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Thursday, September 5, 2024

In New York, dead bodies are starting to turn up

 Amid all the other calamities brought on by illegally present migrants -- attacks on police, mass shopliftings, rapes, strongarm robberies, murders -- the New York City area is suddenly seeing a disturbing trend:

The writer of the tweet notes:

This surge in gruesome discoveries is highly unusual for New York City, where such crimes have historically been rare. The recent wave of violent acts represents a disturbing new trend, raising concerns among residents and law enforcement alike. Some of my police sources have pointed to the possibility that these crimes could be linked to migrant gangs operating in the city. However, these connections are still under investigation, and no definitive conclusions have been reached. Each case is being investigated separately by authorities, who are working to uncover the circumstances behind these events. The increase in such discoveries has caused concern among residents, prompting heightened awareness in the community.

No, they aren't sure yet that it has anything to do with migrants, and you can bet certain Democrat authorities will cover it up if it does, but amid all the other problems seen with migrants, particularly the presence of lawless gangs who have little fear of the law, it would probably be a good place to look.

The details are so disheartening:

According to News 12 of Long Island:

A shocking discovery of human remains in a suitcase was made along the side of the road in Huntington Station Tuesday.
Suffolk police say the body was found in the suitcase around noon outside of an apartment building.
One resident, who asked to be referred to as Taylor, says she noticed something unsettling during a morning walk and called police.
"I was taking a walk and I just, I smelled something. I saw a whole bunch of flies. I had looked over and I saw the suitcase,” she said. “So then I called it in, I was like I'd rather be safe than sorry. This is out of the ordinary. This is not normal."
Flavio Ribadeneyra, of Huntington Station, came home to find police blocking off part of Nassau Road. He said he also noticed a foul smell Tuesday morning.
"This is unbelievable,” he said. "You would never think that something like that would happen in your building or around your building!"
Nobody knows who did it. Whoever the victim may be, he may have no traces of identity here, given the open border.
I think I've actually been to that station to visit an old college friend -- leafy green and full of old clapboard Long Island homes. Billions of flowers all around in summer with the sound of birds singing and crickets chirping. No, you wouldn't expect a mob-style rubout with brazenly displayed remains in a place like that.
But there are places where these kinds of random murders and body dumpings have been pretty normal.
By coincidence, they are the kinds of places these problematic migrants are coming from.
What it reminds me of is Medellín, Colombia, during its Pablo Escobar years in the 1990s. When President Alvaro Uribe got the place cleaned up, it became a peaceful, beautiful, business-oriented city, circled by Hong Kong bauhinia trees with big pink flowers.
But once upon a time, it was a dump, a horrible, lawless, despairing, desolate place where dead bodies were found at every culvert and vacant lot, some deposited next to 'no body dumping' signs in a pathetically futile effort to stop it.
No body dumping sign in Medellin, Colombia
The sign, scrawled crudely in Spanish as if to convey an authority in an absence of any authority, says 'No body dumping.'
It's followed by a scene of a bound, rotting body with vultures picking at it just behind the sign, and too gross to post.
This 39th-minute scene in La Vírgen de los Sicarios was vivid to me in summing up the hopelessness of an ineffective government amid demonic, lawless gangs wreaking warfare against the entire polity, a world of absolute despair -- and conveyed with flawless artistry just through that sign.

It's one of my favorite movies based on its realistic portrayal of an absolute moral abyss -- in society as a whole, and in the hearts of all of its characters, a place where nothing is good, everything is rotted out and corrupted.

You'll feel you need to take a moral shower after watching that one, but at the same time, it's good the way Mick Jagger's Sympathy for the Devil is good -- in that it depicts evil so accurately.

Medellín didn't get to that point overnight, and neither will New York City now that bodies are turning up in random places around the area. But the former did slide there eventually, the product of unenforced laws, corrupt judges, mass migration from the countryside creating vast slums, and young people with nothing to live for and nothing to do with themselves. With bodies turning up and nobody solving the murders, it's a sign of something ominous.

That sounds like New York, too, still upstream from what happened to Medellín. But with bodies turning up and eventually dulling the public to such events, it's bound to keep getting worse. New York could become what Medellín was, the big business city of the country in each case, becoming its most hellish redoubt. That's inevitable if a new Uribe, a determined leader whose mission is to take down the radical left and the forces of lawless corruption, doesn't appear soon.

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