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Thursday, September 12, 2024

Mexican officials reportedly selling 'humanitarian' visas to migrants heading to the U.S.

 By Monica Showalter

In Mexico, they call it la piñata. That's the transition period between two presidents where the outgoing president, and his minions, supposedly steal everything that isn't nailed down before exiting office. Their appetites are boundless. By legend, one of them even unscrewed and stole the light bulbs.

But for us in the states, this isn't funny.

According to Breitbart News:

Mexican immigration officials have been allegedly pulling out all the stops to illegally make as much money from migrants before the government places their teams in leadership positions. The actions come as a new administration is expected to take office in Mexico next month. Breitbart Texas spoke with director-level officials at Mexico’s National Migration Institute, who revealed details of what has become common practice whenever there is a change in leadership.

The INM sources revealed that individuals in positions of leadership sell documents, charge for favors, and extort migrants and travelers to make as much cash as possible before they are moved out.

One INM source revealed that Carmen Yadira De Los Santos Robledo, the current INM regional delegate in Yucatan, has been pressuring her staff into demanding bribes and illegally selling travel documents.

...which means the more they "sell," the more money they make. Hence, la piñata. When you're going to be out of a job at the end of the month, you can take home a handsome take-home "bonus." What are they going to do, fire you? You've already been fired as AMLO exits and President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum takes those "slots," as Hillary Clinton use to say. And it hard to catch anyone if everyone's doing it.

This isn't the first time we have seen this kind of bribery, payoffs, la vacuña and la mordida (so many words for it in Latin America) happening as a result of Joe Biden's open border policies.

In Colombialocal officials have been accused in the north of doing comparable shakedowns of illegal migrants. In Nicaragua, "little dictator" Daniel Ortega has got a whole money-making operation going, flying in migrants on chartered flights for the journey northward, with the added bonus of sticking it to gringo. Cartels make cash, and so do NGOs. Why wouldn't countries get a piece of the action, too?

So it's quite likely, the secret handshake deal between Joe Biden and AMLO, to keep the migration numbers down until the election is over, is over. The U.S. of course, can "revise" its statistics upward like they always do and all will be hunky dory.

The only people who pay will be the American taxpayers, who will have to feed, shelter, educate and jail a bigger wave of migrants. It goes to show the value of President Trump's border deals with Mexico on migration, and the failure of border czar Kamala Harris to do anything of value to stop it. The first thing she should have done was restore those deals. Not having them is a bonanza for every corrupt Mexican official out there -- at Americans' expense.

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