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Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The more the press debunks the illegals-eating-cats reports, the more the memes come out

 By Monica Showalter

Oh, the chagrin Democrats feel now that the political "narrative" has shifted from "childless cat ladies" to their favored Haitian migrants eating cats, with J.D. Vance in the middle of both and clearly coming out on top with the narrative shift. They rant, they rail, they "fact-check," they dismiss, they debunk, and try to shut any questions down.

But they are powerless against the flood of memes that has emerged, as if the entire country's imagination has been captured by the matter, triggering an outpouring of creativity the likes of which has not been seen elsewhere in this election, buttressed by the availability of artificial intelligence meme generators, which use objects that machines have been programmed to view as non-political and non-conservative, and therefore, are easily obtainable, not censored, nor edited out.

Here are some:

No wonder the press establishment and its political masters are pushing back so hard against the public's fascination with the story, debunking it as "baseless."

It's so damning for their narrative, and cripes, the public is spreading them all over. While the press and politicos debunk these stories with their usual haughty certainty, the public runs right past them with their memes, catch them if you can.

After all, many of these meme makers have seen a lot of witness testimony in official hearings, photographs, and background information about Haitian cultural practices, which suggests there's something to the story that ought to at least be looked into, even as "journalists" close the books on the matter based on claims from police spokespeople that they have no reports of cats being eaten by migrants.

That pat claim has a lot of holes in it and to insist that the police and more particularly, their leftist political bosses, have no interest in getting the spotlight off the city and whatever they may be doing to import the cat-eaters in is certainly worth a question or two from the press. But the press is incurious.

So the meme-makers aren't buying it, they're just meme-ing more, because wasn't it cops and city officials who claimed that reports of illegally present Venezuelan gang members taking over apartment buildings in Aurora, Colorado, north Dallas, Chicago, New York, and now El Paso were "baseless"? Aren't these the same people who spread disinformation about COVID and ivermectin to justify lockdowns, calling any skeptic a conspiracy theorist? Aren't these the same officials who insisted the 2020 election was "the most secure in U.S. history" and who called anyone questioning that a conspiracy theorist?

Now with reports of migrants eating pets along with ducks and geese in parks, the 'nothing to see here, move along' claim, swallowed whole by the press is not selling like it used to with the public.

So here we are -- the reports out of Springfield, Ohio, a city overwhelmed by Joe Biden's secret migrant flights at taxpayer expense, and this story has caught fire with the public, seemingly as a response to all the automatic debunking coming from the press and its political masters.

After all, it's hard to argue 'facts' with an artistic, and very funny meme which doesn't claim to be factual, but can only be funny if it expresses something that's true.

This is why dictators in places like the Soviet Union (read any of the works of Vladimir Voinoivich), East Germany (see: The Lives of Others), Czechoslovakia (read: The Joke, by Milan Kundera) and Cuba (note the rappers and punk rockers like Gorky who have been jailed) have always responded with incredible force at those who crack jokes about their dictatorships. That would also explain the response we are seeing now from the totalitarian-minded left, which has been dining out on censorship and deplatforming for years. Can't "fact-check" these memes away in the slanted way NewsGuard does against news stories and even blog posts which it then puts on blacklists.

The memes are all the public has left to express that something is wrong with Kamala Harris's open borders. That's why this feels as though some kind of turning point has been reached as this election progresses towards its finish. It's said that winning candidates in modern elections always are the masters of the most important medium of the day. Up until now, that's been Kamala Harris with her TikTok mastery. But that's suddenly looking like yesterday's medium with the advent of artificial intelligence (used for generating memes). On that front, the Trump side is clearly coming out as supreme in AI memes.

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