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Sunday, September 22, 2024

Media Spreading Disinfo On Scale That Dwarfs Whatever Russia Hopes To Accomplish

David Sacks at the recent All-In Summit talked about media bias and lying about science during COVID.

"You bring up these stories about Russian influence or whatever. The real influence operation in this country is by the mainstream media. They're the ones who are spreading disinformation about the war in Ukraine and so many other issues on a scale that dwarfs what any of these handful of podcasters that most people have never heard of can ever hope to accomplish," Sacks said.

DAVID SACKS, ALL-IN PODCAST: I agree with you that the mainstream media is not just biased, it's just like all propaganda all the time. And the turning point for me in realizing this was COVID, I think before COVID, I realized that yeah, you know, the media is, the mainstream media is largely consists of liberals, so they're gonna have a liberal bias. What we saw during COVID was that they were even lying about science, right? It wasn't just politics, it's like everything.

You know, we were told that the pandemic was a pandemic of the unvaccinated, even though, even if you got the, what they were calling the vaccine, it didn't actually stop the spread. You go on and on that, you know, we had to basically do social distancing, except when the riots of 2020 happened, then you're allowed to go outside and actually participate because of social justice cause. So therefore, the health changes.

I mean, it was like on and on. No church, but you can go to a protest. Right, right.

So no surfing. So it was like, for me, it became so obvious that, that the media is just, again, it goes way beyond bias. You know, it's like, it's just all wrong.

Now, at the same time, I think that you do raise a good point, which is once you're outside the world of the prestige media, yeah, you are kind of on your own. You're on independent platforms. I use X to try and figure out, you know, who I should listen to.

And the way I do it is I compare who said what compared to what actually happened. So like who ended up being right about the issues, and then I will follow them more and I will defollow the people who are wrong. It's really simple.

For example, on the issue of Ukraine, the number one quoted source in the mainstream media is a think tank called the Institute for the Study of War. It's basically a neocon funded think tank who are the relatives of Victoria Nuland, who was the architect of our policy in Ukraine. Everything they've written over the past two and a half years about Ukraine has been proven wrong.

They said that the summer counteroffensive last summer was going to be a giant victory. It ended up being a disaster. So these are her relatives, you said? Her relatives.

And the mainstream media, the New York Times, and so on, quotes ISW. If you go look at the citations, it is the single most cited authority by the mainstream media, and they are consistently wrong. Who was right about the summer counteroffensive? Well, I was, for example.

While we're handing out credits. And I certainly didn't need to be paid by the Russians. I just figured out what the truth was.

Okay, J-Cal? So you bring up these stories about Russian influence or whatever. The real influence operation in this country is by the mainstream media. They're the ones who are spreading disinformation about the war in Ukraine and so many other issues on a scale that dwarfs what any of these handful of podcasters that most people have never heard of can ever hope to accomplish.

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