalling and demanding proof and investigations and commissions and all the other dreary he-said, she-said discussion of what happened. They are calling fraud 'fraud,' and even making nice with the actual winners of the vote, with Secretary of State Antony Blinken calling them up on the phone as reported here.

According to Axios:

The U.S. State Department said Thursday that it is recognizing opposition candidate Edmundo González Urrutia as the rightful winner of Venezuela's presidential elections.

Why it matters: President Nicolás Maduro has claimed, without evidence, that he won Sunday's contest. The U.S. government says there is "overwhelming evidence" González won.

Catch up quick: Ahead of the election, Maduro banned opposition leader María Corina Machado from running. González ran in her place, though she campaigned with him.

  • Without releasing a tally, the Maduro-aligned electoral commission, CNE, declared him the winner with 51% of the vote.
  • But the opposition says it has tallies from 80% of precincts that show González easily beating the deeply unpopular Maduro, who has governed over a massive economic crisis while further dismantling the country's democratic institutions.

Driving the news: The U.S. on Monday said it had "serious concerns" about the fairness of the election results but did not outright denounce them.

So that's a U-turn to the mainstream, too. They wasted several days waiting for the Chinese, Cubans and Russians to come to Maduro's rescue to help him consolidate power, but in the end, went with what all normal people saw -- a flamingly, brazenly, stolen election by an evil communist dictator.

Part of the delay may have been the egg-on-their-faces issue, given that they released a string of criminal kingpins back to Maduro in exchange for "free and fair" elections, allowing themselves to be played for fools. The other part may be that they are commiting the same kinds of fraud over here and are sensitive to the fraud issue.

Nevertheless, they are admitting the obvious, taking the mainstream point of view, and putting on a decent and moderate face for the voters. Maduro committed fraud, it's a plain as day and now they are saying so publicly, and enraging their radical leftist allies.

There was also the hostage and prisoner exchange with Russia, which to some extent may be in this category, given that these negotiations are complex and take time, especially this one. The Biden administration shot its wad by trading the big prize of arms dealing kingpin Viktor Bout for basketball player Brittney Griner who was in the can on a marijuana violation, which struck many as giving away the store. After that, Putin took an innocent young Wall Street Journal reporter, Evan Gershkovich, hostage and Biden had nothing left to trade, save for what the European allies could cough up from their prisons.

The bottom line is that Biden and Harris sought to capitalize on the exchange politically by showing up at their release, which was a far cry from the grudging appearance Biden alone made at the return of the bodies of 13 service members killed by Taliban terrorists during the U.S. pullout, with Joe looking at his watch, suggesting he had better things to do.

Suddenly, they've gone moderate. Suddenly, they've gone mainstream.

Verbally, we see a lot of this stuff, too. Kamala Harris insists she's not against fracking, and both Biden and Harris insist they are big on defending the border, now that the barn door has been left open for awhile. Reporter Todd Bensman says all signs point to a temporary agreement between Mexico's president, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador and Biden to damp down the border activity until election time and then let-'er-rip afterwards, which is likely to happen. Once again, the temporary moderate face makes its appearance known.

They even claim to care about inflation, still blaming others, but at least not calling it transitory or saying it's zero. Their minions have even tried to make the claim that President Trump will make it worse, a ridiculous claim when we all remember what inflation was like under President Trump. Aside from that, they say it's the doing of Putin, or Big Oil, or "greedy" gas station owners, or chicken plant owners, or whatever they can think of, instead of their own out-of-control government spending. But they are trying the same moderate face tactics.

They're actually quite weak on this front, which is why the Trump camp should hit them hard for it -- they can't put on a moderate face when people know what's in their checkbooks.

The rest is a smog of gaslighting, lots of moderate deeds and words, as if with Democrats, you get 100 days of sanity, and three and a half years of far-left lunacy.

The voters should know this, this strangely moderate face put on for election time, against their far-left record of radicalism all the other days of their administration, running the entire U.S. government like a one-party blue city with all the failure that entails, along with the corruption.

It's sickening stuff and needs to be called out. Leopards don't change their spots overnight.

One can only hope that the Trump campaign can effectively counter this Eddie Haskell act from Camp Harris-Biden and drive home to voters that these people are putting on a carnival barker's face and will revert to form once they are safely ensconced in power.

It's a tall task, but it's got to be fought with political trench warfare, one phony gaslight at a time. I hope they are up for it.

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